Author Topic: Equipping guards  (Read 3730 times)

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Offline Blind_Antelope

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Equipping guards
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:07:17 PM »
Character reporting bug is NoEyedDeer on realm 3.
I am a leader of a guild. We are currently advancing towards tier 4 and wish to take an outpost and eventually a castle in a tier 4 red zone. To this end we have started gathering a guard group and have them in a tier 4 province in our outpost there. When I attempt to equip the guards the equipment will not stay on them. I place the equipment as seen in the next picture

Then i move to the next guard to outfit them and this is what happens

The gear I put on the first guard is back in the stash and now I cannot move more gear to the stash to finish the equipping process. I have spent literally millions gathering equipment and guards and now they are useless if i cannot equip them.

The equipment matches the guards for level and type. I obviously have access to this as the leader of the guild. I have also 1 skill point in mercenary guard captain. What is wrong here? In less than 24 hours I will start losing the equipment I have bought because I have nowhere to store it and the 168 hours runs out in my cache. Help, quickly!
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Offline Crassus

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Re: Equipping guards
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 01:13:22 PM »
Just a temporary solution so you will not lose the items...
Visit other outposts remove access rights from all the players at local stash and place the equipment there!

As for the bug... Go at the location your guards are, refresh page with ctr+f5, try to equip the guard again! After each item refresh page... It's a bit buggy I know from experience but nothing hard to do!

If you continue to have issues post again and I will try to think another solution... :)

Offline Blind_Antelope

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Re: Equipping guards
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 01:22:44 PM »
Tried the refresh via F5, via reload current page on browser, via CTRL+F5 and all have the same effect, I even logged out via exit and logged back in. The pictures remain the same. The gear goes on and as soon as i come back it is back in the stash and not on the guard.
AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! This is so frustrating!
Sorry I know you are the messenger but i just had to scream.

Modify: By the way, our guild stash is full from the crafting weekend. This is the only other stash we have and only myself and one other has access. My house has 3 pages which are full of gear already and there is nowhere else to put equipment except on the guards it was bought for.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 01:27:17 PM by Blind_Antelope »
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Offline Crassus

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Re: Equipping guards
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2012, 01:56:14 PM »
Okay here then is a risky trick!
You will sell the items at auction!!!
And as soon as you post your item offer you will cancel it!!! This will put them again at the cache with the time refreshed!!!
But to avoid the market fee you will have to set the price low! for example 100 gold! And here is the risk! If someone is lucky and fast enough to spot it he could buy it!
But if not (what are really the chances if you did it fast...) you will have another 168 hours!

Also check if the equipment is bounded... I am not sure but sometimes guard items have "bound to      " and they don't have any name...

Offline Blind_Antelope

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Re: Equipping guards
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 01:57:25 PM »
I think I may have found the problem. I am sorry but it seems it is my fault and not a bug at all. The equipment required a strength the guard does not have. What confused me is that normally the equipment does not stay in place while you place other stuff and only disappear after you moved away. Usually when required strength exceeds actual strength the equipment immediately leaves the merc/hero.
I equipped guards with rings and then the equipment stuck to them!
Sorry again for the hassle. I will try to be more observant in the future. :-[
Two wrongs don't make a right, but 3 lefts do!