a guy whose been attacking my guildmates are playing king of the hill with a lvl 19 hero got three lvl 33 warrior mercs in tier 2,
both hero & mercs are all equiped with very good set/legendary/epic items..<.<
How's that even possible, a lvl 19 guy with lvl 33 mercs(tier 4) wtf?
if this is some horrible update thing,
then how the *holy word* are newer player supposed to be able to fight,
a fair 1vs1 against such an obvious update advantage/cheat?
It's simple, they can't -.-
Even if my lads bought diamonds and equiped themselves with legendary/epic items they still wouldn't stand a chance 1vs1 against this guy coz his mercs are all tier 4 -.-
This is one of the main reasons why new ppl quit/don't play this game,
because buying diamonds & equiping you hero+mercs with epic items etc doesn't help against older heros,
coz they got all these update advantages....*sigh*