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Offline janyemm

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Recipe bug
« on: February 14, 2011, 02:16:36 PM »
I was carefully monitoring last debates about problem with "exploiting bug". Fortunately I was not affected by this problem although I am heavy crafter. At first I was thinking I will not comment this problem, anyway after some comments from "IH people" I need to say something.

1. Many thanks finally arrived information what exactly happened, I think it is information which is needed for ALL players not only punished ones, because ALL players need to know for what and how much they can be punished.

2. I personally feel very problematic to punish players for YOUR MISTAKE :o Players was not using any scripts or any external software to change your program, they was only playing YOUR game WITHOUT any active change of game. I believe between punished players was also some which do not know that multi-crafting from legendary recipe is something wrong. Rules of game are changing very rapidly and we all know also in official guide to game is not everything correct, especially foreign language versions are not always 100% correct.

3. OK, you take decision to punish player. Then I have another problem. I use to example of player zajacmarcowy2. You told he craft 22items from one-time recipe. So if I accept he is guilty ( at least partially ), his advantage is 21 recipes which has value of ..... 21mil gold ?
Your punishment was stripped hero + mercenaries. They armors, weapons and jewels has uncomparable higher value. So I think punishment was inadequate.

4. Oton remarks about " Be thankful the IH Team did not ban your entire account, along with any other accounts you possess " is big joke I hope. I do not know how somebody can be serious about mistake or anything happened on one account can be forwarded to next account of same owner which DO NOT MAKE ANYTHING WRONG ( even on another server ) !!!! All accounts are unique, so I really do not understand this remark. In fact this remark forced me write all this words. This is biggest ignorance of player rights I ever saw on this forum and also biggest verbal assault to players about what can happened in future  *sos*.

5. About reporting bugs, I personally reported several bugs, some of them are still - after many weeks - " in procces "

6. Between my reported bugs was also bug with broken recipe ( what a coincidence ). Bug is still present and many players can be negative affected by this bug. Now little maths : I crafted 19 bugged weapons with damage 0-0 . I lost 38 adamantine ingots + 57 black leather + 19 sharpening stone + 171 ferrovanadium ingots + 19 zircon gems, so my total lost in value of resources was about 24mil gold ( in prices from 19/12/2010 ) + 19 diamonds for using legendary crafting tool + 19 diamonds for immediate crafting ( because I wanted raising my chance to craft epic ). Absolutly NOBODY care about my lost. So if player take advantage from bug, he is extremely hard punished . If player LOST by bug - everything is correct, right ?
I understand this game is still in development and I did not expect my lost be refunded. I understand nobody is perfect and you are also only humas which are making mistakes. But you evidently do not have such understanding for players. In view of new situation - I AM EXPECTING MY LOST WILL BE REFUNDED !!!!
Bug was reported here :
Again here :

7. Back to zajacmarcowy2. He does not need to cheat, I personaly craft for his second account zajacmarcowy many legendary recipes lvl59, which can be only acquired by purchase for diamonds, because are not dropping. He bought many for real diamonds. Why such account owner needs to DELIBERATELY take "advantage" from using one legendary recipe more times remain mystery for me forever.
I am not telling it not happened, I am telling it was not purpose. Just now it is not important, he end game on all his accounts and I think I understand his decision although I am very sad about that  :'(

8. I love this game, this is perfect game. I played many games and also in present time I am playing more games, but this one is my favourite. Anyway I have feeling although technical aspect of game are perfect, lack of support and communication,  together with small promotion making number of players very small in comparision with similar games which are far worse in graphic, in ideas, but promotion and support brings numbers of players to much higher numbers. I hope after you brings T7 you will have more time to think also about non-technical aspect of game.

I do not write these word because I want to criticise somebody, I love this game and I am sad when I can see how many players finished this game due to problems which can be ..... and should be avoided.

Janyemm, server3

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Re: Recipe bug
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 11:16:09 PM »
For the most of things I'm totally agreed with you. There is only one thing I can't accept: your statement about the severity of the penalty.
On my opinion it was just as bad as what they did. May be you're taking an account the amount of punished players, but the amount of affected players can be vast. Look at that scenario: one guild started to rise in power by the superiority of it's equipment. The guild conquers all the castles and all other players has to pay them. In 4 and 5 Tier you have some choice, but for 6 Tier there is no shops outside the No Man's Land's towns. Not to mention the terror that guild is capable to apply to all in any battle zone.
The yellow and purple recipes obviously are designed to be unique (legendary costs a 50 to 60 diamonds, epic a just a global drop)... just a few players to vaunt about... not to craft an epic sets from them. This shifts the entire balance of the game play.
In the real world you can produce and sell drugs... witch you know is illegal. The government can't stop you from doing that - it can only punish you IF the DEA (or whatever agency) catches you. In games in general (not only in IH) exploiting the bugs is prohibited as this breaks the balance and makes the world unfair. The real world is unfair by default, so may be that's so many people are playing games.
I hope the example of the last punishment will last enough to prevent new exploiting of other bugs in the near future. The far future is too far to remember    :)

One more thing - the breakage of this beautiful IH world from the crew definitely deserves if not punishment (as we can't see that) at least some refund or something like.

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Re: Recipe bug
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2011, 02:12:38 PM »
Dear bbi;

" In the real world you can produce and sell drugs... witch you know is illegal. The government can't stop you from doing that - it can only punish you IF the DEA (or whatever agency) catches you. In games in general (not only in IH) exploiting the bugs is prohibited as this breaks the balance and makes the world unfair. The real world is unfair by default, so may be that's so many people are playing games.
I hope the example of the last punishment will last enough to prevent new exploiting of other bugs in the near future. The far future is too far to remember

I am amazed and concerned at your statement!
Errors comparing the drug game, and the administration of DEA to work?
It's like the DEA itself preparowaƂa drugs, and then pursued their users - addicts.

"One more thing - the breakage of this beautiful IH world from the crew definitely deserves if not punishment (as we can't see that) at least some refund or something like."

This part of your writing in general do not understand it - is still on many forums of national (in many languages) lack of full information about the administration of already known bugs!
About Whose better you wrote? Penalized players with broken heritage, or a better job of administration? Look at the forums in other languages, are some of the month where no information from the administrators of this beautiful game.
Look at say the author of this post, or received any reply from the Administration of the Games?
It is this nonchalance arouses my horror, I know some games have already been devastated by such conduct of persons responsible for the proper atmosphere and climate of the so-called game.
I once played for many years in OGame, great game, addictive, lots of players involved, now it's just a shadow of the original, ask someone who has played this game - why ...

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Re: Recipe bug
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2011, 10:13:23 AM »
Have you really thought about the magnitude of the damage this bug exploit has caused?

Let me explain it to you, and then you can think about the problem fully informed.

Abundant Legendary and Epic Recipes -> Unlimited supply of high-grade equipment for heroes ->
1. Not a single challenge in the game for these heroes -> Significant PvP advantage over the rest of the heroes in the Realm -> Gameplay is broken -> People are leaving the game disgusted.
2. Flooding the market with low-priced high-grade equipment -> All the heroes now have the high-grade equipment -> The feeling you are superior hero to others, because you possess the single Godly Epic Recipe Uber Item of the Daemon is replaced with "Meh, I got 1% less STR bonus in my epic crossbow than the guy next door. This game sux!"

So, please, my friend, see the problem from all the perspectives.
There is not a single positive result that came out of this exploit.
No matter how many pompous statements about "Our cause is just. We are fighting the good fight against the Evil Game Owners!" you will hear.
In the end... All you get is a broken gameplay, totally wasted Realm and many, many players leaving.
Because somebody didn't have the guts or the conscience to report an important gameplay issue, which, if fixed, will contribute to the fair gameplay we all want to have.

Offline janyemm

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Re: Recipe bug
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2011, 06:55:29 PM »

Maybe I am little more calm now after few days  :D so I try to write some words again.

I was thinked about all what you said. I am heavy crafting and in fact I am one of most damaged person by exploiting bug, because I must invest many diamonds, many resources to make few unique items and then - as you wrote somebody which is exploiting bug make many super-items in just few minutes. I do not want to talk more about punishment, you are those which must take decision and you make it. Thats all. I am sure you thinked you make best for game. I can have another opinion, but it is not important.

I was thinked about player fault - in 20 attempts from one recipe it is clear that player must know something is "strange". But still I think is evident he do not make this bug. In similarity from real life you can kill somebody in car accident and you can kill somebody after long preparation - of course punishment is very different. OK you choose hard punishment for using bug, but still not understand your words about " Be thankful the IH Team did not ban your entire account, along with any other accounts you possess ". I think no harder punishment exist as mentioned one, so I think it is unapropiate even considering about it for "only" using bug.

Just in Satruday or Sunday I was crafting on my jeweller account some legendary recipes for my guild member. In one recipe lvl49 ( sorry I do not remember which it was ) I found something strange. After I crafted one jewel, button with "Craft again" appears. But for this one recipe I was sure I had only one. I close crafting window and try once again - no chance to craft again this recipe - recipe was not between available. Maybe only my paranoia - and it is normal, I do not know. But just exactly in that moment I understood how easy anybody can exploit bug. On weaponer account I have many legendary recipes from each kind and I do not care about numbers of recipes which I craft - and in that situation - it is pretty easy to make more items from one recipe ( surely not 15 or 20 ) and thinking you just used more own recipes which was available.

And last words ... whats with my refund? Photos needed ? No problem. Or I can craft more hammers with super damage and sold them on market to players to make "things" more funny ( just bad joke !! -  I trashed all crafted away with high lost after month of waiting ). I am pretty sure most of players will not take care they has NO durability so they has forever ZERO damage. When they found it  - they will be upset same as when I found it. I promise this is my last question about "broken recipe" problem I will not be anymore speaking about that. If you are thinking my lost is OK and it is something of type "shit happens" I think I can live with that  ;)

Do you really think I am fighting against "Evil Game Owners" ? Those Evil game Owners gives me game I like most of all available games i know. Why I should fight against them ? If I wrote my opinion and i do not agree with your opinion, it is not fighting. I am hearing your opinion and i hope you also hearing opinions of players. I do not expect Evil Game Owners :D will follow all players opinions. But I expect, they will be HEAR. This is forum and I expect it was made for dialogue.

peace, Jany

Offline cichy

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Re: Recipe bug
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2011, 07:20:46 PM »
"Evil Game Owners"? I did not know that term!

Oton You are a servant of the Devil or Evil ??? It explained that many of the your characters  Administrators Gentlemen .. :D
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 07:23:41 PM by cichy »