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Messages - josep

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General Talk / Re: New game module - what do you like and what not
« on: October 24, 2009, 05:10:44 AM »
Task: Dispose of the Leader of Red Hand.

Gold : 400 - 400
Diamonds : 10 - 10
Experience : 400 - 400

but dont worry, im level 17 with 2 mercs and i cant complete this story line quest (its in farolin)
I'm comleting farolin storyline too... I was in the middle of completig the second task when I started to whimp lonely heroes and got "picked"(don't know the right word  :( ) by it.

General Talk / Most resources stolen in a battle
« on: October 24, 2009, 05:04:27 AM »
Why not we have a post where we can compete for who has stolen the most resources in one battle :D or of people complaining they stole them >:D

General Talk / Re: New game module - what do you like and what not
« on: October 24, 2009, 04:58:50 AM »
no problem. but you have to remember that you can have premium in this game even without spend a penny on this game. there is a lot quest where you can take diamonds as reward. you can buy diamond for gold on market and after reaching tier 3 you can earn gold for it only with fight and now you have possibilities to kick some heroes in danger province and take his gold or not. if you have good guild you can sleep on diamonds. its true ask players from reacro or zealots
WTF! where the hell are those missions?
PS: Also to add something more I don't like about tier 2 storylines is that they are like 10% harder than tier 1 storylines; I don't mean about the difficulty of mobs, but how many and how hard are to find specific mobs in some places...

General Talk / Re: New game module - what do you like and what not
« on: October 24, 2009, 04:47:20 AM »
I do like the storyline mission in tier 1 province because they give you good rewards compared to the gold mobs in hope village give you... but in tier 2 provinces missions rewards aren't so good... in tier 1 provinces you got like 8-12 gold in a battle agains to mobs (and sometimes more if you fought humanoids) but in tier 2 provinces is  more than the twice as in tier 2 provinces so... May I ask for better rewards on tier 2 provinces?

General Talk / Re: New game module - what do you like and what not
« on: October 24, 2009, 04:42:19 AM »
next thing is much easier. realm 2 or server beta start few months ago (dont remember now but about 4 months ago). in game is possible to develop hero only to level 50. we now have few players with level 46, dont you think its too fast? and they dont used story lines and other features. they even dont use best possible to craft items cause they are first players which are crafting in tier 4. they are using only rare items, some of them have 1 legendary item.
then i ask you what is fun in game which you can end with 4-6 months? where is RPG game idea? for me RPG game is travelling along the world and adventure and i think you want to win all battles you make. you dont gain experience about game without few lose battles
Yeah, but those are most likely premium members... who can do twice the things normal users do... and even most of them buy action points so they can do 4 times more than normal users... if they chose to have advance so quickly is their problem (sorry if this sounds pretty bad... I seriously don't mean to be bad).
1) its not so bad like you think, try to calculate it. if you have low level you either have low HP and spirit, then better for you is to buy food and potions. but when you are level 30-35 or higher better for you is to buy 1 diamond on market and buy 1 rejuvination potion than all this potions to regain HP and spirit. its much better to do like that. and you have to remember you earn a lot money on those levels.
now if you are on level ie 10 and you have not so much diamond, maybe 3-5 from quests, then you can buy few rejuvination potions and sold them on auction for gold and make profits
Mmmmmm. I hadn't thought it that way... but my highest level hero is 15...
PS:thanks for the esplanation of the dig formula

General Talk / Re: I LOVE dangerous provinces :)
« on: October 24, 2009, 02:47:29 AM »
Damn! I've found a lot of resources I don't even need  ??? fighting others.... wonder if they needed them... And A LOT of gold still coming from lonely heroes  >:D
I do not think that the gaim should aim at making the life of players more difficult.. Or am I wrong?  ;)
Yes and no. It should be hard... but not as imposible as I've heard tier 4 provinces are, in my opinion.

« on: October 24, 2009, 02:30:43 AM »
Han ido a pelear a las provincias peligrosas? por dios uno le saca de todo a los mineros jeje....

Guilds / Re: Watchers
« on: October 23, 2009, 08:11:42 PM »
can i join??

General Talk / I LOVE dangerous provinces :)
« on: October 22, 2009, 07:51:45 PM »
Before having mercs was a waste of money and esp now I can easily chew any player without one and get A LOT of gold, when I said a lot I mean really a lot for just 2 AP :)
Who feels the same way?  :o 8) ::) :-[

Questions / Re: Because...
« on: October 22, 2009, 07:41:22 PM »
I found storyline quests.......... in a tier 2 province..... :-[ in haroda i believe...

General Talk / Re: New game module - what do you like and what not
« on: October 22, 2009, 07:02:27 PM »
I don't like:
1)Why the hell does the rejuvenation potion has to be priced on diamonds?! Some of us don't have gold enough to buy them in the auction and others are just too young for having a credit card (the same with those potions that last longer)
2)Why you changed the weakness? It would hve been the first time being a mystic would come in handy.
3)I'm too dumb to understand the digging formula...

I like:
1)The strenght requirements. As crassus said... those damn rangers were too strong.
2)The storyline missions, even if everybody is against it... :D
3)It's easier to go to a dungeon so you can dig and fight without going back to town.
4)That in the dangerous provinces it will be more higher percentage on good things than on mobs strenghts..... (I think......... or maybe I can't get my idea straight...)
5)Finally it will come on handy having a lot of mercs.
6)I LOVE DANGEROUS PROVINCES, they give you so much gold  8)

Sugerencias / Re: flechas / virote para arco / ballesta
« on: June 28, 2009, 06:48:14 PM »
Mmm las flechas de las ballestas se llaman saetas
bueno, un cupon para 10k flechas y otro para 10k saetas ;D

General Talk / Re: Where are you from?
« on: June 28, 2009, 06:46:02 PM »

Sugerencias / Re: flechas / virote para arco / ballesta
« on: June 26, 2009, 07:41:36 PM »
ya que los guerreros pueden elegir arma y escudo (o dos armas), estaria bien que los arqueros gasten flechas, y haya que ir comprando cuando se acaben

podia haber varios tipos de flechas/virotes con distintas potencias, seria como el baldur´s gate...

es que tener un arco que no gaste flechas no tiene mucho sentido
has de cuenta que te ganaste un cupon para 10,000 flechas

Preguntas / Re: como salir de la provincia
« on: June 26, 2009, 07:39:13 PM »
conforme vas subiendo de nivel puedes ir a otros lados
cuando eres nv 4 puedes ir a otra provincia
cuando eres nv 7 puedes ir a todos las mazmorras de la villa de la esperanza

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