It came to me right now... I was reading an really old review about a mmorg... it was calling The 4rth Coming, have any of you hear about it?
Well was pre-diablo game (lame graphics) but! the thing that draw my attention was this:
Moderators and some member (at start) and then every one who had a character above some requirements, had the ability to post his quests for the other players!!!
This mean that i could order a quest, and one of you take it and when is completed he takes the reward....
Can be easily done this thing...Simply the random filled blank spots at tavern quests, they will be filled by the player adding some story, he will put the quest and the reward at special section at auction. If someone thinks that he can do it or want to do it he will accept this quest, if he cancel it the quest will return to auction until someone takes it or be canceled by the creator.
If it is to gather something or create something then this something will go to the quest-creator's inventory.
To secure the reward, when a quest is posted the reward will be removed from creator and will be placed to a "vault" or something so none can touch it, coz if someone give a reward 20000g and he only have 200g it will create issues....
Also rewards could be gold, items, diamonds....but no xp...
It could be divided and by tier...for example a tier 5 player will be able to order a quest for light skin at tier 1 players...etc.
Do you like my idea?