Author Topic: Gathering resources chance (%)  (Read 5231 times)

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Offline DMDM

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Gathering resources chance (%)
« on: May 04, 2010, 10:03:18 AM »
As far as I read on forums the chances are like so:

Rare - 0 - 20%
Less likely - 20 - 50%
More likely 50 - 75%
Most likely  75- 99 %
Certain  - 100 %

Does that mean that using an yellow tool on a rare spot would give you 0%+0%x1.5=0%-30% ? I know there are better spots (very slightly better when we're talking T5 wood) but I have a quest that asks me to gather in a "rare" spot. Got zero results so far even using the legendary axe. Given the price of the tool it should get you out of the rare zone, at least.


Using the tool and gathering in a "Less likely" spot doesen't do pretty much anything either. Not visually (that means the shown chance stays on "Less likely") nor per se.Same results with or without the legendary axe. Kind of upsetting.
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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2010, 03:10:28 PM »
As far as I know there is not a 0 % chance.

If your tool gives you 50% chance, and you have 20% (Less likely - 20 - 50%) to gather a resource, you'll have 20x1.5 = 30%.

It's been tested many times and it works for sure .
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 03:14:19 PM by Judith »

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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2010, 03:40:03 PM »
Well yes Judith. You are right. The maximum chance for "rare" becomes 30%. The problem is you can use the slider to maximum (75%) and use a legendary tool (another 50%). Hell, you can use 20 tools  *hihi*. 0x"anything" will be 0. Minimum chance stays at 0 That's where the problem resides . I used 9 AP with the slider at maximum (+75%) and the legendary tool (+50%) and I got 5 wood, mind you with 126 skill in T5 carpentry which makes 2-4 = 2-5 as far as quantity goes.

 To top it, on my warrior character I got a quest (from a quest line as well) to mine 50 gold from a "rare" spot. Would buy the legendary tool for that but, as it is, I might just as well skip the quest and call it a day, really. The legendary tools look good on paper, when they would work on higher chance spots since 50% extra from a bigger number gives you a hefty bonus, obviously. On infinitesimal chance spots (i.e. "rare") they are as good as nothing.

However, I can see a fix for it. Why don't the tools get changed so instead of giving a % from something they would give a fixed amount. Pick a number. I seen a fix like that for Ghost Stalker's Shield specialization where the % bonus got changed to a fixed amount, given the little block the light shields have on them. That made sense, this would make sense too. The only people buying those tools are people in Tier 4-5. The gathering spots in Tier 4 and especially 5 have really low chance. For wood the best I seen is "Less likely". 50 diamonds for this kind of usefulness is kind of expensive.
"I'm gonna go build my own game, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the game! "


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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2010, 05:02:49 PM »
Well yes Judith. You are right. The maximum chance for "rare" becomes 30%. The problem is you can use the slider to maximum (75%) and use a legendary tool (another 50%). Hell, you can use 20 tools  *hihi*. 0x"anything" will be 0. Minimum chance stays at 0 That's where the problem resides . I used 9 AP with the slider at maximum (+75%) and the legendary tool (+50%) and I got 5 wood, mind you with 126 skill in T5 carpentry which makes 2-4 = 2-5 as far as quantity goes.

 To top it, on my warrior character I got a quest (from a quest line as well) to mine 50 gold from a "rare" spot. Would buy the legendary tool for that but, as it is, I might just as well skip the quest and call it a day, really. The legendary tools look good on paper, when they would work on higher chance spots since 50% extra from a bigger number gives you a hefty bonus, obviously. On infinitesimal chance spots (i.e. "rare") they are as good as nothing.

However, I can see a fix for it. Why don't the tools get changed so instead of giving a % from something they would give a fixed amount. Pick a number. I seen a fix like that for Ghost Stalker's Shield specialization where the % bonus got changed to a fixed amount, given the little block the light shields have on them. That made sense, this would make sense too. The only people buying those tools are people in Tier 4-5. The gathering spots in Tier 4 and especially 5 have really low chance. For wood the best I seen is "Less likely". 50 diamonds for this kind of usefulness is kind of expensive.

The % is never 0! Trust me, we're not trying to rip your AP off! The slider multiplies the digging site's chance, so, at max slider (0,75 actually..), you will have at least:

1% x 1,75 = 1%

With the Rare Tool and the slider on max you will have at least:

(1% x 1,75) + (1% x 1,3) = 1% + 1% = 2%

So, if you go to a "rare" spot (1% - 20%) you will have a very little chance of extracting resources with your 8 AP. That's how things are, it's a tough place to be.

And those chance you have read about... they are pretty old.
Real extracting chance are long ago changed and will not be reveal to the players.

I recommend you to check out the IH Manual - tab Crafting
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 05:13:23 PM by Judith »

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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2010, 05:44:06 PM »
So the info I got from forums is out dated. It's not 0-20% for a rare spot it's 1-20%. Yes, I could tell the spot is tough place to be, no doubt. Point was the legendary tool is useless precisely in that tough spot. Would make more sense to use an expensive tool you buy in a tough spot and a cheap tool in a mellow spot in my book but then again that's me again. Another 50 diamonds down the drain as far as I am concerned. Water under the bridge.

However now I am intrigued about the:
Real extracting chance are long ago changed and will not be reveal to the players.
For one thing you just revealed me the chance in a "rare" spot (1%-20%) and for another thing why keep it secret ? If it's not too much to ask. Why the secrecy about game info ? Starting with this and ending with the attributes not being exactly as said in . Again, I'm asking without any kind of malevolence. Cross my heart.


I didn't felt ripped off, for the record. I'm not complaining just trying to understand why things are how they are.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 05:46:05 PM by DMDM »
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Offline Geomaticus

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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2010, 07:18:30 PM »
I'm not complaining just trying to understand why things are how they are.

The reason why things are the way they are is because chance and 'the unknown' are what make games fun. If I know exactly what's going to happen, it wouldn't be fun. I highly suggest that you avoid asking why the game is designed the way it is, and keep your questions focused on how to play within the current setup.
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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2010, 10:14:53 PM »
 You got me totally wrong Geomaticus. I don't need the answers, I need the questions. I don't need to be told how to beat the game, I'll worry about that . I need the rules set. The principles after the game mechanics work. I need the "1+1=2" of this game. Because as far as I experienced the "official" rule set says that 1+1=2 and the reality of the game says that 1+1= ???!!!?? Pick a number. I guess you're too young to have played tabletop D&D but do you know how the game starts ? By enumerating and explaining the rules. So everyone knows them. Then the the fun begins.
 I want to play, I am playing and I am enjoying myself. But I don't like to play inefficiently. To be efficient I need a tactic, to build a tactic I need solid premises. Nothing is solid. It's all quicksands. I'm not stupid nor bored enough to just press a button for a result and act surprised when I see it. You can train a monkey to do that. Again, I don't need any spoilers, tactics or anything of sorts. I need some numbers. 10 points of agility does this and that. 10 points of strength does this and that. This is capped at 50%. That can't got over 75%. That is all.
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Offline Gringo

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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2010, 01:56:36 PM »
You are right ! I`m new to the game ( i just reached tier 2 yesterday ) but i figured allready this game rules are not finished...or at least they are not explained very well.

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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2010, 02:05:25 PM »

And those chance you have read about... they are pretty old.
Real extracting chance are long ago changed and will not be reveal to the players.

 That`s crazy ! Why not?!? Awsome answer coming from the staff  8) That`s anthologic ! Is like they are saying: you carry on and play and will see what will happen... we are courious about it too...I think they have no ideea !
Don't mess that section with your "sense of humor". We all DO have it, but not in this section.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 12:31:33 PM by Judith »


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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2010, 03:21:20 PM »
Some of you people give me the idea you must have misunderstood some facts.

Every single game you will ever play will have some revealed and some hidden statistics and mechanisms. That's a fact. Even in DMDM's example (D&D), there are many statistics that are kept hidden from the player (for example, enemies' AC / attack bonuses / skill levels, treasure finding chances when you open a chest in a dungeon, etc). Which mechanisms are revealed and which are not are decided by the game's creators. We as players can either understand their motives on our own, understand them after they are explained to us (if the creators think it is necessary to explain such reasons) or not understand them at all. In any case, it is not our right to request these facts changed or throw insults. It is our right to like it or not and choose to play the game or not.

But I don't like to play inefficiently. To be efficient I need a tactic, to build a tactic I need solid premises.
The basics are there and your statement that they don't work the way they are supposed to is far from accurate. The rest "solid premises" are left for you to find out. Then you build a tactic, then you are efficient. Here you just ask one of the steps to be solved for you. Either if it is the tactic part or the mechanisms part, it seems the same to me.

Would make more sense to use an expensive tool you buy in a tough spot and a cheap tool in a mellow spot in my book
Could you please explain one more reason to me for this statement, other than it would suit your needs? Because, in my book the most important fact to get something from a place is the quantity of that something's existance in said place. If your tools can speed up the process (so you get more items in the same time. aka ap), it does not mean they let you find a larger quantity. Thus, it is logical to give a percentage boost, not a clear number boost.

I'm not stupid nor bored enough to just press a button for a result and act surprised when I see it. You can train a monkey to do that.
Then train a monkey to do it for you, because it needs to be done instead of requested and given to you.

That`s crazy ! Why not?!? Awsome answer coming from the staff  8) That`s anthologic ! Is like they are saying: you carry on and play and will see what will happen... we are courious about it too...I think they have no ideea !

That's what people call "inappropriate behaviour". It can result in banning. Read the rules.

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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2010, 04:46:19 PM »
 Why go at it from this perspective. Do you have something useful to add to the topic at hand ? Go ahead, do it. You don't have anything to add ? Don't. Read and moderate where that is due. You didn't liked what and how Gringo posted ? Do what you gotta do.

 However, let me make one thing absolutely clear. The basics of the game, as basic principles, as explained and listed on forums on announcements and in game help (IHelp) aren't accurate. The information I seek isn't hidden. It's wrong. 10 points of agility of the opponent won't reduce my crit rate by 1%. I can't tell you how much agility will do that because I can't math it out. It's a number between 10 and 0. Different for every other mob. The same applies to 10 points of strength reducing block with 1%. Again it's not 10. It's a number between 10 and 0. And the list can go on.

 I'll tell you what tho . Do the developers want to keep everything secret ? OK, I will bite my tongue and be fine with it. But then we have another problem. How am I supposed to compete head to head with the players from "Deathstyle" ? You don't know what that is ? Well, let me tell you then. It's a guild on Realm 3 that is comprised of people like "Robusta" , "Caxo", "Commoner" and the list can go on. Do the names sound familiar ? Yes, their names are in quest lore in game. Because they are programmers. You want me to believe they have my ,otherwise limited, knowledge as far as game mechanics, drop rates, crafting, the game as a whole if you will, goes ? I wouldn't have a problem with them playing on the server to test content. They could use their own test server but, hey, I don't get to tell them how to run their bussiness. If they wouldn't interfere with the general population that is. Guess what tho ? They do. They do sell stuff on the market at dumping prices, they do attack people when they are gathering resources in dangerous provinces and the list goes on. Not necessarily the people I just enumerated but people in their guild, enough said. You think that is fair ? To me that resembles fighting in the dark with one hand tied behind my back against a guy with night goggles and wielding a shotgun. Tough, to say the least.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2010, 07:46:44 PM by DMDM »
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Offline Gringo

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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2010, 01:08:42 AM »
Cuorin said :
  That's what people call "inappropriate behaviour". It can result in banning. Read the rules.

 Come on you don`t have any sense of humor? I think i didn`t insult anyone while i was expresing my opinion... But of course you can call "inappropriate behaviour" anything you don`t like ...
 I play for example Imperia Online another game developed by the same team and there the rules are much better explained and is all cristal clear for everyone! Every atribute of every type of soldiers are explained in details you know exactly how a fight takes places and why some things are happening... Of course Imperia online is much older than Imperial Hero.... But i think will be much more onest for staff to say this game is still developing than to send us in the fog....


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Re: Gathering resources chance (%)
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2010, 09:22:21 AM »
 That`s crazy ! Why not?!? Awsome answer coming from the staff  8) That`s anthologic ! Is like they are saying: you carry on and play and will see what will happen... we are courious about it too...I think they have no ideea !
Don't mess that section with you "sense of humor". We all DO have it, but not in this secion.
I am glad we entertain you that much.
Though, I don't know what exactly you considered as "we will see what will happen."
And since I think that I made it clear enough, this topic is very locked.