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Messages - ViciUss

Pages: [1]
Întrebări / Re: Ce pot face
« on: December 26, 2012, 02:18:28 AM »
Sti cum pot lua legatura cu Crassus?...el ma poate ajuta trecuta tot el ma ajutat...makar e-mail sa mil spuna :) sa stiu eu pe caare sa intru xD

Întrebări / Ce pot face
« on: December 24, 2012, 12:16:10 PM »
Salut sper ca aici ma poate ajuta "cere ajutor" nu am primit momentan nici un raspuns.Am si eu un cont creat de acum 1 an jumate aproximativ 2 si as vrea sai recuperez parola deabea iam gasit user name.E-mail nu mil amintesc ,tin sa precizes ca contul nu a fost creat de mine lam cumparat in urma cu 1 an jumate lam folosit 6 luni am fost absent dupa cont 1 an de zile si as vrea sa revin la el
Singurele detali care le pot da pentru sustinere ca contul ese al meu sun doar 3
inainte sal abandonez miau fost itemele resetate deci aveam contul gol am vb cu staful si mi sa returnat goldul si itemele pe merceri si charcter...Alte detali dupa preluarea contului am skimbat parola care se poate verifika k o la fel a fost si dupa readucerea itemelor pe cont am skimbat iar parola....Sper sa ma ajute cineva

User name: Zarna
Relam:       3

Suggestions / Re: New sugestion for game!
« on: November 24, 2011, 01:19:15 PM »
If I get it right then I like your Idea. It's not very original though... As you can see here:

Even so it's good to have players with suggestions!
Now as for
Why wait for someone to contact you in person and not write here so everybody is able to read/add/correct and improve your idea?

P.S. Please avoid multi-posting the same, and use the proper forum location for your topics. Thank you.

First I want to apologize for the double post. I did double post because I could not find the right place where to post. and so now I noticed that you discussed something about arena but notes that these players are reluctant to fax may arena more often the lack of science of what happens there ... and new ideas can add so called PvP tournament always because I did not write everything that I wanted to be in this tower are very bad because the chapter to formulate something in English and my native language in English takes a while. to return to the topic so to fill that entry is not free to make some money managers to input or diamonds but not all ranks as the lowest to have an easier entry. I wanted to contact me wonder if a programmer can make it sal bonuses to weapons that will be given as a prize, or be so weak as to aveturi tournament that was the idea to want to participate to make something useful and we help finish the adventures that are very heavy and strong arms are missing after conservation measures

Suggestions / New sugestion for game!
« on: November 24, 2011, 09:19:26 AM »
hii, I have and I propose to IH .... based on what my idea? on a small PvP between ranks canpionat here would result in the following way: For example Rang2 imperial city to locate a tavern which to make submissions view a tour and will be attended by all members of the world, rang2 well understood in the end to be named, for example, the best warrior devastating to have something on your profile as master craftsman, where he writes champion tier 2 warrior devastating, so it will be of course, the best warrior and guardian, with magicians, and of course as every ranking tournament to be one once a month ... another idea would be: the winner to take the bonus of winning a gun, if possible, different from what is on the server, made ​​by a progamator. (who won a tournament in a month, not to have the right to participate in next month even if there is in the same rank) This means that two weapons should warrior (one hand and a sword hammer), 2 sticks for magicians, and hunters threw a spear or knives, go with a shield and a crossbow or bow that ... can I come with us to complete, if a progamator would contact me and I say what you can do and what not ... and of course will wait on you with new ideas about this tournament that I think should be held once a month.

Edit reason:Change the title "Mew suggestion" is sounds funny.

Discuţii generale / Propunere
« on: November 23, 2011, 04:37:33 PM »
Cine poate face o traducere in engleza la o prupenere care am analizato de 2 saptamani posta pe international singur dar sunt la pamant cu engleza si decat sa nu se inteleaga la ce anume ma refer, deci propunerea mea este: sa se faca un canionat de PvP incepand din rang2 pana in rang7 si sa se nominalize cel mai bun de exenplu (magaian de magie alba in rang 2) cel mai bun de neagra si asa mai departe sa aiba cv anume pe profil si bn inteles cred ca sar cuveni si un premiu yo ma gandeam la o arma daca se poate facuta de operatori speciali pentrru rang 2 , 3 s.a.m.d dar dak eroul o foloseste sa nu se lege de el , ca la urmatorul turneu sa i decata celui castigator....Va astept si pe voi cu alte idei in legatura cu turneul :)

Discuţii generale / Re: MARKET PLACE
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:26:44 AM »
Stiu dar cu engleza sunt cam la pamant am intrat pe acolo dar sa vb cu cineva  mi se plinba linba in gura asa k mai astept pe aici vreo propunere :)

Discuţii generale / MARKET PLACE
« on: November 23, 2011, 01:30:49 AM »
Sall as vrea sa fie si aici un loc unde sa publicam si noi ce vrem sa vindem sau sa cunparam ... eu de exenplu caut arbalete de rang2 sau arcuri cu un demege cat de cat aceptabil,stiu ca nu se conpara o arbaleta la dauna cu un arc dar totusi in criza se ia masuri de criza :d.....

Întrebări / Re: Aparare alianta
« on: November 22, 2011, 03:49:50 PM »
oky multumesc :*

Discuţii generale / Re: Avatar
« on: November 22, 2011, 02:15:10 PM »
Gata iam dat de cap la dimensiune :))

Întrebări / Atac de alianta
« on: November 22, 2011, 01:56:13 PM »
Dak avem un razboi cu o alianta , unde se fac atacurile in arena stabilim o zi si o suma de diamante sau de bani sa o ia alianta castigatoare?:D

Întrebări / Re: Aparare alianta
« on: November 22, 2011, 01:53:41 PM »
Aham ms frumos pt informare k nea cerut o aliantza sa facem pact de pace si eu apar niste aliatzi cand extrag resurse si ma gandeam k poate i apar si pe ei :P ,,,,o alta intrebare :P dak avem pact de pace si ne ataca ei nu pierd nimik? k doar de acea face acel packt de pace :D sa nu ne atacam

Discuţii generale / Avatar
« on: November 22, 2011, 12:14:37 PM »
Am si eu o intrebare sinpla , ce dimensiune trebuie sa aiba avatarul meu? am tot incercat sa unploadez diferite avater cu rezolutie mai mica si mai mare dar degeaba :( :)

Întrebări / Aparare alianta
« on: November 21, 2011, 10:44:31 PM »
Salll sun mai nou in lumea IH si as avea o intrebare: Dak 2 aliante sunt aliate, un erou dintro alianta poate apara un erou dintr-o  alta alianta?Intro provincie galbejita,cand acel erou este pe modul sapare.

Pages: [1]