Author Topic: Master Carved Items / Relic Items  (Read 4010 times)

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Offline Cuorion

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Master Carved Items / Relic Items
« on: March 18, 2012, 09:02:19 PM »
Ok, this is a wild one.

Let's say we got a player (A) that invests time and money to his professions (let's say Weaponsmith for future examples) to the point he manages to be able to craft pretty much anything (a.k.a. max Crafting Points on all tiers up to his own).
We also got another player (B) that invests nothing on his professions, and spends all his time on adventuring.

Both players can equip with the very same items, the only difference being that A spent more time (AP) while B spent more money (Gold/Diamonds).
So, in the long run, what's A's "reward" for being a better crafter than B? And what's B's "reward" for being a better adventurer than A?

The question above led me to the following idea. A new category of items (let's say "Black"), "unlocked" only to overzealous players of each activity.

Master Carved Items
Let's say a player has mastered all the crafting tiers up to his own tier, to the maximum possible level. Now every time he succeeds in crafting an epic item off a 1-time recipe of his tier, he has a chance to get a bound "Master Carved Recipe" of the same item type and tier of the crafted item. That recipe (also 1-time) would have base stats of better value than a 1-time epic recipe of the same tier, a fixed amount of random bonus stats (let's say 4, like an epic craft) and when crafted, will include the crafter's name on the produced item.
In our example, let's say player A is level 39 and has topped all crafting tiers up to tier 4. He decides to craft a Staff of the Adept (legendary 1-time recipe producing a staff). The craft lands epic, and he is lucky enough to get a "Recipe: Master Carved Double Edge Naginata" along with the item. He learns and crafts this recipe (no option for Blood Item) and gets a bound "Player A's Double Edge Naginata" staff, with epic-like bonus stats.

Relic Items
Let's say a player has farmed a multi-stage dungeon of his tier long enough that he has achieved 400 kills (at Hero->Stats) on every enemy that can spawn in that dungeon. Now every time he defeats the dungeon's boss, he has a low chance to get a bound "Relic Item". This Relic will have the same base stats of the Master Carved of the same tier and type, and will also have 4 bonus stats, like an epic. There would be one item type possible to drop by each multi-staged, so if the player wants to get a different one, they would have to go look elsewhere.
In our example, let's say player B is level 39 and has farmed the Buccaneers Den (The Barrier Province) enough to have 4 stars on both Cutthroat Pirates and Cutthroat Pirate - Archers. Now every time he kills the boss, he has a chance to drop a bound "Cutthroat Captain's Cuitlass", a Relic 1-handed sword with the same base stats as the "Master Carved Broad Sword" plus 4 bonus stats.
Now, since we may not have enough multi-stage dungeons to assign 1 on each item type, there could be a smal drops list on each one of them, according to their level and difficulty.

Now, I understand this is almost impossible to happen, since it includes new features created, but I feel I had to share it. :)
We are simple humans (except Cuorion he is AI cyborg under development  :D)  and humans some times do mistakes...

Offline TaniaR

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Re: Master Carved Items / Relic Items
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 10:23:56 PM »
 :o :o :o :o  Ooooo..... my....... god......this will be wonderful if will be come truth....Since version 2.0 of the game is not coming soon....... >:( >:( :( :(  .......As I understand..... ::)

Offline bender86

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Re: Master Carved Items / Relic Items
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 12:22:17 PM »
i like it :)