1. Epic tool for sale.
Now epic tool is possible to get only by finishing certain storylines or buy in market. What if it will be available in crafters shops ?
I see some + and some -
+ yes, some players ( very few !!! ) will buy some epic recipes, I personally think difference between epic x9 and x8 recipe has not
value of investment of such numbers of diamonds ( except very few recipes where special ability is added, crit for blades f.e. )
+ in case of epic tool will be available only in castles additional profit for castle owners ( anyway depends by "cost" of upgrade for
ability to sell epic tool )
+ little boost for crafting, maybe some additional players start to think about bring yourself to cathegory "be able to craft epic",
but in real I think just one crafter for guild
+ surely additional profit for EGO ( "evil game owners" - term copyrighted by Oton

- small hit to balance in game, rich players will be little stronger ( as I said I think difference between recipes is not extreme high )
- epic crafts again will becomes commoner, so it is just oposite result what programers makes with lowering crafting chances
- in case epic tool will be available also in cities, it makes negative influence to castle owners
- higher demand for diamonds in game, what will cause bigger price of diamonds on market, bad for many "free" players which
are buying diamonds only for gold
- now epic tool is most unique and valued reward from storylines, what if you can simply buy it ? what will be next unique reward ?
My opinion : If I can vote, I will vote against your proposal.