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Topics - skill

Pages: [1]
General Talk / Acc Sitting
« on: July 03, 2009, 10:06:50 PM »
Going off for a week, on a missions trip, wondering if people let other people sit for them in this game?(like every other game), and wondering if it is against the rules ??? :'(...and since a week is a lot of building upon my account, i don't want to worry about not being as strong as i could be...

All in all, i want to know if you guys think its fair, and want to know if there are rules on sitting for other peoples accounts ::) :)

Market / WTB - Resources
« on: June 25, 2009, 07:11:05 AM »
Looking for wood(@ the moment just oak). Pm me if you are interested(name is the same as in the game, and am in A-Team(guild), all exchanges made in gold, and since i do not have time to go out and get my own, i need mass quantities of crafted, or uncrafted oak  8)

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