First of all, no offense boy, but either use google translator or ask someone to translate your posts in proper English .
Second, when you hire a mercenary ,but when you don't use it in battle, you don't pay it. The Wagons is per battle in which you've used the mercenary.
And you DO need mercenaries, other way you wouldn't give me an example about yours, wouldn't you.?
Nothing word offensive to nobody. The system of Mercenary for me is ugly, not good.
I prefer pay the mercenary for your pricing one times for life. Not all times for all day.
Cya my Money in a stupid mercenary.
A prefer fight with other player versus the monster. This thing is very good.
A create a party online, with 4 or 5 player and let's will go to the mission.
You should be many interaction with other player and cooperation.
The mercenary is a "Robot", and for my personal opinin i can prefer fight ONLYness
(spero abbia scritto in modo corretto). I must pay for a Robot.