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Messages - thelordashoka

Pages: [1] 2
Questions / Re: Weapons with skill bonuses
« on: August 03, 2010, 09:55:56 PM »
LOL.........what the heck.......bug or no bug.......we just got to enjoy the game......

Questions / Re: Weapons with skill bonuses
« on: August 03, 2010, 07:19:23 PM »
Thank you Cuorion that information brings some clarity.

Heroes / Re: Ranger - Ghost Stalker with one handed sword and shield
« on: August 03, 2010, 03:11:32 PM »
Well I think its a personal choice...frankly I am inspired by an anime character of FATE/STAY NIGHT...called ARCHER
He was a archer class fighter but he chose to fight with swords.... in fact he had the power to create swords at will...

Questions / Re: Weapons with skill bonuses
« on: August 03, 2010, 03:00:13 PM »
I understood that from the quote and forum links that:

From the Total Skill bonus you have and the Total Weapon Bonus you have only the highest will be taken.

But If you do not have the skill bonus what ever you get from the Total of Weapon bonus will be take.

Till here it is simple and there is clarity of understanding.

Now the trouble is here

Judith: Fury warrior doesn't have counterattack right, so when your weapon gives you +1 to counterattack, you don't get bonus coz   u dont have the skill, if it's as you say counter attack 2, then you will have it like an additional skill, but since you have a counterattack 4, the system will take the higher lvl counterattack - they won't stack
 so, there's no point to have 2 swords that give you counterattack, coz only the one (with higher ct) will count

According to what Judith is saying in the quote the bold part that if any weapon gives only +1 there is no bonus.
But My hero has one handed sword with 1 crushing blow and I as a ranger does not have that skill. So now if we go by what Judith said my hero should not get/use/perform crushing blow but he is doing it.

So I think there is some contradiction on this part some moderators or programmers have to clarify and answer these questions.

My question is if Judith's quote is correct then why does my hero perform crushing blow.

Questions / Re: Weapons with skill bonuses
« on: August 03, 2010, 07:55:46 AM »
"When the skill bonus is +1 and you have not the skill then the skill is ineffective, it should be +2 to work as +1 real skill if it's not from your class.

@crassus said he is not 100% sure about how this skill bonus works:

I can confirm one thing...that skill bonus works even if its not from your own class and its only +1
Live example: I(Ranger) use sword with crushing blow and it works fine in every fight.

Guilds / Ranger lvl 28 legendary armor-smith of Tier 2 realm 3
« on: August 02, 2010, 04:24:15 PM »
Hello guild masters,

ID lordashoka

I am playing in Realm 3 I am ranger now in tier 3 - armor smith - tanner -

I have over 5000 crafting points and have made legendary equipment in tier 2...

please take me in.


Questions / Re: Weapons with skill bonuses
« on: August 02, 2010, 04:07:17 PM »

alright just one clarification..

crushing blow reduces hit chance or it reduces critical hit chance?

Questions / Re: Weapons with skill bonuses
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:40:12 PM »
Well as Sheremetev said there is no way to stop using the skill bonus from a weapon, BUT if you have this skill at your class then you can deactivated and thus you deactivate it and from the weapon.

Well i feel this is a bit unfair ...that you can turn of skills only of your class: example: warrior - crushing blow - can turn off the skill..
(particularly when a skill also imparts some negativity to your hero example: Crushing blow - 50% reduced chance of hitting)

If another class example Ranger equips that weapon or equipment he too should have the chance to turn off the skill if he wants to.

I think it would be fair if all get a chance to put off a skill not required.

What do you people?

Bugs / Re: Crafting Story Line Barren rock & bunnar
« on: August 02, 2010, 12:07:08 PM »
try with crafting the 5 items again and let us know if your attempt was
A) successful (case closed with the addition that there should be an in-game check and appropriate explanatory text when two or more missions require one and the same thing or a fix prohibiting such "colliding" prerequisites- whatever the devs decide is necessary to avoid such problems in the furure)
B) the programmers should further investigate the situation.

A) Successful....... could proceed with the story line....

A Note as Sheremetev mentioned:
"there should be an in-game check and appropriate explanatory text when "two or more missions ask to do same thing"
After one mission is completed the other mission should not show completed.
The second same mission should to be completed only after the activity required is done.
There should be fix prohibiting such "colliding" prerequisites"


Bugs / Re: Crafting Story Line Barren rock & bunnar
« on: August 01, 2010, 09:54:25 PM »
sorry.....guys i made a issue out of it solution was simple....there are noo bingo's or jackpots... Gotta craft

Bugs / Re: Crafting Story Line Barren rock & bunnar
« on: August 01, 2010, 07:30:44 PM »
Real 3
user id: lordashoka

Should i craft the remaining 5 chain mail helmets?

The page...refreshes nothing else happens....

Bugs / Crafting Story Line Barren rock & bunnar
« on: August 01, 2010, 06:16:35 PM »

Ok heres something interesting ...i dono if this has ever happened in the game....

I got a task 9/11 in bunnar to craft 5 chain mail helmets...i left it for a while and went to barren rocks ..after doing a few tasks there i reached 9/11..

The task at barren rocks was also to craft 5 chain mail helmets..... ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
I thought thats odd i crafted 5 chain mail helmets in Barren rocks. Completed the task and moved the new 10/11 task came up.

Now I had already collected the material required for another 5 chain mail helmets. I go to Bunnar check the story line......

To my surprise it showed completed ....yea i though bingo ...jackpot... *YAHOO* *YAHOO* *YAHOO* *YAHOO* *YAHOO*
the reward was some gold and 10 AP ..i had  8 AP already so i decided not to press complete quest button
then I come back after spending the AP's ready for my Unearned reward...but  :o :o :o :o :o
WTF on pressing the complete mission button...

The page just refreshed the page.....:o :o :o :o :o :o I do not move to 10/11 and no reward......

MODS HELP ME OUT...........  *sos* *sos* *sos* *sos*

Questions / Re: Weapons with skill bonuses
« on: August 01, 2010, 10:32:30 AM »

I want to know that if my weapon gives me crushing blow is there any way i can stop that skill being used?

Questions / Re: Weapons with skill bonuses
« on: August 01, 2010, 10:14:36 AM »
I have a weapon that gives me a skill bonus to my ranger its got a +4 skill bonus to my ambush skill. My current ambush skill is 0 and while in battle my guy does not flash the ambush skill when he is preforming a critical.  Is this because I do not have any skill points allotted to my ambush skill or is a glitch and won't show me using the skill in combat since I don't technically have it??

please let me know with a definite answer.  Thanks

I also have a ranger with one handed sword weapon that gives crushing blow. The skill works even if i do not have provision for crushing blow as its a warrior skill. Also i can see it on the fight screen and the report.

In your case if ambush is performed it should show on the screen and the report. But there is also possibility that your hero performs critical hit without ambush and thus it may not show.You can go through your fight reports and see how your critical hits are performed if you see ambush mentioned there it mean the skill is working for you but not showing in the fight screen.

The ambush skill requires spirit if you have the required spirit ambush should be performed as +4 is a good enough chance.
Ambush should work on your hero even if you have no points in the skill of your hero.

Heroes / Re: Ranger - Ghost Stalker with one handed sword and shield
« on: July 31, 2010, 09:42:44 AM »
You've got my full support on that. Even if most people believe your build can not be as good as some other builds, it's up to you to prove them wrong. I myself am always fond of people who try to play out of the box.

Thanks ..At last someone who does not follow the bandwagon......i appreciate it man...

The game needs some variety and guys like us can can change the way its played.....


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