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Topics - govinda

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 :o  :o  :o   :o   :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o

Suggestions / Territory names on global map
« on: August 21, 2009, 11:48:52 AM »
Can you manage to make readible the names of all explored territories on the general map?
Because now it is possible only for those on the border of the territory in which you are!
If you are tier 3 or 4 and want to plan a trip to a distant territory, among so many of them, it's quite difficult to remember which one it is!
Thank you  ;)

General Talk / rings bracelet necklace trinkets and tattoos
« on: August 21, 2009, 09:05:56 AM »
Since i'm quite sure that my splendid hero has got 10 fingers on his hands (abdullah!) I dont understand why he can wear only two rings  :(
I suggest to increase the number of ornaments, in future expansions. Magical tattoos would be great!  :D

Heroes / About attributes
« on: August 20, 2009, 12:34:58 AM »
A funny quiz

Who do you think will be the winner?

Hero ONE
Health before battle:580
Spirit before battle:60
Total Armor:1188
Critical Hit Chance:28%
Block Chance:15%
Damage36.3 - 134.5

Hero TWO
Health before battle:763
Spirit before battle:290
Total Armor:1098
Critical Hit Chance:34%
Block Chance:15.6%
Damage40.3 - 147.3

Hero ONE won with a GREAT advantage in only 5 rounds, even if nearly ALL the numbers above were against him.

Name : govinda
Level 21
Class: Ranger
Damage 36.3 - 134.52
Range: 2
Critical Hit Chance: 28%
Block Chance: 15%
Total Armor: 1188
Items' Agility Modifier: 0%
Items' Dextirity Modifier: 0%

 Name : ramzesII
Level 20
Class: Ranger
Damage 40.3375 - 147.345
Range: 2
Critical Hit Chance: 34%
Block Chance: 15.6%
Total Armor: 1098
Items' Agility Modifier: 0%
Items' Dextirity Modifier: 0%


Round 1

Team 1 takes turn
govinda doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses ramzesII. Level difference modifier is 1 .
ramzesII's block percentage is 11.6.
govinda hits ramzesII for 330.36 and the latter is left with 432.64 health.A critical hit is performed! 4/28!

Team 2 takes turn
ramzesII doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses govinda. Level difference modifier is 1 .
govinda's block percentage is 9.
ramzesII 84/25 hit evaded.

Team 1 takes turn
govinda hits ramzesII for 61.32 and the latter is left with 371.32 health.

Team 2 takes turn
ramzesII 53/25 hit evaded.

Round 2

Team 1 takes turn
govinda hits ramzesII for 61.32 and the latter is left with 310 health.

Team 2 takes turn
ramzesII 65/25 hit evaded.

Round 3

Team 1 takes turn
govinda hits ramzesII for 61.32 and the latter is left with 248.68 health.

Team 2 takes turn
ramzesII 53/25 hit evaded.

Round 4

Team 1 takes turn
govinda hits ramzesII for 61.32 and the latter is left with 187.36 health.

Team 2 takes turn
ramzesII 6/9 Block successful.

Round 5

Team 1 takes turn
govinda hits ramzesII for 330.36 and the latter is left with -143 health.A critical hit is performed! 6/28!

Team 2 takes turn
ramzesII hits govinda for 68.145 and the latter is left with 511.86 health.
ramzesII has been defeated!

Team 1 is victorious!
govinda battle statistics:
Successful/Attacks 6/6
Damage Done: 906
Critical Hits Done: 2
ramzesII battle statistics:
Successful/Attacks 1/6
Damage Done: 68.145
Critical Hits Done: 0

Battle generation time: 0.09982 seconds.

the reason is very simple: AGILITY & DEXTERITY  ;D  ;D  ;D

Hero ONE


Strength and Intelligence?  they are not worth nothing, for rangers!  (and also for warriors IMHO) :-\

Questions / the new "challenge"
« on: August 19, 2009, 07:01:27 PM »
I've tested this new feature of the game. Smart!  ;)
I'm ghost stalker, lvl 20 and rolling 6 matches i won 5 times in a row and lost the 6th.
I was matched onto two 20th, two 21st and two 22nd lvl players; of course was one of the latest who defeated me (for the chronicle he was fenercheto).

1st question is: Why i met only players of my lvl and above, but none minus 1 or 2 ? Is it just a coincidence (quite unlikeky i think) or the "border levels" of any tier cannot compete each other? If this is the case, it would be written somewhere.

2nd question:
 On winning the challenge you can read the amount of gold (very few indeed  :( ) and fame that you get, but when you lose... gold is obviously zero, but also on fame is written "0"  :o Don't you think that this is something wrong? ( shut: Never say: "bug"!  :-[)

Conversazione Generale / Sfide nell'Arena
« on: August 13, 2009, 12:48:22 AM »
Sono un Ghost Stalker di 16mo lvl.
Cerco qualcuno che voglia confrontarsi con me 1 a 1.

Preguntas / Una casa sin amor (OT!!!)
« on: August 07, 2009, 07:29:30 PM »
ISA: Today at 12:27:37 AM » 

en que ciudad compro la casa

 Reply #1 on: Today at 11:28:10 AM » 

Cualquiera, la que tu tengas más relaciones comerciales, laborales y deportivas.

No hay ningun despacio por el corazon?  :'(

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Texts / Stats for weapons and creatures
« on: August 06, 2009, 10:04:54 PM »

On Creatures stats:
  60 boars
171 wolfes
  16 bears
  41 humanoids
that means 288 mobs totally

On my weapons stats:
  70 bows
124 javelins
that means 194 mobs totally

Of course the stats for all the other weapons are empty, since I used only the bow or javelins.
There is a great bug on this, IMO  :o

Questions / Strength and Damage
« on: August 06, 2009, 12:27:44 PM »
I'm an hunter. I noticed that my strengh affects the damage that I make very, very few: about 0.1-0.2 points of damage any point of strength. And this strength's "bonus" does not change with the weapon that I use, on ranged weapon or blades it's quite the same.
I ask: How does it work on warriors? Is worrior's strength more important on his damage and how much?
Thank you.

Conversazione Generale / La cosa più scema
« on: August 04, 2009, 11:51:35 PM »
Giusto per ingannare il tempo fra una "missione" e l'altra...
secondo voi qual'è la cosa più scema di questo gioco?

Per me ce n'è una che le batte tutte:
Il doversene tornare a casa in continuazione, non appena compiuta UNA SOLA azione.
Ma come gli è venuta in mente 'sta cosa al programmatore me lo dovrebbe proprio spiegare!
In nessun altro gioco esiste 'sta cosa ridicola: vai in un dungeon che, si sa, è pieno di mobs... ne fai fuori uno... e te ne torni a casa  :D poi torni ancora nel dungeon e ne fai fuori un'altro e torni a casa, e poi ancora... ma fammene ammazzare un tot, finchè mi stanco, finchè la salute mi regge, finchè ho il carniere pieno... no!
Io, se potessi, al programmatore gli chiederei:
"Ma tu, quante volte vai al supermercato quando devi fare la spesa?"  ;D ROLF!!

Conversazione Generale / Perchè ho cambiato di corsa mestiere!
« on: August 03, 2009, 11:46:18 PM »
Da fabbricante d'armi\carpentiere quale avevo prima scelto di essere,
sono tornato di corsa a Imperial Town e mi sono trasformato in fabbricante d'armature\conciatore.
Perchè? Perchè per ottenere la materia prima, il Legno, dovevo nel primo caso sacrificare tempo e punti azione in missioni di raccoglitore, che non danno un solo briciolo d'esperienza!
Invece per raccogliere le pelli, utili al conciatore che le trasforma in cuoio col quale poi fare armature, devi uccidere animali, che come tutti i MOBS danno punti esperienza, drops e quant'altro!
Insomma, se qualcuno non mi spiega che vantaggio ci sarebbe a fare il carpentiere, piuttosto che il conciatore, riterrei che il gioco sia alquanto sbilanciato! Almeno per quanto riguarda le professioni  ???

Questions / Spirit by Intelligence: how?
« on: August 03, 2009, 12:50:43 PM »
"Tip of the day
Intelligence determines the hero’s spirit amount. Each point to Intelligence grants 5 points to hero’s Spirit."

I'm an hunter lvl 5.
I've Intelligence 5. According to the TIP above my Spirit should be just 25, but it's 60. How does it come? May be the "basic" spirit not related to "basic" intelligence? And if so, why?
Thank you,

Conversazione Generale / Forza per i rangers
« on: August 01, 2009, 10:33:44 AM »

Non è un attributo "fondamentale" per i rangers ma, dal momento che aumenta il danno ANCHE per le armi da lancio, conviene incrementarlo (con parsimonia, come la vitalità, del resto) riservando cmq il "grosso" dei punti di crescita a destrezza e agilità.
Inoltre dato che:
"10 points of Strength lower the enemy’s block chance by 1%" ... se siete arrivati a 8\9 conviene salire a 10  ;)

Questions / Quest generation time (mistake on News?)
« on: July 30, 2009, 11:26:23 AM »

On:   Imperial Hero International > General Category > News > Quest System Rules
is written:
"5. If a player completes the quest, his next quest is generated instantaneously."

It does'nt seem to work like that, in my experience.
I've completed my 1st quest but I was'nt given the next q till 12 hours later (premium time!).

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