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Messages - Sanosama

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Questions / Re: Item drop negated by level??
« on: March 08, 2010, 09:33:04 PM »
I don't check the forums and there hasn't been much of a need for me to focus on hide collecting, but with the level cap at 50 its time to start thinking more about crafting but to get what I need in hides I have to fight creatures that are far stronger than my character can handle.

Its funny one thing I have noticed the most about this game is you gear everything around gold and diamonds even to the point where you can't win battle without mercs and to get those you need gold but you penalize the gold gained if you use mercs so most people have to sell diamonds and or use diamonds to craft items to get the gold. and buy the resources since you penalize that. what because I am a higher level when I kill a lower tier animal I just obliterate it so there is no hide left real smart thinking there.

its sad to see a game focus more on getting its players to pay them than from them making a good game for there players to enjoy.

Questions / Item drop negated by level??
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:12:07 PM »
Why is it that the higher level you are the less items are dropped by enemies after a battle I used to get 2-5 items after every battle fighting lv 40-42 bandits and now I am lucky to get 1 item every 4 battles. ( I am level 47 )

Now this in itself isn't that big of a deal its to motivate players to combat stronger opponents I understand that. BUT where my problem is I am a Tanner I get Hides based on combat and this negative drop chance bases on level affect my chance of getting hides as well I need heavy hides to craft some tier 5 items But I can fight tier 4 monsters all day and never get hides because I am being penalized for being tier 5 myself.  and heck just to get a single light hide I would have to waist 10+ action points just to get ONE hide.

I myself can't be the only player upset that my collecting of hides is penalized because I am a higher level is there anyway we can fix this so that the drop chances for hides isn't affected by are level, because it makes it really unfair that I am a higher level so Now I have to Buy all my hides when I should be allowed to just fight for them.

Questions / Re: bound items to mercs
« on: February 12, 2010, 10:13:42 PM »
another question I have 3 mercs I went into a multi stage dungeon and I fought the first three rounds by myself to save money and then I picked 1 of the 3 mercs after this I could not select my other 2 mercs why??

Questions / Re: bound items to mercs
« on: February 11, 2010, 09:18:22 AM »
Do you lose a percentage of XP when you take a merc with you.

Questions / Re: bound items to mercs
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:38:04 AM »
yep that was perfect I appreciate the help. So I must chose my mercs carefully from here on out.

Questions / bound items to mercs
« on: February 10, 2010, 10:32:45 PM »
I had to redo my skill points cause the game has got to the point where there is no way to keep going without mercs. never used em before so I have questions.

Does the armor bound to the merc I am using stay bound to only that merc and no other or can I dismiss that merc and use the same armor for another one.

Do I have to pay a fee ever time I use said merc and the hourly wage or is it one in the same.

and if its both is the hr wage taken out automatically or do I need to pay it some where.

Oh and if I dismiss the merc and the armor I have is only bound to that merc will that said merc ever come back into rotation to be used again so I can but said armor back on it??


Questions / Re: Lets Get this straight
« on: October 22, 2009, 07:54:52 PM »
Ahh I am not the only one.

Rangers and Mages are being punished I am about to fight a Mob

Possible enemies :
Crocodile, Swamp turtle
33 - 36
Quantity :
Group of 2

I am going to show you the Problem This is a simple 2 on 1 battle should be NO problem for a lv 39 ranger

Team   Team
Name Sanosama
Level 39
Class: Ranger
Damage 91.4125 - 325.09
Range: 2
Critical Hit Chance: 48%
Block Chance: 35.96%
Total Armor: 1692
Items' Agility Modifier: 0%
Items' Dextirity Modifier: 0%

Now look at 2 simple lv 35 crocs

   Name Crocodile
Level 35
Class: None
Damage 182 - 365
Range: 0
Critical Hit Chance: 4%
Block Chance: 0%
Total Armor: 1804
Items' Agility Modifier: 0%
Items' Dextirity Modifier: 0%

Health before battle:

OH WHATS THIS this is Not a lv 35 croc Here we have a BOSS monster or as I like to call it a Level 70 Monster because its Double what a lv 35 monster has.  Fair this is a Joke Get rid of these so called BOSS monsters or at least make them More Boss like less GOD like

Name Crocodile
Level 35
Class: None
Damage 365 - 730
Range: 0
Critical Hit Chance: 8%
Block Chance: 0%
Total Armor: 3609
Items' Agility Modifier: 0%
Items' Dextirity Modifier: 0%

Health before battle:

I fought in this dungeon a lot before the admins changed it I won a lot some times they got lucky and beat me that's life its a Game Now I go in 100 times out of a 100 I may win twice if I am lucky.

All I ask is we fix the problems that were made even out the monsters to be fair to all the players and open up the multi stage dungeons

Don't get us wrong there are things We like about the new updates fighting other warriors in a dungeon that's Like PVP back in my Ultima online days  and the adding of story that's great We like that but going to dungeons and story don't make up for the fact we can no longer play the game because the monster "BOSSES" are too powerful.

And telling us to go down and fight tier 3 monsters right I would if we weren't punished XP wise for leveling up I would fight tier 3 but I may get 100xp out of it that's not worth the action point.

Questions / Re: Lets Get this straight
« on: October 22, 2009, 07:36:12 AM »
this is my stats


And make up your minds the one guy says Mine are bad you say this is Normal  and it works for him so be happy

Strength   20
Vitality   65
Agility   112
Dexterity   58
Intelligence   20

I have better than what you suggest and I am losing  the problem is ONCE  again there is monster in all normal dungeons that is 2xs more powerful than all the other Mob monster  if a marauder has 600hp and attack of 240   and there are 3 of them One of these guys has 1200hp and attack of 480   This is No longer a simple 30-32lv Marauder battle one of them is Double the Power SO he is NO longer lv 32 at best He Is LEVEL 64  plus 2 other 32lv guys      ( the stats are Hypothetical so keep your pants on {but the super powered unfair monster is not hypothetical})

Its simple one day I woke up and all the dungeons I used to fight in I could no longer win in and all my guild members had the same problem and everyone I talked to HATED it No one Likes it it is ruining the game there is something to making a game difficult its another thing to make it impossible and down right infuriating.

JUST FIX IT.   No more excuses No more oh its your stats just ask the admins to even out the monsters power so a mob of lv 32 monster is a mob of lv 32 monsters not a couple lv 32 and oh yea lets toss in a lv 64 Monster Just to screw with you.

Questions / Re: Lets Get this straight
« on: October 22, 2009, 06:45:06 AM »
Oh and what would I need with more int I barly get 5 hits in my vitality is almost 800 with magic and str I have been forces to use I attack with critical hits


After I go and change it around whats to Keep you guys from doing this again making it so I keep getting blocked until I raise my Dex I am a ranger NOT a warrior I am not to focus on stats like Vitality and Str       

Has any of you ever played a D&D game in your life its like there was No prier experience in fantasy Game play Done by anyone creating this game. 

Rangers are made to run fast and Hit in between the cracks of his enemy's armor.   the way you guys are setting things up its like the revolutionary War lets all stand in a straight line and throw rocks at each other No skill No thought put into this at all


Make it FAIR or at least be honest with us and tell us that you all like messing with our hard work I am getting tired of the run around like you think we are stupid

Questions / Re: Lets Get this straight
« on: October 22, 2009, 05:47:45 AM »
I do balance My stats you are Basically telling us NOT to balance Just get a good weapon and Fill up on vitality 2250 Vitality is almost all your attribute points including with magic items

and We are still dancing around the real issue its Not my stats, my stats are fine its the OVER POWERED MONSTERS and the Locking us out from fighting the only normal ones in the Game until we take quest that don't exist.

Questions / Re: Lets Get this straight
« on: October 22, 2009, 05:36:04 AM »
you are just running in circle Nautrax was right its Like agility and dex have No meaning. Its Just Get Vitality and Deal with it that's the only answer I am getting from anyone

Why bother fixing the problem Just blame the players and convince them they need to spend diamonds to redistribute the attribute points to set more vitality

I have great Armor and jewelry but its set to my class Not a mage Not a warrior a ranger Dex and Agility. Yet its my fault I don't have vitality and the Monsters are supped up in regular dungeons

Set agility to give a better evasion bonus than 1% for every 10 even at 200 agility you only get a 20% evasion bonus. Make it more fair

Questions / Re: Lets Get this straight
« on: October 22, 2009, 04:02:21 AM »

About the vitality now.
The Vitality is how health you have, randomly picking from the first five of betha server:
1)health 2257 damage up to 533
2)health 2220 damage up to 627
3)health 2040 damage up to 508

That Means that 200 Stat points were given to just vitality alone if he is a ranger or mage ( like my class )  and at lv 39 I have only received 195 Points  So unless I have No armor ,because I now have to have str 50 just to wear all my armor I paid for, I am left with 1950 health and 5 str 10 dex and 10 agility and 5 int

With armor I can only get 1450  ( now I know this is without magic items But still they only help so much )

This is a valid problem I try to give my character agility to evade hits so I don't need a lot of HP but I can avoid 15 attacks out of 17 and still lose when a lv 32 hits me twice the way things are we are being punished for not picking the warrior class.  The super powered bear is just way out of line if we get 5 attribute points for a lv the bear gets 20 the monsters are Far stronger than they should be and it would be nice if the game was fair. or at least fair for rangers and mages

Questions / Re: Lets Get this straight
« on: October 22, 2009, 12:21:15 AM »
Also that you do not have access to multi-stage dungeons is not the end of the world there are so many other dungeons, or you can take the quest.

That's my point of this the regular dungeons are Filled with a super monster the programmers added a little while back simple missions 2 lv 30-32 monsters can now KILL a lv 39 ranger that's one sided its unfair.

the multi staged dungeons were the only fair thing left and You can no longer use them without a quest you tell me to take a quest But THERE ARE NO QUEST

I know that there is a need to fix the bugs I am pointing out that there needs to be more thought put into these things instead of just doing it and fixing the problems after this is a game for consumers your profit comes from people paying for diamonds and when you upset the paying customers it hurts your revenue. and yes this is a Beta but still one of the programmers should have seen that this would damage the balance of the game by doing this.   

Questions / Re: Lets Get this straight
« on: October 21, 2009, 11:38:59 PM »
 You guys first make all normal fighting monsters in all levels with a Super monster in it that has double the attack power and health of the others.

you leave the multi-staged dungeons alone so we have a place to go when we High tier 4 players keep getting are asses kicked by lv 30 monsters

NOW you  LOCKED the multi staged dungeons until we take a quest that is not in the only tier 4 Tavern in the whole game.

 this is a Joke right happy Halloween we got you.... no you guys really did this on purpose? Well from the bottom of my sarcastic heart let me be the one to say Thanks really thank you this is what I want to do play a game that is designed to piss you off.

its bad enough you force rangers and mages to use a stat We don't need like strength but this tops the cake for me happy update everyone yeaaa  *suicide*

There No insults  :P

Questions / Lets Get this straight
« on: October 21, 2009, 10:42:07 PM »
LALALALALALALALA said I was being mean re posted at bottom

you are warning

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