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Messages - thomason

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Questions / Re: some questions regarding the new gameplay
« on: October 21, 2009, 08:24:15 PM »
Another Question or suggestion:
Shouldnt the provinces be marked as dangerous on the map?

Maybe I dont want to travel through all provinces in order to find not or dangerous province. I only receive the massage when I go for a mission...a waste of my time, sometimes very important for me and other players.

Good suggestion is also to make an option like this:
- You choose a location to go...
- You wait a while and You enter the location
- You choose for example mining x 10 AP...and select option (after mining return to village/town).

Questions / Re: some questions regarding the new gameplay
« on: October 21, 2009, 08:13:37 PM »
And one thing...
Why at the beginning of the battle I receive a message like this:
At least one of your items requiers more strenght than you have. All bonuses from this item has been ommited!

The enemy didnt had any ability to reduce my strenght and the requirements are fullfilled

Dyskusje / Re: Zmiany
« on: October 21, 2009, 08:01:14 PM »
Już bronie mają przypisaną siłę, prawie cały mój pancerz jest podświetlony na czerwono... :'(

Problem w tym, że niewiele można teraz zrobić, skoro dano wymagania co do poziomu siły, a nie umożliwiono zmiany wszystkich statystyk.
Poza tym wymiana na przedmioty z atrybutem siły nie działa...
Wyszło na to, że po zmianach moi bohaterowie wylądowali automatycznie w niebezpiecznych prowincjach. Żadnych przesunięć bohaterów nie było.
Sprawdzam jeszcze możliwości wydobywania, ale według mnie brakuje w ogóle opcji typu:
po walce/wydobyciu wróć do miasta/wioski. Inaczej bohater zostaje na polu walki i jest łatwym łupem, zwłaszcza w nocy, kiedy będą zmieniane niebezpieczne prowincje. Może się obudzić z nocnikiem w ręku - straci złoto, surowce i pewnie chwałę.
Obecne rozwiązanie jest złe dla osób, które grają w tą grę z doskoku, logują się, wysyłają i wychodzą z gry.
Zacząłem w to grać, bo gra nie wymagała ode mnie siedzenia przed kompem. Tylko ode mnie zależało, ile będę tu w danej chwili. Teraz trzeba przeczekać aż bohater dotrze do miejsca (co czasem jednak trochę trwa, zwłaszcza dla osób, niekorzystających z premium i innych dodatków). Każde wydobycie też trwa, co spowodowało ogólne wydłużenie czasu zbierania surowców.

Questions / Re: some questions regarding the new gameplay
« on: October 21, 2009, 07:50:50 PM »
The game should be blocked until each of the changes are provided...
At the moment:
- you cant redistribute skill and ability points (and this is necessary with the changes)
- You cant were equipment when the skill arent reached - You cant change one item to other (with higher strenght skill) in order to meet the new requirements
- the problem with previous posts everything is about this

Questions / Re: some questions regarding the new gameplay
« on: October 21, 2009, 05:01:31 PM »
does somebody know when the redistribution of atribute points will be implemented?
At the moment we have changes, but not all...

Dyskusje / Re: Zmiany
« on: October 20, 2009, 11:19:38 PM »
Dobrze, że jest ta redystrybucja. Trzeba będzie zbadać wszystkie przedmioty, bo z pancerzami to pikuś, wiadomo co, gorzej jeśli chodzi o broń i pozostałe części ubioru

Dyskusje / Re: Zmiany
« on: October 20, 2009, 07:54:54 PM »
Odnośnie jutrzejszych zmian.

Czy można wiedzieć dokładnie co się zalicza do przedmiotów:
- lekkich
- średnich
- ciężkich

zdarza się, że wojownik ma średni pancerz, ale np. ma stalowe buty lub hełm. Czy zatem te ostatnie przedmioty są ciężkie?
Jak zaliczyć np. łuk?

Pytam się, żeby nie popełnić błędu przy redystrybucji punktów do bohaterów.

Questions / Re: some questions regarding the new gameplay
« on: October 20, 2009, 01:06:59 PM »
thx chege for the information

Questions / some questions regarding the new gameplay
« on: October 20, 2009, 12:42:26 PM »
- How we will now, that the province is dangerous at the moment?
- Will it be possible that someone will attack us when we will be in the village/town?
- What about attacking someone who is going back from the mission with not full vitality/spirit? This hero would be a easy prey for the other players
- the 1% tax of gold in the bank will be per day? So for example if someone has about 1million he will loose at the first day 10,000 of gold?
- if the monsters in dangerous provinces will be stronger, this will include the monsters from tier 4, that are already stronger thanks to the bosses?

Pytania / Re: nowe prowincje
« on: October 20, 2009, 10:58:06 AM »
Bo pewnie jesteś całkiem nowym graczem, który ma za niski poziom bohatera, żeby wejść do innych prowincji (wymagany odpowiedni Tier)

Dyskusje / Re: Nowości w grze
« on: October 18, 2009, 11:30:10 AM »
Wygląda na to, że nie można już sobie złota przesyłać. Pozostały diamenty...

Bugs / Re: Bug in the Battle
« on: October 15, 2009, 11:14:12 AM »
For me the better way to decrease heroes developing in level is to increase requirements in exp. points rather than giving everywhere level 30-32 monster bosses. In that way You have to wait longer to increase a level, but You still see developing the hero by increasing points, and not by seeing the heroes death...

Only 8 rounds with merc (I changed my weapon to secondary - warhammer):

Team Team
Name : thomason
Level 37
Class: Warrior
Damage 345 - 455.94
Range: 0
Critical Hit Chance: 22%
Block Chance: 0%
Total Armor: 1946
Items' Agility Modifier: -50%
Items' Dextirity Modifier: -30%

Name : Xena
Level 34
Class: Ranger
Damage 52.405 - 177.285
Range: 2
Critical Hit Chance: 27%
Block Chance: 15%
Total Armor: 917
Items' Agility Modifier: 0%
Items' Dextirity Modifier: 0%

 Name : Sabretooth tiger
Level 32
Class: None
Damage 60.016 - 225.06
Range: 1
Critical Hit Chance: 6%
Block Chance: 0%
Total Armor: 1210
Items' Agility Modifier: 0%
Items' Dextirity Modifier: 0%

Name : Sabretooth tiger
Level 32
Class: None
Damage 120.032 - 450.12
Range: 1
Critical Hit Chance: 12%
Block Chance: 0%
Total Armor: 2420
Items' Agility Modifier: 0%
Items' Dextirity Modifier: 0%


Round 1
thomason successfully uses the skill Battle Cry on the enemy party and lowers their attributes with 12%.
Sabretooth tiger successfully uses the skill Roar on the enemy party and lowers their attributes with 16%.

Team 1 takes turn
thomason 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 2.
Xena doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Sabretooth tiger. Level difference modifier is 1.1 .
Sabretooth tiger's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 16
Sabretooth tiger's Fast skill lowers the Xena's weapon range, which is 2, with 2.
Xena 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 2.

Team 2 takes turn
Sabretooth tiger 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 2.
Sabretooth tiger 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 2.

Team 1 takes turn
thomason 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 1.
Xena 's weapon range is lower, current distance is 1.

Team 2 takes turn
Sabretooth tiger doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses thomason. Level difference modifier is 0.6 .
thomason's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 4.5
Melee Defense stance adds 27.327786666667 to 68.319466666667 damage.
Sabretooth tiger hits thomason for 95.647253333333 and the latter is left with 1617.95 health.
Sabretooth tiger doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses thomason. Level difference modifier is 0.6 .
thomason's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 10.5
Melee Defense stance adds 106.54890666667 to 266.37226666667 damage.
Sabretooth tiger hits thomason for 372.92117333333 and the latter is left with 1245.03 health.

Round 2

Team 1 takes turn
thomason doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Sabretooth tiger. Level difference modifier is 1.4 .
Sabretooth tiger's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 12
thomason hits Sabretooth tiger for 376.71333333333 and the latter is left with 927.45 health.
Monster kills bonus adds 0% to damage.
Charge attack performed!
Xena hits Sabretooth tiger for 103.37273333333 and the latter is left with 824.07 health.
Monster kills bonus adds 0% to damage.

Team 2 takes turn
Melee Defense stance adds 27.327786666667 to 68.319466666667 damage.
Sabretooth tiger hits thomason for 95.647253333333 and the latter is left with 1149.38 health.
Melee Defense stance adds 106.54890666667 to 266.37226666667 damage.
Sabretooth tiger hits thomason for 372.92117333333 and the latter is left with 776.46 health.

Round 3

Team 1 takes turn
thomason hits Sabretooth tiger for 333.96 and the latter is left with 2475 health.
Monster kills bonus adds 0% to damage.

thomason hits Sabretooth tiger for 333.96 and the latter is left with 490.11 health.
Monster kills bonus adds 0% to damage.
Whirlwind attack performed!
Xena hits Sabretooth tiger for 452.09153333333 and the latter is left with 38.02 health.
Monster kills bonus adds 0% to damage.
A critical hit is performed! 8/16!

Team 2 takes turn
Melee Defense stance adds 27.327786666667 to 68.319466666667 damage.
Sabretooth tiger hits thomason for 95.647253333333 and the latter is left with 680.82 health.
Melee Defense stance adds 106.54890666667 to 266.37226666667 damage.
Sabretooth tiger hits thomason for 372.92117333333 and the latter is left with 307.89 health.

Round 4

Team 1 takes turn
thomason hits Sabretooth tiger for 333.96 and the latter is left with -295.94 health.
Monster kills bonus adds 0% to damage.

thomason hits Sabretooth tiger for 333.96 and the latter is left with 2141.04 health.
Monster kills bonus adds 0% to damage.
Whirlwind attack performed!
Xena doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Sabretooth tiger. Level difference modifier is 1.1 .
Sabretooth tiger's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 16
Xena hits Sabretooth tiger for 103.37273333333 and the latter is left with -399.31 health.
Monster kills bonus adds 0% to damage.

Team 2 takes turn
Sabretooth tiger 96/74.26104 hit evaded.
Melee Defense stance adds 106.54890666667 to 266.37226666667 damage.
Sabretooth tiger hits thomason for 372.92117333333 and the latter is left with -65.03 health.
Sabretooth tiger has been defeated!thomason has been defeated!
Round 5

Team 1 takes turn
Xena doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Sabretooth tiger. Level difference modifier is 1.1 .
Sabretooth tiger's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 7
Xena hits Sabretooth tiger for 51.5402 and the latter is left with 2089.5 health.
Monster kills bonus adds 0% to damage.

Team 2 takes turn
Sabretooth tiger doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Xena. Level difference modifier is 0.9 .
Xena's block percentage is 0.
Critical Hit Chance: 0
Sabretooth tiger 95/37.71 hit evaded.

Round 6

Team 1 takes turn
Xena 79/63.008 hit evaded.

Team 2 takes turn
Sabretooth tiger 76/37.71 hit evaded.

Round 7

Team 1 takes turn
Xena 83/63.008 hit evaded.

Team 2 takes turn
Sabretooth tiger hits Xena for 334.97226666667 and the latter is left with 194.23 health.

Round 8

Team 1 takes turn
Xena 87/63.008 hit evaded.

Team 2 takes turn
Sabretooth tiger hits Xena for 334.97226666667 and the latter is left with -140.74 health.
Xena has been defeated!

Team 2 is victorious!
thomason battle statistics:
Successful/Attacks 5/3
Damage Done: 1712.5533333333
Critical Hits Done: 0
Xena battle statistics:
Successful/Attacks 4/7
Damage Done: 710.3772
Critical Hits Done: 1
Sabretooth tiger battle statistics:
Successful/Attacks 3/4
Damage Done: 286.94176
Critical Hits Done: 0
Sabretooth tiger battle statistics:
Successful/Attacks 6/8
Damage Done: 2161.6292266667
Critical Hits Done: 0

Battle generation time: 0.078794 seconds.

Questions / Re: Whats with the Super powered Monsters
« on: October 14, 2009, 04:29:38 PM »
Why exp. isnt important? If You dont get much than You dont develop...

Bugs / Re: Bug in the Battle
« on: October 14, 2009, 02:59:11 PM »
I can tell you that I win battles easier with a mystic than with a guardian :)
And if you have a critical hit with a hammer... *hihi*

still...the heroes arent balanced. I know that the last changes made that the rangers are less powerful (one of the heroes was winning each battle with other players, and now he loss two battles in a row).

Bugs / Re: Bug in the Battle
« on: October 14, 2009, 02:25:34 PM »
We were used with easy battles in first tiers. Now the monsters are like they should be. One of your problem is that you have a warrior and warriors are the weakest class by far :D Tthe game wasn't supposed to be that easy...that's why you have mercenaries, to use them to win battles. Admins said they will introduce group fights and it will be easier then. And look at every can't beat alone an "elite" (rare monster) or boss. The game was at beginning very quickly, but it wasn't supposed to be that way. If you do level 50 in 3 months then what you'll do? :)

Now the monsters are like they should be??? A level 30-32 monster better than level 37?
I dont think that other class are better than this, because im also testing some heroes in tier 3 and sometimes they get real pain from monsters, however the monsters arent so strong as the ones in tier 4. Maybe You will write that I made bad choices in redistributing atribute points but I can tell You, that you wrong...
And please calculate how many months You will now have to fight to gain additional level...with this kind of play.
And this isnt only my opinion...

and please pay attention to the fact that weapons arent so strong as the ones from the monsters.
level 31 does damage like my warhammer from 39 level...What is more powerful thant hammer in this game?

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