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Topics - Geomaticus

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Suggestions / Recipes / Auction - view crafted item
« on: August 31, 2009, 07:51:27 PM »
I would like to suggest that when viewing recipes in stores or auctions, that not only the recipe info be shown in the popup, but also the specs for the crafted item. We should not be required to guess what an 'agate leather armour' recipe will provide before we buy it.

Please see the mock-up shown below

Bugs / Overlapping items
« on: August 30, 2009, 06:27:08 AM »
Overlapping items. This is in my backpack, not guild storage or house.
The picture below shows a belt overlapping with hides.
The hides were already there, and the belt was crafted - that was where the system placed it.

Questions / Crafting - Critical multiplier not applied
« on: August 28, 2009, 06:25:25 PM »
I've been noticing that one several occasions, I would apply my maximum multiplier (for me, it's 12%) and then run the crafting. When the crafting is complete, the after-crafting summary shows that only the base 8% was used. Why would this happen?
Is it a known bug or is there something that I am not doing correctly?

Bugs / Multi-level dungeon - mercs
« on: August 26, 2009, 01:04:23 AM »
The new feature allowing you the choice of staying at a dungeon or leaving for town right after....there's a little bug. I chose to bring a merc with me. I selected the merc as soon as I arrived, he fought in the first battle, but then I was unable to select that merc for the second (and all subsequent) fights. The merc was healthy but I was unable to 'tick the box' to bring him.

Bugs / Multi-level dungeons
« on: August 23, 2009, 10:01:33 PM »
How many levels are possible in multi-level dungeons?

I just fought one that went on for 30 levels, until I ran out of action points. Is that a feature or a bug?

Bugs / Incorrect item display/popup
« on: August 19, 2009, 03:53:13 AM »
My cursor is over the bread....not a crafting tool.
I don't even own a crafting tool with +1%.

Questions / PvP fights - gold
« on: August 18, 2009, 06:42:11 PM »
What is the percentage of gold won/lost in PvP fights? It is a certain percentage of the losers' holdings or a random amount (within a range)?
I guess this really encourages the use of the bank!!   ;)

Btw, I love the setup of the PvP. The opponents level range is limited so the fights are fair. Well done.

Questions / Colour of recipes
« on: August 15, 2009, 05:14:51 PM »
Recipes for armoursmiths are purple. Those for weaponsmiths are teal and jeweler recipes are green.

In the auction, when I sort for Armoursmith recipes, I see these purple ones and occasionally there are teal ones. Why would a recipe for armour be teal instead of purple? Is it a bug?

Questions / Searching Recipes in auction
« on: August 10, 2009, 09:46:41 PM »
I don't seem to be able to narrow my search of recipes from Armoursmith to specifically Tier 2 recipes. When I click on Tier 2 after selecting the specialization, the search performed is for all items tier 2.

Are we able to limit recipe search for only tier 2 (of a particular specialty) ?

If not, I suggest that this be incorporated.

Texts / Incorrect display of item specs
« on: August 07, 2009, 12:23:58 AM »
This is what the item has at the Hero screen...

This is what the item looks like from the auction screen....  plus minus ?

Suggestions / Stars for killing monsters
« on: August 05, 2009, 07:18:24 PM »
In the stats, you are given a Star for killing 100 wolves (or whatever).

"Same goes for the monsters - each star means 100 enemies of the same type slain, which automatically grants you 2% damage bonus when you fight this type of monsters."

If I have already killed 100 wolves, I obviously don't need a 2% damage bonus. Instead, this would be more beneficial if it increased the item drop chances against that creature. Think about it, if I am better at killing wolves, then I might be able to kill them in such a way as to not damage their hide (item drop) or I could slay a robber without damaging his armour or weapon (item drop).

I think increasing the item drop % against the creature is more beneficial, since I have already shown that I can kill that creature without the benefit of an additional 2% damage. It also gives incentive to get more stars against that creature (what's the benefit if it only makes the fight easier but not necessarily more fruitful?).

Suggestions / Guild expansion status
« on: August 05, 2009, 06:12:47 AM »
I notice that there is no indication how many people a guild can hold, or how many more people it can hold after expansion. Perhaps this should be added somewhere?

Suggestions / Family friendly game? - Monitor account names
« on: August 05, 2009, 04:52:44 AM »
I suggest that there be a mechanism for reporting inappropriate text/account names.

For example, there is a player with an account named 'fuckinglove'. I don't think this is appropriate and I assume this game is meant to be family friendly.

Questions / Multiple battles from one trip
« on: July 29, 2009, 05:58:53 PM »
I have been encountering a few situations where I go on a trip to battle whoever, and find that once the battle is done, I fight again - different enemies (same type but random specs) without the requirement to travel back to town. Then I fight them a third time. Each time I am getting experience and gold (maybe an item drop). This is great and it's an awesome time saver - but can be dangerous because I can run out of health.

How does this happen? Can I do anything to intentionally have these repeated battles?

Also, On one of my previous encounters, I fought alone for the first round, but then wanted to have my mercs fight with me as more fighters appeared. I couldn't click the tick-box to bring them into the fight. The tick-box would not enable. Why is that?

Suggestions / Stacking food
« on: July 29, 2009, 05:08:01 AM »
Stacking food, much like stacking other resources, can save space. You could even allow the stacking to create new food items with higher value. Stack a banana onto an apple to get a stronger 'fruit salad'. Stack meat onto bread to make a sandwich. This new food item is worth more than the sum of the parts and can be sold on the market or used.

I've seen it in other games and it is very successful there.

Just a suggestion...

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