The Quest System is now completed.
Quests shall be deployed in Hope Village and the 3 Tier 2 Provinces on Monday.
The quests will be divided into 2 types:
1. Random quests
2. Storyline quests
The Random Quests will be several types:
- Random Kill Missions (Kill X amount of X monsters in X dungeon)
- Random Resource Collecting Missions (Bring me X amount of X resource/s)
- Random Crafting Orders (Craft X amount of X items and bring them to me)
The resources and items that are ordered from the quests will be bought from the quest-givers for a significantly higher price than the NPC shops.
Storyline quests will consist of several steps to be completed.
All the quests meet level requirements. Example: This quest can only be completed by heroes which are level 10-12.
All quests will be given in the Taverns.