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Topics - Bolindus

Pages: [1] 2 3
Bugovi / PAdanje stete oruzja ?
« on: December 15, 2010, 03:14:42 AM »
Zasto padne steta oruzja kad popijes atribuntni napitak ?

Questions / Squire s initiative
« on: November 20, 2010, 09:48:48 PM »
Squire wall - has anyone ever seen that part of set, does it actually exist ? IS this a bug and maybe it isnt created ?
I never saw it on auction, and never seen anyone wear it.

Suggestions / Selling directly to specified player
« on: October 24, 2010, 03:41:06 PM »

CAn you consider putting an option to sell stuff directly to specified player?

Sometimes you make something and want to sell that to a certain player, and you cant do taht over AH ( not for price you arrange).

I mean cheaper cause someone can come along and buys your stuff thats meant for someone else.

Pitanja / Udruzivanje guildova
« on: October 19, 2010, 06:06:55 PM »
Evo da vam malo posla dam, ne da mi se traziti po engleskom forumu :)

Dakle ako se dva guilda idu udruziti, ali na onaj nacin kao spoj, ne da predu ejdni u drugi, jel se onda uzima sve najbolje iz svakoga ?

Npr, ako jedan guild ima mjesta za 45 clanova, drugi 30, da li ce onda biti 45 mjesta u tom novom ?

I kak se predstraze racunaju ? kak se savez upgradeovi racunaju?

Hvala :)

Pitanja / Zadnja aktivnost
« on: October 01, 2010, 12:36:35 PM »
Gdje se moze vidjeti zadnja aktivnost nekog igraca ?

Pitanja / Placenici i koristenje istih
« on: July 30, 2010, 02:42:47 AM »

Zasto npr ako udem u tamnicu i recimo na prvom nivou uzmem placenike ali onda vidim da mi ne trebaju sljedecih par nivoa pa ih iskljucim, i htio bi ih natrag uzet zadnjih par nivoa, ne mogu ih vise oznaciti kvacicom i uzet.

Isto tako mislim da i kad krenes u tamnicu ako ih ne uzmes od prvog nivoa ne mogu ih kasnije uzet.

Tp je tak normalno ili :) Mislim ima neke logike ili idu il nejdu al negdje sma procital da ih mozes koristiti kad hoces :)

Suggestions / Info of the buyer
« on: April 19, 2010, 04:25:22 PM »
Can you put in the message when you sell something, info who bought your equipment ?

Im curious sometimes who bought my things :)

Bugs / CAnt post set to auction
« on: April 10, 2010, 02:30:29 PM »
I have Farolin aristocracy set and when i want post the whole set on AH, it says im missing some parts. Its made out of three parts adn i have all three.
Also when i try to post beside rings theres is little selestion and i can click on either first or 2nd ring, dont know why is that.

Can someone check this out

Bugs / In game chat have problems!
« on: April 10, 2010, 02:14:00 PM »
Did anyone mention to you that the chat have problems, if you talk to two persons he disapears, reapers, its really annoying.

Will you ever try to repair that ? :)

Razgovor / Paratethys regrutira!
« on: March 14, 2010, 07:27:17 PM »
Evo savez paratethys regrutira nove članove, iznad 30 nivoa, trazimo 5 članova, 12 po redu guild, oklope i ostalo imamo par kovala koji to stancaju epic stvari, tak da se moze i opremiti ako treba, prstenje i nakit isto tako, dobro bi dosli neki kovaci oruzja koji mogu epice raditi, makar se i na tome radi.

Mozete se tu prijaviti ili PM meni ili Mix2mix ili Alenbbb,


Questions / Player to player trade
« on: February 25, 2010, 05:36:56 PM »
Hello, i wonder, will there ever be an option to sell an item to specific player. I think thats common option in all MMO games, and thats one option thats missing here.

Questions / guild outpost - delevel building
« on: February 24, 2010, 04:23:27 PM »
Is it posible to delelvel only oen building, i saw i can destroy whole outpost, but i want just do bring down certain building within.

Questions / Multiple acounts - same e mail
« on: February 12, 2010, 04:26:26 PM »
I have few accounts, can i use the same e-mail for all accounts ?

Bugs / Unknown recipe
« on: February 12, 2010, 04:06:56 PM »
I have one recipe for quite some time, it has color of weapon recipe, but it cant be learned by weponsmiths.

The nam is STR_RECIPE_744

Can someone check what that is :), it has blue glow also.

Bugs / Dissapearing potions
« on: January 18, 2010, 09:55:30 PM »

There is a bug, if youre buying lots of potions at once, adn your backpack hasnt loaded what you have, the destination of potions goes over the existing ( but you cant still see them ), they jsut dont apepear and you loose money

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