Битката е за постRound 1
Ivolver uses the skill Darkness Curse and decreases all Czesio_KLN's skills by 1.
Ivolver uses the skill Darkness Curse and decreases all Mloda's skills by 1.
Ivolver uses the skill Darkness Curse and decreases all Kusznik's skills by 1.
Ivolver uses the skill Darkness Curse and decreases all Sokole_oko's skills by 1.
Ivolver uses the skill Darkness Curse and decreases all Brzydki's skills by 1.
Ivolver uses the skill Darkness Curse and decreases all Nowy_w_branzy's skills by 1.
Ivolver buffed with Inner Spirit Ivolver for 4376 points and now he has 9846 health.
Ivolver uses the skill Sickness on Czesio_KLN, decreasing his Health with 750.
Ivolver uses the skill Sickness on Brzydki, decreasing his Health with 500.
Ivolver uses the skill Sickness on Nowy_w_branzy, decreasing his Health with 500.
Ivolver uses the skill Sickness on Sokole_oko, decreasing his Health with 500.
Ivolver uses the skill Sickness on Kusznik, decreasing his Health with 500.
Ivolver uses the skill Sickness on Mloda, decreasing his Health with 500.
Ivolver uses the skill Blur on Sokole_oko, decreasing his Dexterity with 50.
Ivolver uses the skill Blur on Mloda, decreasing his Dexterity with 50.
Ivolver uses the skill Blur on Nowy_w_branzy, decreasing his Dexterity with 50.
Ivolver uses the skill Blur on Kusznik, decreasing his Dexterity with 50.
Ivolver uses the skill Blur on Czesio_KLN, decreasing his Dexterity with 50.
Ivolver uses the skill Blur on Brzydki, decreasing his Dexterity with 50.
Ivolver tries to use the skill Reflect Damage on Nowy_w_branzy.
Ivolver successfully uses the skill .
Czesio_KLN uses the skill Leadership on his party and raise their attributes with 20%.
Brzydki tries to use the Petrify skill.
Petrify fails. 99/4
Brzydki successfully uses the Losing focus skill and Merc loses 8 from his Critical Hit Chance.
Brzydki uses the skill Sickness on Merc, decreasing his Health with 630.
Brzydki uses the skill Sickness on Ivolver, decreasing his Health with 420.
Brzydki uses the skill Sickness on Merc, decreasing his Health with 420.
Brzydki uses the skill Sickness on Merc, decreasing his Health with 420.
Brzydki uses the skill Sickness on Merc, decreasing his Health with 420.
Brzydki uses the skill Blur on Merc, decreasing his Dexterity with 20.
Brzydki uses the skill Blur on Merc, decreasing his Dexterity with 20.
Brzydki uses the skill Blur on Merc, decreasing his Dexterity with 20.
Brzydki uses the skill Blur on Merc, decreasing his Dexterity with 20.
Brzydki uses the skill Blur on Ivolver, decreasing his Dexterity with 20.
Team 1 takes turn
Ivolver 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio_KLN 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Mloda 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Kusznik 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Sokole_oko selected Merc , Merc tries to use Taunt skill.
Sokole_oko doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Merc. Level difference modifier is 1 .
Merc's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 48
Sokole_oko 34.16/31.38166047088 hit evaded.
Sokole_oko 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Damage reduced from 723.49533333333 with 64
Sokole_oko hits Merc for 659.49533333333 and the latter is left with 1308.5 health.A critical hit is performed! 29/48!
Sokole_oko 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Damage reduced from 794.49533333333 with 22
Sokole_oko hits Merc for 772.49533333333 and the latter is left with 1627.5 health.Volley attack performed!A critical hit is performed! 4/48!
Brzydki 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Nowy_w_branzy 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 12.
Team 1 takes turn
Ivolver 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio_KLN 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Mloda selected Merc , Merc tries to use Taunt skill.
Merc successfully used Taunt skill and redirected the attacker to himself (47 / 50)
Mloda doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Merc. Level difference modifier is 1 .
Merc's block percentage is 60.
Critical Hit Chance: 58.5
Mloda 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Damage reduced from 239.86 with 64
Mloda hits Merc for 175.86 and the latter is left with 1132.64 health.
Mloda 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Mloda 60.65/25 hit evaded.
Mloda 73.53/25 hit evaded.Volley attack performed!
Kusznik selected Merc , Merc tries to use Taunt skill.
Kusznik doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Merc. Level difference modifier is 1 .
Merc's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 0
Kusznik 5.15/60 Block successful.
Kusznik 77.25/25 hit evaded.
Kusznik 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Kusznik 77.49/30.803498542274 hit evaded.
Kusznik 46.66/30.803498542274 hit evaded.Volley attack performed!
Sokole_oko 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Brzydki 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Nowy_w_branzy selected Merc , Merc tries to use Taunt skill.
Nowy_w_branzy doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Merc. Level difference modifier is 1 .
Merc's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 0
Nowy_w_branzy 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Damage reduced from 200.01312 with 22
Ivolver hits Nowy_w_branzy for 53.403936 and the latter is left with 1564.2 health. ( 30% Reflect Damage )
Nowy_w_branzy hits Merc for 178.01312 and the latter is left with 1449.49 health.
Nowy_w_branzy 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 11.
Nowy_w_branzy 2.72/60 Block successful.
Damage reduced from 200.01312 with 64
Ivolver hits Nowy_w_branzy for 20.401968 and the latter is left with 1543.79 health. ( 15% Reflect Damage )
Nowy_w_branzy hits Merc for 136.01312 and the latter is left with 996.63 health.Volley attack performed!
Team 1 takes turn
Ivolver 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 10.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 10.
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 10.
Merc doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Kusznik. Level difference modifier is 1 .
Kusznik's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 31
Damage reduced from 180.27083333333 with 28
Merc hits Sokole_oko for 152.27083333333 and the latter is left with 1545.73 health.
Damage reduced from 1174.6291666667 with 18
Merc hits Nowy_w_branzy for 1156.6291666667 and the latter is left with 387.16 health.A critical hit is performed! 34/47.5!
Merc 20.59/60 Block successful.Standing Ground skill adds bonus 0% to armor.
Damage reduced from 308.45416666667 with 32
Merc hits Brzydki for 276.45416666667 and the latter is left with 1616.67 health.
Damage reduced from 1166.1875 with 32
Merc hits Kusznik for 1134.1875 and the latter is left with 227.81 health.Volley attack performed!A critical hit is performed! 16/31!
Merc doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Mloda. Level difference modifier is 1 .
Mloda's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 11.5
Damage reduced from 217.9025 with 32
Merc hits Kusznik for 185.9025 and the latter is left with 41.91 health.
Damage reduced from 226.34416666667 with 18
Merc hits Nowy_w_branzy for 208.34416666667 and the latter is left with 178.82 health.
Deflect Arrows stance reduces damage taken, which is 66.2325 with 46.36275.
Damage reduced from 19.86975 with 32
Merc hits Czesio_KLN for 0 and the latter is left with 9469.8 health.
Damage reduced from 164.36083333333 with 28
Merc hits Sokole_oko for 136.36083333333 and the latter is left with 1409.37 health.
Damage reduced from 292.54416666667 with 32
Merc hits Brzydki for 260.54416666667 and the latter is left with 1356.12 health.
Merc 98.13/54.532867881322 hit evaded.Volley attack performed!
Merc 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 10.
А това е и наемника ловец на противника
Name : Sokole_oko
Level 54
Class: _str_hero_type_2
Damage 126.4 - 703.59
Range: 10
Critical Hit Chance: 94%
Block Chance: 0%
Total Armor: 3431
Items' Agility Modifier: 0%
Items' Dexterity Modifier: 0%
При положение,че е с 10 обсег и му правя проклятие на мрака не трябва ли да стане с 9 обсег и да бие след мене при положение че мойте ловци са с 10 обсег.А изведнъж ме пере още преди да съм почнал аз.Някои да обясни.
В другата битка ми се получи абсолютно същото.Противника го дава с 8 обсег изведнъж почва да ме бие още от 10 обсег както и аз го бия