Author Topic: I have a question to put?  (Read 1711 times)

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Offline PALMA

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I have a question to put?
« on: August 25, 2009, 01:22:02 PM »
I have a question to put?

For people who fight alone and do not wish to join an alliance how could stay with levels of armor and others things as alliances. For example who buy boots in stores level 39, armor level 39 and other things in higher levels there are differences not exist Legendary’s or Epic’s, in PvP fights I think the same thing, being the same levels mystical level 39 with armor stores and no alliance is very different with one of an alliance because the armor sometimes are Legendary or Epic. I think for those who like to walk alone should be more balanced. Articles stores should be more balanced or you have more bonus for example.



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Re: I have a question to put?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2009, 01:53:35 PM »
Like in all our games, we encourage team play. If somebody wish to play alone, he can do it.d there isnt so big difference between rare and epic items. When you have 200 dext, having 212 with epic item wont made so big difference. So you can play alone, buy rare stuff in stores and epic in auction house. And we wish people play with their alliance, form teams, work together... And crafting is important aspect of game and to be master crafter, you must have alliance. If we give epic items in store, there will be no point in having crafting part of game at all.