Author Topic: where are Jewelry Sets?  (Read 5546 times)

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Offline Ali75

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where are Jewelry Sets?
« on: July 07, 2010, 12:39:02 AM »
I noticed that is long time that dungeons don't drop jewelry sets anymore. I mean that i don't find amulets nor rings in dungeons and my friends noticed the same thing. Also i don't find them in auction or i find very few maybe some stored reserves (when i check last dungoens of other players i never see dropped jewelery sets... ). Are dropped items changed?

Also someone spokes of new sets, are them already implemented? i didn't find yet....

Offline Ali75

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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2010, 12:43:38 AM »
maybe is a problem only for the tier 4 (realm 2)


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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2010, 03:16:20 PM »
When new sets applied there will be announcement, do not worry.

As for the Jewelry sets, all drops are with chances, perhaps there is slight chance decrease.


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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2010, 03:18:59 PM »
I will soon update the list with the sets in News section and all the new goodies will be there for reference.

Offline janyemm

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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2010, 05:22:37 PM »
I must say I feel set "part" of game is for me weakest of all. In fact I do not know any hero in Server 3 in "green". Maybe somebody in lowe Tier is "green" , I really do not look to every hero *hihi*. I have/had few complete sets ( also jewels ) from Tier 4 or T5 anyway I did not found any from them better than combination of epic crafts of rare armors from lvl x8 recipes , not mentioning x9 legend recipes. So ... I do not know, they are really nice  *hihi* ....

Absolutly another situation is for green SPECIAL crafting sets, which are in big demand, always very good prized on market. This means people USE them. Why ?  Because NOBODY can make nothing similar some another way ...
Maybe changing "green" sets for something SPECIFIC - set for miner, for stonecutter .. or I do not know - set which when used will allow join party as 6th merc for limited time ( LOL it is crazy I know  :D ) ... or set which break some rule about capped crit or block  :D
Simply for me "green sets" are special, so they should not be just simply comparable with other commonly crafted items , most time worse.  Only my opinion.



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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2010, 06:51:50 PM »
As I see it, sets are a somewhat cheap solution to a build that can offer the same bonuses as a bunch of epic level x8 t1-gemmed items (agate, topaz, etc). I'm wearing full Phalanx right now and I can tell you I've got a pvp advantage over people I fight in full level 38 epics, even against some with 1-2 level 39 epics. I also have no specific problems in pve. These days however, I plan my future tier 5 equipment. I've seen the Imperial Pride set being sold for 10 million as a whole, when I bought an epic Elite Archer's Chainmail (level 49 - legendary recipe) for 9 million and an epic Corrupted Soul Helmet (level 49 - legendary recipe) for 7 million. Not to mention epic recipes... Seen an epic chainmail being sold for 55 million once, and it was only there for a couple of hours.

I think I'll go for an Imperial Pride set for my tier 5 tank since it gives massive health and armor bonuses and I'm not willing to pay 40 million gold to equip a mercenary.

Offline janyemm

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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2010, 07:38:19 PM »
Yes, you have right about "gold" reason. Surely comparable wear goes cheaper from green set as from epic items ( you correctly told x8 gemmed with T1 gems, not x8 gemmed with Tier specific gems - anyway sometimes it depends by random in craft ). Also agree they are usable for mercs ( anyway not too little expected from SPECIAL SET to be good "only" for merc, "only" or mainly for gold reason and "only" best set ? - imperial pride is best 5part set )
Simply I have feeling "green set" items could be ( not should be ) something special. I did not told they are bad, SOME sets are certainly usable.
As for epic x9 items, just today I finally took my epic crafter hammer for 5 x 100% epic crafts in Tier5 ;) from that ugly Pterodactyl which 4 times in row hits my hero "when was already dead"  >:( ( when ends round from his last hit ) so probably I make some nice armor parts  :) Unfortunately I have only Elite Archers Chainmail recipe, epic chainmail recipe T5 should be better  *hihi* , but I think on Server 3 do not exist for now - at least I did not find it on nobody.

Offline Ali75

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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2010, 08:49:17 PM »
When new sets applied there will be announcement, do not worry.

As for the Jewelry sets, all drops are with chances, perhaps there is slight chance decrease.

ok thanks for reply, about jewelery sets please verify ... maybe you are right but it seems no one found them.....

Offline Ali75

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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2010, 08:49:47 PM »
I will soon update the list with the sets in News section and all the new goodies will be there for reference.

ok thanks :)


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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2010, 09:49:07 AM »
As I see it, sets are a somewhat cheap solution to a build that can offer the same bonuses as a bunch of epic level x8 t1-gemmed items (agate, topaz, etc). I'm wearing full Phalanx right now and I can tell you I've got a pvp advantage over people I fight in full level 38 epics, even against some with 1-2 level 39 epics. I also have no specific problems in pve. These days however, I plan my future tier 5 equipment. I've seen the Imperial Pride set being sold for 10 million as a whole, when I bought an epic Elite Archer's Chainmail (level 49 - legendary recipe) for 9 million and an epic Corrupted Soul Helmet (level 49 - legendary recipe) for 7 million. Not to mention epic recipes... Seen an epic chainmail being sold for 55 million once, and it was only there for a couple of hours.

I think I'll go for an Imperial Pride set for my tier 5 tank since it gives massive health and armor bonuses and I'm not willing to pay 40 million gold to equip a mercenary.
Yes, the Imperial Pride is an excellent set, it really is a good deal for its considerably cheap price.
That's the thing with the sets - they are not as powerful as the epic *9 level crafts, but their bonuses are focused to serve the different classes better, making them even more specialized in what they do.

Offline Ali75

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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2010, 01:35:17 AM »
still don't find jewelery set and no one of my friends too... .maybe i have a bad luck but impossible that more that 20 players have bad luck.... (we play every day and look in good places for items drop.... PLEASE VERIFY if there is a bug about that)

Offline janyemm

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Re: where are Jewelry Sets?
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2010, 06:58:06 PM »
Just received GREEN mace from weapon set  :o