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Topics - robiolastex

Pages: [1] 2
General Talk / Ancient IH players
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:18:31 PM »
I opened this forum after 4 years of inactivity and felt so incredibly nostalgic.. I thought about all the nice moments I had when we were an active community, with all my friends and all my enemies, the nice talks here in the forum. I really enjoyed it, then time passed and we lost the chance to keep on appreciating a so well made game. I don't know if anyone would ever read this post, btw I would thanks ZEALOTS for all the nice time spent togheter especially mix2mix, my best friend in the game; then all other players I played with, all my enemies from NBD, mano rossa, morska. I would also thank venom18, banditko, archgod, seyun, bender86, the admin Johnnie and everyone else I've been a good friend out of the game, too. If you see this topic, leave an answer in memory of the gone good times.

Novità / Modalità, condizioni e regole di reset
« on: September 30, 2013, 01:23:09 PM »
Qui in questo topic verrà spiegato tutto ciò che c'è da dire su modalità e regole del reset.

Regole e Condizioni:

-Ogni eroe può ottenere al massimo 2 bonus: 1 agli attributi e 1 alla creazione.
-Se un eroe sceglie lo stesso tipo di bonus due volte, il secondo scelto andrà a rimpiazzare il primo (ad esempio se scelgo il bonus alla vitalità e resetto di nuovo scegliendo il bonus all'agilità, scomparirà quello alla vitalità rimpiazzato da quello all'agilità; se viene scelto una seconda volta il bonus alla creazione non verrà aggiunto nè tolto alcunchè).
-Un eroe può essere resettato quante volte si vuole (sempre rispettando le condizioni e le modalità).


È necessario:
-Raggiungere il livello 69 (non è necessario completare l'esperienza di quest'ultimo)
-Completare tutti i passi della story line "Per L'Impero" che si sbloccherà e sarà disponibile alla Taverna di Imperial City una volta raggiunto il livello 69.
-Ricevere le ricompense di tutti i passi della Story.
-Andare nel menù eroe e cliccare su "resetta" come mostrato sotto in foto (la foto è in inglese, resetta=restart):

-Scegliere uno dei bonus disponibili e la classe che si desidera come mostrato in foto sotto:

Congratulazioni! Ora il tuo account è resettato e hai ricevuto 500 Punti Azione in aggiunta a quelli che già avevi prima del reset.

Note e Consigli:

-Riceverai come ricompensa da un passo della Story Line "Per L'Impero" alcuni oggetti speciali di ordine 3 in base alla tua classe (Mistico, Ranger, Guerriero) e potrai sfruttarli dopo il reset. Ti permetteranno di salire di livello più velocemente grazie alla loro particolare forza, pertanto si consiglia di non venderli.
-Dato che i Punti Azione che si hanno prima del reset vengono mantenuti, si consiglia di averne il più possibile prima del reset.
-Non dimenticare di licenziare i mercenari che hai assoldato dopo il reset per riprendere quelli che avevi prima del reset e che erano scompasi, perchè quando raggiungi il loro ordine di appartenenza, avrai bisogno di tanti posti liberi per i mercenari quanti erano i mercenari che avevi prima del reset, altrimenti non riappariranno.

Il Team di Imperial Hero spera che vi sia utile

News / Server Access Issues
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:46:11 PM »
Our internet provider is encountering technical issues and access to the game may be limited. We hope it'll be solved in little time. IH Team apologizes for the inconvenience.

News / New and Longer Double Crafting Chance Weekend: 21 - 24 September!
« on: September 16, 2013, 01:39:02 PM »
About the last missed Double Crafting Chance Weekend: it was active but the we had some problems with the crafting coefficient that remained x1 in place of the x2 that would have been the correct one. Programmers had made some tests in order to find out why it didn't work correctly and after that a new longer x2 weekend was set on the 21st September (Saturday), 00:00 (GMT+2 Server Time) and will end on the 24th September (Tuesday), 00:00 (GMT+2 Server Time). Imperial Hero Team apologizes for any inconveniences we have caused to our players.

News / About Restart Rules, Conditions and Modality.
« on: August 09, 2013, 11:30:25 AM »
Here in this topic everything about restart rules and modalities will be explained.

Rules and Conditions:

-Each player can get at maximum 2 bonuses: 1 to the attributes and 1 to the crafting.
-If a player choose the same bonus twice, the second one will replace the first one (for example if I choose the bonus to vitality and I restart again
 choosing the bonus to the agility, the one to vitality will disappear and the one to agility will remain, if the crafting bonus is chosen twice, the
 second time nothing will happen).
-A character can be restarted as many times as it is wanted.


It's needed to:
-Reach the 69th level (completing the 69th level experience isn't needed).
-Accomplish all steps of the story "For the Empire" that will be unlocked and will be available to Imperial City Tavern once reached the 69th level.
-Get all rewards of the story.
-Go to the hero menu and click on "restart" like it's shown into the photo below:

-Choose the bonus you want and the new class from the menu and in the end click on the "restart" like it's shown into the photos below.

Congratulations! Now your account is restarted and you have received 500 APs besides the ones you had before the restart that you keep.

Notes and Suggestions:

-You will receive as a reward from a step of the story "For the Empire" some special t3 items according to your class that you can use after reset.
 They will allow you to level up quicklier because of their strenght, so keep them.
-Given that the current APs you have before restart are kept after the restart, collect as many as you can.
-Don't forget to dismiss the mercenaries you hired after restart to get back the ones that you had from before the restart and that had disappeared ,
 because when you reach their tier, you will need as many free spots as the number of mercs you kept when you restarted otherwise they won't come back.

That's all. IH Team hopes it will be useful.

News / Double Crafting Chance Weekend!
« on: April 24, 2013, 04:09:26 PM »
Happy times are coming for all crafters in the Ayarr Empire!

The Ministry of Vocations announces a Double Crafting Chance Weekend, which will start on Saturday,  May 4th, 00:00 Server Time (GMT +2) and will end on Monday, May 6th, 00:00 Server Time (GMT +2)!

All Crafting chance during this period will be doubled!

Crafters will know when the weekend starts by the anvil icon, which will appear on their Crafting Menu.

General Talk / Happy Catholic Easter!
« on: March 31, 2013, 11:08:41 AM »
IH Team wishes all players and their families a Happy Easter!

Mechanics / MOVED: power concentration
« on: November 29, 2012, 05:53:09 PM »

Questions / MOVED: epic tool
« on: August 21, 2012, 06:05:04 PM »

Fallas / MOVED: Duracion.
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:13:26 PM »

Bugs / MOVED: Desafio
« on: July 11, 2012, 09:54:55 AM »

News / Facebook's APs
« on: March 04, 2012, 01:00:54 PM »
The 2 Free APs of Facebook are temporarily blocked because of some technical issues.

Imperial Hero Team hopes to solve the problem as soon as possible and apologizes for any inconvenience we have caused to our players.

General Talk / asparuh total lordship
« on: December 14, 2011, 08:51:20 PM »
and now NBD you lost your last castle in t5 lol, even with the help of manorossa *hihi*

Market / MOVED: Suggestion for new filter on market.
« on: October 23, 2011, 07:32:23 PM »

Questions / MOVED: Rohstoffe, Söldner, Diamanten
« on: October 02, 2011, 11:58:47 AM »

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