I have friends in the empire that I want to share goods with, but they are not in my guild. I would like to send them a recipe, an apple or dagger (not in the back!).
I don't want to use the open auction because of a number of factors:
- it is difficult to find a specific item in the auction
- someone else might buy the item
- pay auction fees for a gift is really sucky
- the recipient would have to be online and would need to find the item, rather than passively receive it.
My suggestion is that there be a postal system implemented in the game. There could be a postal fee based on the size of the item, measured in backpack squares (1 square for an apple, 2 squares for a belt, 8 squares for a tower shield, 5 squares for 5 stacked bars of copper etc.). The fee should be cheap because the exchange could actually be done by joining a leaving guilds, but that is a hassle.
We are already able to transfer gold and diamonds to others, why not actual items?
There shouldn't be any concern about the postal system killing the auction house, because paying for these items with gold transfer is very expensive (the fee is high).
The items received would reside in the cache.