Author Topic: risorse  (Read 2021 times)

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Offline leo

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« on: October 02, 2009, 12:32:05 PM »
Ragazzi per favore... magari non dipende da voi.. vi chiedo a priori scusa per l'intervento che sto per fare.. ma com'è possibile che per andare a prendere un pò di risorse bisogna impiegare 12minuti per 3 minerali?????? avete messo un'opzione nelle battaglie <<  Rimani in questo dungeon dopo la battaglia. >>
uno non può perdere così tanto tempo per questa cosa secondo me!! è una mia opinione.. sarebbe carino questo gioco ma è lentissimo!!
vi ringrazio e mi scuso per questo intervento!!

Offline Tinman

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Re: risorse
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2009, 02:15:03 AM »
Guys please ... maybe not up to you .. I ask you to apologize in advance for the assistance I am doing .. but how is it possible for picking up some resources should be used 12min to 3 minerals? Huh?? you put an option in battles <<Stay in this dungeon after the battle. >> CAN NOT DO THE SAME FOR RESOURCES?? One can not lose so much time for this thing to me! is my opinion .. would be nice but this game is very slow! thank you and I apologize for this posting!
This time in English :)
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Offline 50rin

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Re: risorse
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2009, 03:03:18 AM »
I agree with you, there needs to be an option to stay for gathering more resources, just like battles. I understand there's this privilege only to premium members, where they can automate the gathering process, using as many action points as they want.

Maybe a new function, Keep digging, which takes 3 more minutes, let's say, but not the entire way back to town plus the time from the town to the resource spot again.