Author Topic: Announcements  (Read 27098 times)

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Re: Announcements
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2011, 11:54:15 AM »
Old Sands

Selected fragments from translations of totems and pictograms, found by the Second imperial Geographic Expedition in the northern territories of Western Karaganda, in year 1001 from the Reunion:

Millions and millions of years ago there were only the sky and the earth.
And, for some time, it was good.
Millions and millions of years passed and the sky has fallen in love with the earth.
Finally the two decided to get married and from this marriage the Great Tortoise was born.
All mighty and immortal she was. And her shell was harder than the hardest of stones, located in the east. So, the sky and the earth ordered the Great Tortoise to create trees, animals and men, so she can become their Mistress. She began her work and the first trees, animals and men that came from her were wise and were able to speak with each other, and they lived together in a perfect harmony. Thousand and thousands of years passed and all was good. Tortoise’s creations  managed to build wondrous cities and were able to subdue the elements of nature, and in the very center of their land, they erected an impressive temple for their goddess, in which they flocked every day to thank her for having created them all.
The information about how this great civilization was wiped out from the face of the earth is missing. Fragmented symbols were found, suggesting about “envy”, “pride” and “greed”, but what is known for sure, is that, at some point Tortoise asked her father – the sky – to flood everything with his deep waters and her mother – to punish the trees, the animals and the men for their insolence. Trees were deprived of their minds and they could never walk again. Animals were deprived only from their minds, so they turned into wild beasts. And men were deprived of their culture and were sent to dwell into caves, forests and barren lands.
Only the Temple of Tortoise remained unscathed – to remind the fallen godly creations about their lost greatness.

Offline Oton

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Re: Announcements
« Reply #31 on: January 28, 2011, 11:34:02 AM »
Ominous Fields

‘Go, My Lord’, the captain yelled over his shoulder, while drawing his sword out, making gestures to his men to deploy along the hallway, ‘I don’t know how long can we hold them off, but we will do our best to give you several more minutes!’
Lord Verix, imperial proxy in the province and steward of the Lone Castle, was standing still, looking at the soldiers with an emptiness in his eyes. The Captain of his personal guard opened his mouth to urge him again, but at the same time a fearsome, inhuman roar shook the foundations of the entire Castle. Soldiers, servants and esquires’ faces became pale with terror.
The reavers were coming.
‘For Father’s sake, go, at last’, the Captain repeated nervously, looking straight into his lord’s eyes.
The noble nodded at his loyal bodyguard, saying farewell, then turned and ran.
He passed through the several corridors, standing between him and the courtyard and he almost broke the exit door on his way out… Only to see the horses were gone.
Constrained growl came out somewhere from his right side and the steward started turning into that direction, but, at the same moment, he realized his reactions were far too slow, compared those of the monsters who were taking over the stronghold.
A giant nodulous hand hit his head behind the ear harshly, stars sparkled in front of his eyes and then the darkness came. Verix immediately lost conscience and fell on the ground quietly and without fanfares.
The first thing he felt, when he woke up, was his clothes were gone, somebody was holding his leg tightly, and his back was dragging along a wet and not very smooth stone surface. In the next moment he felt the pain and his started crying out loud.
The cave was narrow, fetid and poorly lit, but after some moments, when the veil of the agony was somewhat lifted from his eyes, he was able to get a look on the silhouette of the one who was dragging him. Dressed only in a band, the figure was at least two and a half meters tall, its massive and strong legs were making wide and fast paces, and the back of this abomination was so huge, it could carry at least two wagons of people on it. His left hand was holding the lord’s ankle, and the right one was carrying a giant, two-edged war axe.
The creature suddenly stopped and turned instantly towards his captive.
Verox looked at its face and started screaming again.
This time – in terror.

Offline Oton

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Re: Announcements
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2011, 12:17:57 PM »

Paparazzi photos of the new Tier 7 monsters and villains are circling through media and Internet as we speak.
Imperial Hero Team officials denied any comment whatsoever, but implied that an internal investigation will be conducted and those responsible for classified corporate information leak will be hunted down and eliminated.
We are publishing the photos without any editing and we warn you some of them contain images that are not suitable for children and for the faint of heart.

Giant Alligator

Cannibal Archer



Giant Scorpion

Giant Tarantula

« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 08:55:58 PM by robiolastex »

Offline Oton

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Re: Announcements
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2011, 04:33:25 PM »
Here are the mercenaries' new closeup photos.

Male Dark Mystic

Female Fury Warrior

Male Ghost Stalker

Male Guardian

Female Light Mystic

Male Ghost Hunter

Female Ghost Hunter