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Messages - Geomaticus

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Questions / Re: Skill and prerequisite?
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:03:18 AM »
First note: It happened to me once, fixed itself when I leveled up.
Second note: Isn't it a bit of wasted diamonds to redistribute your skills at level 10? ???

First: I have never heard of it happening before. I hope there is a way to correct it because he has a while to go before he levels up again.

Second: I don't think spending 25 diamonds is something he is worried about (look at his diamond count).

Art / Wrong recipe colour
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:48:55 PM »
The graphic shows the reward for one stage in a Storyline. I don't know if the actual recieved recipe would still be incorrectly coloured.

armour recipes should be purple.

Questions / Re: Skill and prerequisite?
« on: March 11, 2010, 12:34:43 AM »
I am using this topic to ask a question about "redistribute" skill points and atribute points.
In the screen shot above you can see: worth 25 diamonds and a button: "redistribute"

??? I do not see this with my hero ???   :'(
No button, no worth 25 diamonds.

Is this a bug? or am I doing something wrong?

To redistribute the skill points, click the redistribute button that you see in the Skills section. The graphic shown above was a modified diagram to show the redistribute option in the lower skills section - there is no button to click in the lower section. Simply click the one in the regular Skills section and you will be able to redistribute all the skill points (not the attribute points though).

Questions / Re: MERCENARIES
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:24:20 PM »
das mercenaries gain level, experience? Because I can not see exp (yellow) bar in my merc status.

Yes, mercs gain experience and increase their levels. The attribute points are evenly distributed among the 5 attributes (you cannot choose how they are distributed).

General Talk / Re: News: In-game changes
« on: March 09, 2010, 07:12:13 PM »
09-03-2010 - Travelling to all provinces - I am a Tier 4 player and I just visited a Tier 5 province. I could not fight in dungeons, but I could visit the town. Perhaps players can now visit all provinces, regardless of Tier.

Bugs / Re: Loss of action points
« on: March 09, 2010, 07:06:43 PM »
He's not saying that the points just disappeared.

When someone is in a dangerous province, and is attacked while digging, they lose the action points (and potentially resources and gold).

What happened to Gunner is that he hadn't started digging, but had only setup the dig - he had NOT clicked the 'dig' button yet - and was attacked. The system read the current dig setup that he was looking at and assumed it was active and took his 15 AP. The reason this may not have happened to anyone else is because there is probably only 1 or 2 seconds between setting up the dig and actually starting the dig  - for most people. Gunner got distracted and hadn't started the dig. The system nonetheless read his status as digging and took the AP.

Questions / Re: Item drop negated by level??
« on: March 09, 2010, 01:10:29 AM »
The playback speed doesn't affect the drops. By that point, the battle outcome has already been determined and is only being played back slowly for your enjoyment. You can even click 'Skip' to finalize the battle instantly, without affecting the outcome.

Questions / Re: Item drop negated by level??
« on: March 08, 2010, 09:47:08 PM »
Unfortunately, I have nothing to do with game design, I'm just a forum mod.

What you could do is create a second account and use that account to harvest your resources. It's not ideal, but since you are capped at level 50, it might help get the lower resources for you. Alternatively, get a guildmate to toss you a bunch of resources.

Questions / Re: Item drop negated by level??
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:41:12 PM »
There are a few issues here:

First, hide drops are NOT affected by 'drop chance' percentage. Never have been.

Second, the issue of hide drops decreasing as the level-difference increases has been discussed many many times and will not be modified. If you cannot get the hides you need, then you must fight higher level opponents, or buy the hides. You should have noticed this throughout your character development, since you are now T5.

Third, the drop chance for other items is also affected by level-difference, and has been for a loooong time. This is nothing new and you should have seen this, and adapted to it, by now.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but by Tier5, you should have noticed this stuff by now and seen it mentioned in the forum many times.

General Talk / Re: News: In-game changes
« on: March 08, 2010, 07:40:33 PM »
I don't know if this has been implemented earlier, but I'll mention it anyways

08-03-2010 - Message to all guild members - In the messages section at the lower left, when sending a new message, there is an option to send it to 'all members'. This message will go to all guild members and will arrive as a green envelope. Not sure if you need to be guild administration to have this option. Don't enter a recipient when using this function.

On another note:
From a Mod standpoint, I don't really know of another place this thread should reside. Of course all of this information should be listed in the News section, but since it isn't, I don't really see a problem with it residing here in the General for the time being.

Questions / Re: lvl. 46 obsidian bow?
« on: March 08, 2010, 05:02:58 PM »
Forgive me for asking, but why wouldn't it be normal ?
That recipe is for Tier5 and obsidian is a T5 gem.

Suggestions / Re: Set items
« on: March 07, 2010, 06:40:57 AM »
While I agree that the bonus should be as-good-as-or-better-than epic, that bonus should only be applicable once the set is completed - or else there is little point to having the concept of sets. Individually, they should be near worthless (in my opinion).

That being said, there is a description on each item of what the set consists of, but not what the benefit is of each set. How do I know which set will be right for me? There needs to be some descption somewhere of what the bonus of each completed set is (and I don't mean on the forum, I mean added to the description of each item).

Tier 3 / Re: I sold this ... Realm 3
« on: March 07, 2010, 06:33:34 AM »
I think you mean that you are SELLING the weapon and gems, correct?

Tier 2 / Re: Recipes ... Jeweller tier 2!
« on: February 22, 2010, 06:07:46 PM »
Shouldnt it be llist your recipe
And do you want recipes or are you looking for someone who knows recipes

If you are going to correct someone, you should do so correctly!
'list your recipes' with one L

Questions / Re: Sapphire ...
« on: February 22, 2010, 02:13:12 AM »
Sapphires can be found when digging in Tier 1 and 2 provinces - but they are only bonuses that appear when gathering other gems (as far as I know). If you are looking for specific locations that have better drop rates for sapphires, I can't help you with that (although, I don't believe they exist).

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