Character reporting bug is NoEyedDeer on realm 3.
I am a leader of a guild. We are currently advancing towards tier 4 and wish to take an outpost and eventually a castle in a tier 4 red zone. To this end we have started gathering a guard group and have them in a tier 4 province in our outpost there. When I attempt to equip the guards the equipment will not stay on them. I place the equipment as seen in the next picture

Then i move to the next guard to outfit them and this is what happens

The gear I put on the first guard is back in the stash and now I cannot move more gear to the stash to finish the equipping process. I have spent literally millions gathering equipment and guards and now they are useless if i cannot equip them.
The equipment matches the guards for level and type. I obviously have access to this as the leader of the guild. I have also 1 skill point in mercenary guard captain. What is wrong here? In less than 24 hours I will start losing the equipment I have bought because I have nowhere to store it and the 168 hours runs out in my cache. Help, quickly!