Author Topic: Mercenary tiers and usable items - upgrading the tier allow use of proibited ite  (Read 2384 times)

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Offline Jago

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I have recently hired a low level mercenary (current level 24) as it had better skills than the previous one.

He could use only equipment up to level 24 as long as it was a tier 3 character but as I have reached level 30 and moved to Ophalia province I have upgraded him to level 4.

Now he can use level 25-29 items and level 30+ items.

Circumventing the limit this way seem to be against the spirit of the rule.

Character: Wuxing

Mercenary: Palvese (if you check him you will see he is using a set of level 30 gauntlets)


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Since you upgrade your merc to tier 4, he must be able to use tier 4 items... That's the only reason and the only effect to upgrade your merc... Now i think he should be able to equip up to 34 level items.


  • Guest
That's right.