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Offline Polymeron

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Crafting ladder
« on: April 26, 2009, 03:06:22 PM »
I've no doubt that the idea is already out there, but here's some suggested detail...

The Statistics shall contain both experience and "craft" or "label" points, which would be the measurement scale for artisans.

2 Options how this could work:

Option 1: When a crafted item becomes bound to a character (worn for the first time), the one crafting it receives Craft points equal to that character's experience (probably divided by some number, to keep these points on a similar scale to experience). When that item is sold, those points are lost, though perhaps some amount remains (say 10%).

Option 2: Every time a character (including mercs) earns experience while wearing one of your items, you receive the same amount in Label points. If they're wearing two, you get x2, and so on.

Better items would be worn longer and by higher-experience players. This allows the Label ladder to be an effective representation of an artisan's worth (which would probably boost their sales too, as people would possibly order items from them especially).

Hm, that last point gave me an idea - a section of the market where people put in commissions - For instance, I ask for a leather shield (rare) and offer 300 gold for it... The first one to comply with the commission would get the money.

Offline Numpty

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Re: Crafting ladder
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2009, 03:10:43 PM »
i love the idea, there needs to be more importance given to crafting and a measure of one´s crafting prowess versus other crafters.  as a craftsman, i could care less who has more experience fighting, im a wimp, but i can make a weaker fighter stronger, so that somehow needs to be measured, i think your idea merits some thought and analysis to see if its possible, otherwise, this game will be full of fighters...

crafting prowess should be reflected in another column in the stats page, like honor in IO, reputation in gw, etc...
i am a jerk, but i´ll sell you rings and amulets!!!!

Offline Xaoc

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Re: Crafting ladder
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2009, 09:57:06 PM »
That idea is intriguing but I have a feeling it is technically not feasible...
I was thinking along the lines of something simpler, but just as effective - there would be ladder for each profession - armorsmiths, miners and so on.. the points by which crafters are competing are their combined crafting points, which depending on what class they are weight differently. For example 0-200 in any given Tier weight 1, 201-300 weight 2 and 301 to 400 - 4... or something like that ( I am not sure about the exact numbers right now). Even after 400 points for the ladder will be counted even though there is no experience earned after that. So in order to become the number one crafter you will have to be experienced in all tiers...

I was also thinking about Titles that can be attached to your names in the statistic -  Numpty -  Grand Master Jeweler... for example :)

I have forgotten to mention that crafters will be at big advantage when it comes to making money through the jobs panel in the Tavern... the current system is just a temporary one until we have the final one ready. It will give random specific offers for specific skills at very good pay rates. (say "The Imperial arms department is looking for Armorers Tier 3, 10 hours of work for XXXX amount of money, more experienced armorers will receive extra pay! The offer stands until all positions are taken!" - so you better take the job before someone else does - the jobs market will be global :)) Of course we will keep the unskilled underpaid laboring which exists now, but if you want to make money as a bartender or waiter, don't try to raise your crafting skills :)

« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 09:59:12 PM by Xaoc »

Offline Numpty

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Re: Crafting ladder
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2009, 10:06:37 PM »

the plan sounds good, you will make me use all my hours making jewelery from all tiers, not just trying for epic tier 5.  however, these points should be reflected in the statistics so that all players can ask master crafters to make things for them and also for the crafters ego, after all, a crafter who reaches tier 5, 400 cp´s is nuts, aside from the fact he will be playing for like 2 years to get there...

all i ask is that there is incentive to be a crafter, there needs to be competition like fighters, or crafters will end up quitting.  appease to our human nature to win something, perhaps regarding the names, 1st level apprentice, specialist, master, grand master and divine....

Numpty the divine crafter....(maybe not divine, something God-like to strie for) ;D ;D ;D

Numpty the Immortal Crafter...that´s it!!!!!
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 10:08:38 PM by Numpty »
i am a jerk, but i´ll sell you rings and amulets!!!!

Offline Polymeron

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Re: Crafting ladder
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2009, 10:28:35 PM »
This sounds good, except that any "conversion rate" would be arbitrary and, unless really well-balanced, would encourage some tier more than others. Additionally, it would not allow artisans of different professions to make comparisons. Please check the feasibility of the methods I proposed... Both of them sound to me like simple database queries/value changes triggered by actions that already happen (battle/binding, selling). But really, any sort of crafting ladder would be good :)

And how about my idea for commissions market?


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Re: Crafting ladder
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2009, 08:32:40 PM »
The idea about "worn items in battle" sounds ballanced enough. It will also cause a significant drop in crafted item's prices on auctions, because the more people wearing your suits, the more exp you gain (and sometimes 20 tier3 heroes will bring a lot more points than 4 Tier3).

Another matter we should bear in mind is the "slots"- a hero has 3 slots for jeweler crafted items, 6 for armor and 1 for a weapon (or 5 for armor and two for weapons).