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Messages - irm2

Pages: [1]
Mecanică / Re: nu pot calatorii nici unde
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:41:38 PM »
am rezolvat problema cand am ajuns pare ca era flash-ul de vina; la munca trebuie sa ii fac un update

multumesc mult

se poate inchide, ulterior sterge acest topic

Bugs / Re: cannot travel
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:37:41 PM »
yep, that was the problem, thow i was not sure......back home pc its working fine, but at work i have a diferent OS

thank you for you respons, i apreciate :)

have fun and enjoy you lives

P.S. this topic can be deleted

Mecanică / Re: nu pot calatorii nici unde
« on: September 19, 2009, 06:31:06 PM »
am aflat care este problema defapt...pagina care in mod normal apare cand dai click pe o locatie unde ai vrea sa calatoresti, mie imi apare dedesubtul paginii principale, cea in care vezi harta, eroul, mesaje samd...cea mare;

desi o singura data mi-a aparut putin pe langa, acum nu mai reusesc...practic nu am cum sa joc acest joc; cu cine trebuie sa vb , ma gandesc ca un admin sau ceva, dar cum dau de el ?


Bugs / Re: cannot travel
« on: September 19, 2009, 06:27:04 PM »
...k, so i found what the problem is...the tab that normaly apears when you click on something on the map, the one that is asking me if i really want to go "there", it apears under the main page ( where the map is shown and all the other stuff );

now this is a problem...i dont know how i made it apear once, but i cant do it again

so, what now???

Bugs / cannot travel
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:13:57 AM »
Hello friends,

i encounter some issues, i cannot travel anywhere...i understood, that  when you click on a specific area, an option afraid it doesn't happen to me, no option apears when i ckick on anything

can someone help me with that, is there a game admin, where can i find him?

thank you, i await your respons a.s.a.p :)

Mecanică / nu pot calatorii nici unde
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:07:51 AM »

dau un ex.

sunt nivelul 1, nu am facut nici tutorialul; atunci cand dau click pe padure, teoretic, ar trebui sa imi apara o optiune dedesubt, dar nu imi apare...cum rezolv problema

multumesc anticipat

Pages: [1]