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Messages - deMolay

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Bug in quest
« on: May 15, 2010, 03:15:17 PM »
aha :) the bag im possible to have 5 from this armors not 7 , there is no place for the 7 armors  rest of them are in the cache  :o...hmmm... damm
I will cancel the quest,..thanks for the reply

few minutes later ....
...HA..and now ist the same quest changed ,..u have tu craft not 7 but 5 armors  :) ...hehe OK i have anough of them  :D

few minutes later 2 :
im tired...i have to craft again the 5 armors.. what a shame, i think IT have changed this quest during my crafting of the 7 armors..oh *hihi*
nwm,..pls close ;)

Bugs / Bug in quest
« on: May 15, 2010, 12:42:43 PM »
Hi, im playing the Realm3, nick templus... I have done the first quest in the Tavern of the Imperial City in Tier1, which was, that i have to craft 7 of leather I did..If I crafted the last one I go to the tavern to take my gold  8)...but... The quest was still not completed, I have to craft the 7th Armor >:( I have thinking, its an little bug an I crafted one Leather Armor more as I have to do... after I look to the Quest book,.. all OK, quest is completed,..nice ..I go again to the Tavern to take my gold for the Quest..but ups...bigger problem appears if I click the button COMPLETE , I get no gold, but an Warning :
You are missing one or more items to complete your quest!

just look :

Pages: [1]