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Offline Rayraink

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« on: January 29, 2010, 03:26:49 AM »
How do you do crafting?


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Re: Crafting?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 01:15:46 PM »


1. How can I craft items ?

To craft items you need to make sure you have completed all of the following points first :

1. Choice of profession - that naturally determines exactly what kind of items you are able to craft. 

2. Availability of recipes - the hero receives all Tier 1 recipes automatically, but for the following crafting tiers he must buy recipes and learn them in order to craft a certain item.

3. Availability of resources - after clicking on a particular recipe, it shows what are the resources needed for making that items and how many of each does the hero currently have in his inventory. If the hero is lacking some resource - the crafting of the item is impossible.

4. Availability of action points - crafting 1 item requires as well 1 action point (AP) if the player is a Premium member. 

2. How can I get crafting points?

Crafting points are obtained for each successful crafting of an item, as each item brings a certain number of crafting points (CP) depending on its type. After reaching 100 crafting points in a particular Tier, the hero unlocks the next crafting tier and after learning some recipes, he has the possibility to craft items in it as well. 

3. I have 100 crafting point in tier 1 but I can still not craft tier 2 items. Why ?

The hero automatically receives all recipes necessary for crafting items in Tier 1. In order to craft in Tier 2, he must buy the recipes needed to craft the desired item or he can also acquire them from the Auction or as a drop item in battling monsters. After the hero "engulfs" a particular recipe for his profession, he can craft the item which he has learned to make.

4.  When will I be able to craft rare items ?

In the beginning, crafting every item gives a certain number of crafting points and the hero can craft only normal items without any additional bonuses. After reaching 200 crafting points (CP), he has the chance to make a "rare item" - an item with 1 modifier or bonus to a particular attribute (for example, +4 dexterity). After successfully crafting a rare item, the system determines based on random principle what bonus it will have and how big the bonus will be. If the crafted item already has a bonus (from a recipe with a precious gem for example), then when a rare item is crafted the bonus has a chance to stack on top of the already existing one.

5. I have reached 200 crafting points and the crafting of items does not give me any more CP. Why ?

After reaching 200 crafting points, only the crafting of rare items (those which possess a bonus) grants additional crafting points. After reaching 300 crafting points in a particular profession - only the crafted legendary items (those which have 2 modifiers) give CP. After reaching 400 points, the crafter can make epic items (only after tier 2) and crafting items with any kind of bonus stops giving crafting points.

6.  What is the maximum of crafting points in each category and what is the range of bonuses which can be obtained ?

The maximum of crafting points, which can be achieved in tier 1 is 300 and in it only rare items can be crafted.  The bonuses for weapons, armors and shields vary from 1-4, and for all other items from 1-2.

The maximum of crafting points, which can be reached in tier 2 is 400 and it it only rare and legendary items can be crafted. The bonuses for weapons, armors and shields are in the range 4-8 and for the rest of the items from 2-4.

The maximum of crafting points in tier 3 is 400 and this applies also to consecutive tiers as well. Here there is a possibility to craft rare, legendary and epic items. The bonuses vary from 6-12 for items such as weapons, armors and shields, and for items from 3-6. The same principle applies to next tiers, as as the bonuses there increase proportionally.

Due to recent changes, the value of certain bonuses has been increased (for example vitality bonuses for all items are increased).

7. What can I use a crafting tool for?

Crafting tools can be equipped by the hero and grant him an additional chance to craft rare items, but only after he has reached 200 crafting points in the respective tier. For each profession  exists a specific tool and he adds the bonus to the already existing chance to craft a rare item. A crafting tool in a particular tier (for example in tier 2) can be equipped only by a hero, who has already reached that tier, i.e. he his higher than level 10. However, the crafting tool gives the same bonuses while crafting items of lower tiers as well (for example tier 1).

8. Which is the correct crafting tool I should equip for my profession ?

                        The correct crafting tools for each profession are :





Use only the correct crafting tool for your profession in order to receive the bonus when crafting items.

9.  What is the purpose of the crafting time multiplier (CTM)? 

During the processing of resources, the time for crafting can be increased up to 8 times by using the crafting time multiplier, which increases the chance for getting critical (additional) quantities (2x, 3x, etc.). This applies only to the processing of hides and precious genes - no crafting time multiplier exists for the processing of wood and ores. Instead of the CTM, after reaching 100, 200, etc crafting points as a carpenter or miner, the quantity of wood and ores which the hero can gather by using 1 AP is increased. (for example, with 200 CP - the hero can mine 2-6 coal per 1 AP instead of 2-4 coal before).

10. I am trying to craft an armor which requires hides but although I have the resources, I cant do it. Why ?
Hides are resources, which can be obtained only if your profession is a tanner and you fight animals which give hides as a drop from the battle. Hides can not be used before they are crafted and only after they are processed into leather can they be used to make armors and all other items. Crafting recipes always require leather.

11.  How is the chance to craft a rare item calculated ?

The chance to craft a rare item in each tier is 4 %, to craft a legendary item - 2 % and epic item - 1 %. In addition to this base chance, the crafting tool also grants a certain % chance depending ot the tier. Using the time multiplier also gives an additional 3% chance to craft a rare item and activating the crafting order adds 10% to the ALREADY EXISTING CHANCE. 

Example of how to calculate the chance for crafting a rare item in tier 3 :

Rare item : 4 % base chance + 6% chance from crafting tool + 3% chance from the time multiplier = 13 % + 10% of 13 = 1.3% from the crafter's order = 14.3% max chance.
Therefore the chance to craft a legendary item is 7.15%, and epic item - 3.58 %.

12.  How do special "magical" tools work ?

Special "magical" tools look exactly like normal crafting tools, however they are colored in yellow and grant an additional 30% chance to craft a rare item no matter in which tier is the crafting tool. Such tools can be bought in the craft shop for recipes in each province and cost 25 diamonds. The tool has a durability of 50 times and grants the increased chance to craft a rare item only during that time, afterwards it disappears.