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Messages - Fragmaster

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Suggestions / weapon classes balance
« on: February 01, 2011, 01:14:19 PM »
 :) in spirit of today's dagger buff ,it reminded me of some my old ideas:

some weapon classes are really on bottom of usage.Mainly because they are weaker than some other.

So i suggest 2 things for underused hammer and morning star/mace classes :

Hammers should provide +20% bonus strength .Reason is that hit with hammer class weapon should have reduced chance of blocking.It is impossible to block 30 kg heavy hammer ! If it hits u,it blows u through shield.With increased str, wielder reduces more of enemy block .Also will buff some damage ,and they need that ( recent minimum hit chance reduction was really bad for this class of weapons)

Mace class should give stun ability to wielder.Pretty much self-explanatory and realistic.

Suggestions / stonecutter missions
« on: January 31, 2011, 06:39:08 AM »
I am here to protest ! i had mission to collect 65 common topaz in burning sands where possibility for that is worst! I spend 80 ap and 16 diamonds and extracted around 30-35 gems.So will anyone tell me whats the point of mission that needs 160 ap and 32 diamonds(or 28 minutes per ATTEMPT waiting in dangerous province) .How can missions be same as for other professions where people have 10 times easier work.And why should i finish quest at all ,when i can take 4k xp per Ap in nomad outpost.Thats 1 and a half level lost for a gathering mission.Not exactly fair to be honest...I feel ripped here..

Questions / classes balance
« on: January 25, 2011, 07:05:06 PM »
Im here to say that light mystic is much weaker PvE supporter compared to warriors in lategame . I will use example : epic monsters have stats 500 500 1000 .... and similar in tier5 . Mystic gives +50 or -50 to stats , and warriors have +/-24 % .While warriors can take mystic merc who does everything important that mystic have,mystic can never take guardian with leadership or fury warrior with cry.Its big disadvantage.I need more expensive gear compared to warriors due to this anomaly. Arent mystics supposed to be best support heroes because they are weakest fighters?Heal in lategame becomes weak and useless  ,because monster dont keep same dmg/MAX life rate as tiers are stronger and stronger.Something needs to change..thats my opinion.Recent rules for 60 block and minimum hit rate are both favouring epic bosses.They simply have always max block ,and with their strong stats they are benefiting from new hit chance.My prediction is that someone needs to invest few times more diamonds compared to value of  all important quest rewards together.In every game,quests should produce better effect ,compared to mindless grind.Here is quite opposite.

At least give us resurrection already  :D

Pitanja / Re: ???
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:10:01 PM »
ja sam presao taj deo ,smes da se vracas.

General Talk / Re: It is impossible
« on: January 20, 2011, 05:35:22 PM »
mammoth class enemies are best suited for archers because they lack speed abilities like fast and stealth ,dont have dread/petrify,no block .But anyway ,concept itself is that u need epic weapons and range 10 (3+6+1) ,which mean u need to have DIAMONDS in order to win in m.s. dungeons>>>  :P

Pitanja / Re: priča
« on: January 20, 2011, 05:28:42 PM »
nisu oni glupi ,samo ne daju epski cekic nekome ko ne potrosi bar 400 dijamanata na opremu u razini 5.Posle je lako sa jacim placenicima u razini6

General Talk / Re: It is impossible
« on: January 20, 2011, 04:38:11 PM »
That mammoth is smarter than my hero :D

Questions / Re: Mining chances in Blood Mine
« on: January 20, 2011, 02:07:14 PM »
Expectancy for low probabilities can be confirmed only with big amount of attempts .50-100 dont prove anything..

Pitanja / Re: priča
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:30:29 PM »
Jednostavno,kod svake tacke zadatka gde je nacrtan kovceg (sto znaci da ukljucuje predmet nagradu) a ne macevi ,ti predmeti vaze kao nagrada u istoj razini.Ako predjes u jacu ,taj predmet sto je nacrtan ne dobijes (epski cekici smrc ) vec samo ovo ostalo max.

Pitanja / Re: plaćenici, nivoi i heroji
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:27:53 PM »
Evo ovako to ide .
On uzme i unajmi placenika nivo 39 dok je i sam razina 4.Placenik dobija XP ,dok se bije , i stigne na 40 ti nivo.On sa tim nivoom nije razina 5 dok se ne unapredi kod vidara , i ne moze da nosi opremu razine 5.Ukoliko ga unapredi (kosta 32k ) ne moze da ga koristi dok ne predje u razinu 5.Tako da taj placenik ima samo prednost visheg levela (odredjeni penali u borbi postoje kad se boris protiv nekog ko je visi level)

Questions / Re: little question
« on: January 15, 2011, 03:36:39 AM »
well during 1 round actions happen simultaneously :meaning they are only displayed as sequence,but that would be unfair.Thats why even dying combatant retaliates.You can also notice ur mercs can hit sometimes already dead enemy, overkilling him.Not so smart...

Razgovor / Re: Aukcijska kuca
« on: January 14, 2011, 10:36:29 PM »
Nema ih,jer su vezani automatski svi predmeti osim onih sto ispadnu od "gazde" tamnice... Moras ih prodati NPC prodavnici

Suggestions / Hardcore IH
« on: January 12, 2011, 09:08:12 PM »
Well i dont know if u guys were ever considering this.Probably u did ,but heres my thoughts.

Realm that will be much more in old mortal IO fashion.Account mortality was and always will be core to IO beauty .Why not use some of it here .

As name itself says,it would be something for expirienced players,with increased difficulty ,to provide them new spark for playing it.They all hit dungeon hundred times,but game itself was all like more diamonds someone have,better he is.

How to make competetive IH realm someone would ask....And why would owners want realm where milk drops slower.Well answer is really simple,game itself can reach big popularity if it has something that is really attractive.

heres list of all things that would differ from original game and make it possibly something very nice:

-no diamond for gold market
-no bonus AP (no fb,artillery or diamond ap purchase)
-unlimited AP capacity with retroactive AP for people that register later.That means that in every moment ,every player has same total amount of action points ,.This makes game as fair as it can be.
-diamonds are still used for : tools,purple potions,instant crafting,looted item ransom (will be described later).
-diamonds are used for all premium options.

-new looting concept
looting player becomes realistic : player that successfully loots a player takes all equiped items that defeated player has .Defeated player loses all gold.It works both ways so defender can take all too!Looted items gain new atttribute : looted . It is added into item statistics.Looted items cannot be sold on auction,because auction owners dont want to be part of criminal activities.however those items lose its "bound" but are staying "looted" forever .This means "looted" items can be shared with guild teammates or given to any merc.After giving to friend or merc,items become both "bound" and "looted" to avoid any "guild grandpa sword that is used in 5 generations" .However ,winner has option to demand ransom of  his equipement either in diamonds or gold or both,sending demanded values.If demand isnt paid in 24 hours,blackmail fails.If items are returned they stay bound to original owner.

-player have 1 minute of "bloodswords" if he is under attack (so looting isnt instant),its his chance to cancel whatever he is doing and flee if he wants to.Once attack is initiated,both attacker and defender become "locked" for looting until fight happens or its canceled by defenders flee.
-If players are in same dungeon, they can inspect eachothers mercs for equipement and skills.
-now ,making those unsecure provinces so dreadfull ,means that they should give more .Item drops are doubled as well as XP and digging quantities.
This should comphensate lack of AP for diamonds.

Now,before people start flaming me for altering game into something unplayable ,things become all about teamwork.If u lose items,u shouldnt panic if u have teammate who can take someone elses equipement and give it to you.You can never (or at least u shouldnt ! ) go to dig alone,but always have teammates guarding you.If u want to play multiaccounting,there is big possibilities u can confuse and lose ,1 minute is short time !
Well ,thing to consider is how to resolve "looting" when we have for instance digger,guard and attacker ,but i will first wait to see any reaction on things i described so far.

Questions / Re: War
« on: January 12, 2011, 07:30:12 PM »
He probably ment diplomacy stance change to war .That means u will have enemy names will have red color in unsecure provinces. Green color is for ally.But beside color which is only informational ,not restrictional (meaning u can hit green -ally players ) ,more expirienced players told me there is nothing more ... Just to help u with priorities when u are looting around and see several players in different colors.

Suggestions / Re: Crafting chance
« on: January 10, 2011, 01:23:37 PM »
You are not seeing entire picture : reduced epic chance lead to diamond price drop.It dropped from 455k to 400k in beta. It will drop more.Equilibrium will be reached very soon,in few weeks.Not everyone should be crafter,some players should dig resources,and this shifts everything in that direction.And besides,things change ,and now player cant send 1 sms for 30 diamonds,make 6 epics (with old 25-31% epic chance) ,dress himself ,and just play further.thing is that epic was way too easy to make.It only hurts u as a player that "maximum" equipement is now more expensive,meaning that richer players will have better eq.In general ,people will buy same amounts of diamonds,epics will worth more,so when u make it it will be sold more expensive.Game is a bit harder,that is true,since equipement is more expensive now,and monsters are same.but its not end of world,and game does not become impossible.

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