
Do you want them to applied?

Only the "Banker" suggestion.
Only the "Quest" suggestion.
Yes, both of them!

Author Topic: More Interaction between players!  (Read 11508 times)

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Offline Crassus

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More Interaction between players!
« on: October 24, 2011, 10:37:12 AM »
I think I had suggested something like that at the past too...

Well I think at IO there is good level of interaction between players, but not at IH. At IH we (you..)can take the interaction levels to the sky...
Well firstly allow the player to hire heroes! People as other inn keepers will right down their quests. And players will accept them. If your quest and your reward is too high then none will accept it. If you want your quest to be finished some day and not be forgotten from the player, then you can add and a minimum time counter after that you are able to cancel it. Also the reward should be "secured" so you will  have to give it at the moment you create your quest.

Here is an example:
Crassus is looking for 1 legendary short sword lv38. Reward will be 700K gold and 12 light hides. This quest must be finished in 24h.


Crassus is looking for 80 rubies. Reward will be 9K gold and a legendary short sword lv38. This quest must be finished in 72h.

If I will post these quests, then I will "lost" from my account 709K gold and 12 light hides with the item I have selected to give as reward (no bounded items allowed and the item should be visible if someone move the cursor upon the name) plus the game tax. If none have accepted my quests then I can cancel them and take back the rewards. If someone have accept them I must wait the time run out before cancel them. If the time runs out quests are not canceled right away but the quest giver must cancel them manually. Perhaps the other player  needs some more time and asked for... BUT this shouldn't be exploited by guild members or double account players to "store" the items, so a maximum time for the missions should be placed. The longer the max time is the bigger the tax for posting the quest.
Also it's good to link them to the story line quests of the quest giving player, this way if someone needs some resources or item crafting for a quest pay another player to do it for him... But something like that will cost him...

Edit: only gold tax to post the quest is preferred...

Offline Crassus

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 10:51:02 AM »
Second suggestion for this topic.

Finally I have one more suggestion to do to increase interaction between players... A new banking system... Not vault, like the one we have right now... But a player to player based.
I want to bank 10K then I am looking at a list with the players that like/want to be bankers and I give my gold to one of them. He must have this gold available for me any time at... we will see where, perhaps a home like building... And pay giving me interest for my gold! The interest will be chosen from the banker and can't change without arrangement between players. Also I will be able to take loans from these players also with interest... How a banker will benefit from something like that? he will be able to buy and sell goods at large quantities thus effecting the market towards his benefit. Also he can use the gold to give quests to other players providing him with new resources and or buy equipment to loot harder enemies and thus gaining more, or simple having more gold to loan...
The drawbacks are how he will keep your gold safe...
We could do it the easy way, simply with a rating from players so good rated bankers will be preferred from players.
Or the hard way... All the bankers ask to the already in game bank and in case they will need gold they must take a loan from there and pay the difference there.

Also this feature will need some tier based rules to keep order.
-For example you can only loan/bank gold from players at the same or 1 tier lower than you. Tier 1 (or even 2) players can't be bankers.
-Bankers lose the ability to transfer gold from one account to the other by ordinary (like today) ways.
-No more than one banker is allowed at each guild and he will be chosen like as Generals or by vote as leaders. There will be no guild "upgrades" helping him. But Guilds themselves can invest their gold to bankers and thus helping their own or a friendly guild's banker.
-Players without a guild can become bankers.
-Banker sets his limits for his loan/bank ability. He can have a max and min deposit/loan per customer.
-If the banker change the interest customer will have 24h to withdraw his money if he disagree with it. LOAN INTEREST DOESN'T CHANGE.
-Loan payments are working like now at the bank.
-Banker can loan or deposit gold to other bankers.

I will be more than glad to reply at questions and develop further these suggestions, so one day see them online...

Offline robiolastex

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 01:00:28 PM »
OMG you wrote a romance! (maybe 2  :D ), i doubt admins and me will read it all  :D
can you write a summary with the most important things?

Offline Crassus

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2011, 02:18:38 PM »
OMG you wrote a romance! (maybe 2  :D ), i doubt admins and me will read it all  :D
can you write a summary with the most important things?
A bit disappointed....

Long story short: Players gives quests to other players, with the option to link those quests with theirs (gathering or crafting).
And the option of players to become bankers instead of the actual in game bank.

Now if you want to know how this is possible or at least how I think this is possible read the previous posts...
And again I am eager to reply at any questions.

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2011, 03:20:16 PM »
ah, i see, it should be nice if a player give a quest for killing another player, good idea  *ok* for the 2nd thing, i think it's too hard to deploy...

Offline Crassus

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2011, 04:49:08 PM »
Yes I know the "Banker" is a long shot... Also it will be hard for players to find the interest... :-[

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2011, 05:08:32 PM »
What happens when a banker goes bankrupt? To what extent is a banker liable to pay all its gold deposits in case of bankruptcy? In real life a government body insures all deposits at insured banks. What should be the basic insurance amount per depositor per an insured banker?
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Dominia - The Prophecy

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2011, 05:08:51 PM »
..and who is going to be the "goverment body" in IH? Game itself? Final question. What happens after bankruptcy with the former banker? Thanks.
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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2011, 06:22:06 PM »
i'm yet a bank for my friends (without receiving interests) but this idea can't be deployed coz' if the "bank" declares bankruptcy, nothing can be done, coz' the money can't be taken from anywhere and the "bank" can "go in" bankruptcy voluntarily sending gold to other characters had by himself....

Offline Crassus

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2011, 08:05:38 PM »
Firstly a banker can't send his money to other account. It's one of the rules I post. So he can't bankrupt this way.
If a banker goes bankrupt then he will not be able to give loans or take deposits anymore and he will become in depth at IH "central" bank as if he had a loan. This means that a player will receive his money from the banker normally and the banker will be in depth.
We could do a feedback panel next to each banker. So the players can read about him from already customers. And a star rating system to rate them.

Personally I think the first one is better.

P.S. You can set your bank abilities to loan or take deposits thus you can set these limits in way you will be able to cover them no matter what.

In example:
I as banker have a gold sum of 50K at tier 3. So I am setting my banking at 100K loan and 200K deposit with interest of 10% and 20% each. These amounts are total and I can changing them any time (not affecting the already transactions). This means that 2 customers take loan from 50K then my loan ability is 0 gold so no other can loan from me until I expand my loan ability further. And I will be payed back 110K. And the next time I will be able to loan this amount. About deposits now, 4 customers deposit from 50K each and they will receive back 55K each. This means that if they withdraw all the gold right after the interest applied (once per week perhaps) then I will be minus 40K gold, this gold must be covert from loan interests, or my crafting or other making gold actions (like working and market use). If I haven't the 240K needed then I will become -40K to my account. The IH "central Bank" pays the 40K to the customers, I am in depth to IH "central Bank" and I am losing the ability to take deposits or give loans until I even my balance.

Edit: And from tier based rule (tier 2 or 3 and above) a banker always makes same or more money (transactions only between same or lower tier by 2) from the customers and a high tier player is more difficult to give up his character and start a new one coz he have invest time, gold and even real money...
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 08:10:01 PM by Crassus »

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2011, 09:07:31 PM »
All right. Another try. Presumably a player is serious enouph about making a profit and becomes a banker. Sooner or later, due to bad decisions etc., some debts are likely to become uncollectible, bad ones. Simply because their heroes - the debtors are abandoned aka their owners are not intersted to continue to play IH etc. Then what the banker should do?
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Dominia - The Prophecy

Offline Crassus

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2011, 10:40:23 PM »
I can stand these "attempts", in fact I like them since I am able to stretch further my suggestion.
Well again I can think 2 ways of solving this.
I) IH "central Bank" again is the guarantee the loans again. Since the payment will be automatic just like the loan payment is right now. Simply the customer will have negative gold when the payment will be done and he will not be able to do any transactions (including taking new loan).

II) If the player doesn't have the proper amount of gold then the banker opens the customer's inventory and house and loot everything he wants. This could be done in combination with the first one BUT he will not be able to loot the equipped items.

I am waiting the next attempt!  :)

EDIT: the number II "solution" should be occur only after warning to customer
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 10:43:25 PM by Crassus »

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2011, 11:28:47 PM »
I thought about first option, but second one is oustanding. Pretty radical :) 

Please do not forget the diamonds transfer. It MUST be shut down also for bankers wanna be due to diamond market...
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Dominia - The Prophecy

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2011, 11:30:04 PM »
..also the part about benefits. Honestly I dont think it's enouph to lure a player to become banker. These guys will suffer lots of restrictions indeed.

In general search for the weak spots. Big bad bug finders are sneaky fellows. I am dry out of ideas right now. If something pops up in my mind I'll share. ~
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Dominia - The Prophecy

Offline Crassus

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Re: More Interaction between players!
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2011, 08:02:25 AM »
Well I don't believe the diamond's market should be banned for bankers... Since they will no be able to send them to other accounts. As we said bankers will be not allowed to do transfers... It will only to affect prices/market, one of the reasons to be someone banker.

Why someone to become a banker? It's easy! Free gold! You give loans and you take back your money plus something, also when people deposit gold to you then you are able to buy better/more stuff of everything and also allows you to give better quests to other players (if applied) and gaining even more from their quests.
Here I would like to add that among the regular quests (crafting, gathering, dungeon fighting), we should add a head hunting quest!
This type of quest will be acceptable from many players, and once one of them find the wanted player and win a loot battle he can complete the quest (the quest becomes inactive for the rest). But the loot going to the quest giver, and quest taker can take only the reward! Now... The bankers will unable to deposit somewhere their gold (somewhere safe at least), they can give it only to other bankers, thus making perfect targets for head hunting. But a "clever" and "strong" banker will be able to win much more gold in such way, than losing it...

And another "rule" I would like to add about the bankers: The max loan should be the min deposit. So we will never see only loaners.