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Messages - PALMA

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14]
Questions / BUG
« on: August 18, 2009, 04:35:54 PM »
Concerning the problem of the combats in the enclosure for bullfighting when open my computer today of afternoon had again this message as they can see. Without making nothing absolutely.It is enough to compare the hours and to make the accounts personal  [13:22]  karamida challenged you to a fight. You lost the fight, 0 gold and 15 fame."Position 13 PetterPalma  Oraculo  36  901903  8981  (FAME 1180) and now the same thing but the hour in the top left corner is "14.40".

[attachment deleted by admin]

Questions / WHAT IS THIS?
« on: August 18, 2009, 12:39:00 PM »
System Message
[13:22]  karamida challenged you to a fight. You lost the fight, 0 gold and 15 fame.
Jogos ganhos sucessivamente:0
Sucesso:0 %
What it is this? I not even fight? Now I was without Fame. It appears  this Message message-System
 [13: 22] karamida challenged you with a fight. You lost the fight, 0 gold and 15 fame.
Fame: 1185
Games profits successively: 0
 Ganha: 0
 Perde: 1
 Success: 0%
 But I not even was the combat? I´m not to load at least in this. Please that they see this to me? I am not understand this?
 >:( ??? >:(

Questions / "MY HOUSE"
« on: August 18, 2009, 11:58:03 AM »
Yesterday I received this message from the System 2009-08-17 18:58: 10, “System. A income of its house is not paid. All the objects of its house had been moved for Safe ". Then I again activated the income, “paid Income up to 2009-08-24 18:58: 54”, of followed I verified that in the safe the objects were not, were was in the house, but they lacked 16 rings to me, had been the skins and the potions. Now I have feared to sleep in a house that during the night I am assaulted, when to finish in 2009-08-24 now I go to have that to mount an alarm system because for this way still they go me to steal the remaining portion of it furnishes. It was thankful equips it of imperial hero that it makes an inquiry with one detective and discovers who walks in my province to make booties. Thank you.PetterPalma >:( ??? >:(

Мecânica / Bug na tasca
« on: May 30, 2009, 11:13:09 AM »
Bom dia. Observei que quando deixo o meu heroi na tasca a trabalhar e regresso no dia seguinte, ele nao acumula dinheiro sendo já o terceiro dia que acontece isto. Quando faço login é como se ele não estivesse a trabalhar. Deixo-o sempre em 48 horas e sou jogador premium. O meu nick é PetterPalma Reino Beta. Obrigado.

Мecânica / Re: Bugs
« on: April 27, 2009, 01:40:36 PM »
Boas, reparei que quando mando o meu Mistico a algum lado ainda existe a possibilidade de carregarem Artesanato. Porém alem de não funcionar uma vez que o heroi se encontra em viagem, é retirado á mesma um ponto de acção. Cada vez que faço login entro como idioma o inglês e quando mudo para Português tambem perco um ponto de acção. Falei com o meu irmão o Poliban_ e ele disse-me para postar aqui no forum.
Abraços a todos.

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