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Topics - Geomaticus

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Bugs / Crafting hammer disappear
« on: December 19, 2009, 12:01:24 AM »
My regular crafting hammer (tier 3, +6%) disappeared. I was crafting with it, I left the game for an hour, when I came back, the crafting was done, but the hammer was gone. It's not in my hand, or my backpack.

This was not one of the special 30% hammers (which disappear when the durability runs out).

Has this happened to anyone else?  ???

Bugs / Bug in Recipes/Auction
« on: December 18, 2009, 05:03:26 PM »
Why is this recipe glowing? It is not a 'single-use' recipe, as far as I can tell. It is just a simple recipe, but the graphic is showing it glowing like a single-use recipe.

Bugs / Crafting status
« on: December 11, 2009, 10:59:06 PM »
I just reached Epic status in tier 3 crafting. The bar on the right showed 400/400 and 4 stars when I completed my last item.

I started crafting another item and saw the following: Epic percentage shown below, but the status bar on the right doesn't show Epic status. It's a visual bug....

Bugs / Recipe colours
« on: December 10, 2009, 01:18:43 PM »
It seems that the recipe colours for the Rare recipes are mixed up. I know this happened with the regular recipes, and that has been mostly fixed, but the problem seems to be occurring with the rare ones now.

I don't even need to post a pic, just look at the list of rare Armoursmith recipes in the Auction. They should all be purple, but instead only a few are, the rest are weaponsmith green/blue.

(while on this topic, here's a suggestion: make the colours for the all jeweler recipes and weaponsmith recipes more different. The colours are too similar!)

Bugs / Crafting summary
« on: December 10, 2009, 03:01:10 AM »
After I click the 'craft now' button, I complete the crafting, but don't get a crafting summary page. This is frustrating because when I craft resources, I want to see what the stats were. When I craft a boot, I want to see the actual boot I created and not figure out which pair of boots in my backpack was created.

Anyways, the craft summary page doesn't appear when I 'craft now'.

Tier 2 / WTT - Single-use recipe - Realm 2
« on: December 08, 2009, 07:31:06 PM »
I have a Tier 2 armoursmith recipe - single use - that I would like to trade for a Tier 3 armoursmith recipe - single use.
I have better crafting stats in Tier 3 so I would prefer that. Tier 2 is not as much use to me.

The recipe is shown below.

Let me know if you are interested.

Bugs / Raiding in dangerous prov - gold taken
« on: December 07, 2009, 08:23:51 PM »
This bug has happened several times.

When in a dangerous province (today I was in Bunar), I attacked someone that was out at one of the digging sites. I selected my mercs ( totalling over 1500 gold in salary) and clicked the attack button (crossed swords) to raid the individual. Between the time that I saw them listed and clicked the attack button, they must have left the dungeon and could no longer be attacked, because there was no battle report, only a blank 'Heroes' tab, and there was no damage to any of the fighters in my party. The problem is that the 1500 gold in salary was still deducted from my wallet, even though there was no fight.

It seems that the first thing the system does is debit the gold for the salaries, then check to see if there is an available opponent. If there is no longer an opponent, the gold should be returned. At this time, that isn't happening.

Bugs / Missing image
« on: December 06, 2009, 12:31:23 AM »
This fight was in Ophalia / West Wood. The images for the Vicious Robber and Vicious Robber Archer didn't draw....and the fight was a draw!

Provinces and Dungeons / MOVED: Missing diamonds
« on: December 05, 2009, 01:41:14 PM »

Bugs / Visual bug - recipe
« on: December 04, 2009, 04:05:15 PM »
When recipes are dropped in battle, they say that the recipe is too high for me to craft.

I have over 300cp in Tier 3 crafting (armoursmith). This message appears for every armoursmith recipe I recieve.
Once the recipe is in my backpack, the red error text is gone, but the visual bug should still be corrected.

Suggestions / Have an imperial mail/post system
« on: December 02, 2009, 08:22:01 PM »
I have friends in the empire that I want to share goods with, but they are not in my guild. I would like to send them a recipe, an apple or dagger (not in the back!).

I don't want to use the open auction because of a number of factors:
- it is difficult to find a specific item in the auction
- someone else might buy the item
- pay auction fees for a gift is really sucky
- the recipient would have to be online and would need to find the item, rather than passively receive it.

My suggestion is that there be a postal system implemented in the game. There could be a postal fee based on the size of the item, measured in backpack squares (1 square for an apple, 2 squares for a belt, 8 squares for a tower shield, 5 squares for 5 stacked bars of copper etc.). The fee should be cheap because the exchange could actually be done by joining a leaving guilds, but that is a hassle.

We are already able to transfer gold and diamonds to others, why not actual items?

There shouldn't be any concern about the postal system killing the auction house, because paying for these items with gold transfer is very expensive (the fee is high).
The items received would reside in the cache.


Bugs / Wrong Item classification
« on: November 30, 2009, 07:30:15 PM »
I have some rubies that were given as a storyline reward. I understand that some items have incorrect labels (str_item....) and I believe that many of those problems have been fixed, but my rubies not only have the wrong label, but are not being classified as Tier 3 gems, they are listed as Tier 1 gems. That makes it impossible for me to sell because they are not seen when sorting by tier. My rubies aren't seen along with those listed by other players.

This is how my rubies appear.

Can this be fixed? Can the rubies that are in my possession be fixed?

Story Line Quests / Why do Storyline quests??
« on: November 28, 2009, 04:28:12 AM »
Ever wondered why you should complete a storyline quest?
This is why.

(final prize for teir 3 storyline in Barren Rocks...your results may vary!)

Questions / System messages - wrong language
« on: November 25, 2009, 02:11:06 PM »
I was sent two messages last night, from 'System' in a language I do not understand.
This is one of them:
"Екипът на "Империя Онлайн ООД" и родителите на новородената Красимира благодари на всички наши потребители, които се отзоваха светкавично на молбата за помощ.
Необходимите средства за лечение вече са събрани.

Благодарим Ви!"

So, this is obviously a bug, but what language is it, what does it say?

Here is the other message:
Зов за помощ

Един от нашите играчи, Васил Хаджиев, от В. Търново, има нужда от помощ.
Наскоро му се е родила дъщеричка – Красимира Василева Хаджиева, която все още е в кувьоз, с диагноза – тежка, двустранна пневмония. Детенцето има нужда от скъпи антибиотици, за които майка му и баща му не могат да намерят средства. Необходимата сума е 2000 лева. Екипът на „Империя Онлайн ООД” се поинтересува и след като установи, че става въпрос за реална човешка трагедия, реши да призове своите играчи да помогнат.
Можете да изпратите средства на:

IBAN BG90UBBS80021024940020
OBB V. Turnovo

Сметката НЕ е дарителска и екипа на играта няма провомощия да Ви информира за размера на събралите се средства и целта на тяхното изразходване."

Is this spam from someone pretending to be 'System' ?

Questions / Tier 4 provinces
« on: November 24, 2009, 04:23:21 PM »
I did a quick look through the forum and couldn't find the answer to my question (maybe I didn't look hard enough)

I just entered Tier 4, is there a reason why I cannot get into all the Tier 4 provinces, only a few of them?

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