Light Bone Scale Armor Recipe.
You already have it learned and it's desplayed in your recipe book.
Interesting reply. You have used the English version of the game?
In my version (Italian) i don't appear either as "Light Bone Scale Armor" or as "armatura leggera con scaglie di ossa".
It is possible it absent from the translated list but hidden with the English name?
This is the recipe list I get:
Ricette per Ordine
Ordine 1
Ordine 2
Ordine 3
Mantello [livello 24]
Elmo Interamente in Bronzo [livello 24]
Elmo in Cuoio Rigido [livello 24]
Scudo Rotondo Placcato in Ferro [livello 24]
Armatura Placcata in Bronzo [livello 24]
Guanti Placcati in Bronzo [livello 24]
Armatura rinforzata in Cuoio [livello 24]
Cotta di maglia in Ferro [livello 26]
Elmo di maglia in Ferro [livello 26]
Mantello Pesante [livello 26]
Scudo Pesante di Cuoio in Quercia [livello 26]
Superb Heavy Leather Belt [livello 26]
Stivali in Cuoio Rinforzati Superbi [livello 26]
Cotto di Maglia Leggero [livello 26]
Superb Giant Shield [livello 28]
Topaz Iron Chainmail Gloves [livello 28]
Light-Metal Tactical Helmet [livello 28]
Topaz Studded Leather Gloves [livello 28]
Fury Breastplate [livello 28]
Stivali Placcati in Ferro Superbi [livello 28]
Emerald Iron Chainmail Shirt [livello 28]
Moonstone Studded Leather Belt [livello 28]
Opal Iron-Plated Tower Shield [livello 28]
Bandit`s Gloves [livello 29]
Ordine 4