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Messages - Hurin1

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Mercenary Tier reduction after last changes
« on: July 01, 2010, 05:57:43 PM »
I am Hurin1 on realm 3. Just after the last changes (yesterday June 30) I found my Mercenarys reduced from Tier 3 to Tier 2.
I had payed some days before in order to increase the Tier of all my Mercenarys (4 Mercs) from 2 to 3, paying 1600 gold for each increase. I could then buy and use army tier 3 for them and they actually still have those army and they still can use them. But yesterday I've discovered them moved back to Tier 2. I cannot either increase their tier any longer, and then I've lost golds because I've payed 6400 gold and I still have 4 Mercenarys at tier 2 (instead of the Tier 3 I've payed for)

Can someone explain me if I did something worng or not allowed or if this is a known bug?


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