Author Topic: Romanian admin  (Read 5387 times)

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Offline CEAX

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Romanian admin
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:41:12 PM »
Do not give any answer. I choose CHEAR unsatisfactory answer, I do not care. Always there is someone after every bug mass or unannounced maintenance that comes with pretenzii that has more losses and wants redemption. Redemption will not be, nor am going to report, is only your fault! was the answer to my question admin.                            I had asked :You can talk to give us back everything I lost (the wallet), yesterday morning FROM 00.00 TILL TODAY, YOUR GIFT WILL NOT DO SO WHY WE SHOULD NOT BE RECOVERED WHEN YOU CAN fault I lost 200 YOUR MILLIONS AND VALUE ... We all know that it can recover ... thank you.......        an appropriate response even seeing that admins should help us understand and explain where they ...
     I'm ceax Level 6 Ream 3,My alliance is"TREP"    I thank you for your attention

Offline robiolastex

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Re: Romanian admin
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2012, 03:24:34 PM »
I haven't understood well your message and I think you've used the translator.. By the way the Romanian Community Manager is Zeita, but she hasn't been active in last months. The moderator is TaniaR and she will answer all your questions in the Romanian Forum.
Concerning the sudden maintenance, there's already a dedicated topic where I've already answered question that are similar to yours.

Offline CEAX

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Re: Romanian admin
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2012, 03:48:07 PM »
I help admin asking them about the game stopped 30 hours and missing items from his bag because of it, and he responded in that way ... or he was asked to help us to answer bad times

Offline TaniaR

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Re: Romanian admin
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 11:21:51 PM »
The problem is:.... CEAX ask for help: that want redemption for his losses from his cache in this 2 days of maintenance ....... and he ask 200 mln. gold for this...... and he know that this is possible....... The answer was: .....I will not give you any answer, all the time after one mass bug or after unannounced maintenance it is someone who claim redemption from the game. Redemption will not be, this is your fault!!!

Offline robiolastex

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Re: Romanian admin
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 11:40:19 AM »
There's another problem: players that want to report or ask something, they have to do that in the forum of their mother tongue, otherwise, if they use the translator to say it in english, nobody will understand, and we moderators can't answer properly.

Offline CEAX

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Re: Romanian admin
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2012, 08:14:20 PM »
OK, BUT WHEN YOUR ADMIN tells me it's my fault that the game was stopped 30 hours and therefore forfeit EU AND HE SAYS THINGS IN YOUR wallet is my fault and no not want to I respond, with whom we speak?

Offline Crassus

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Re: Romanian admin
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2012, 11:03:16 AM »
In order to stop all these about the maintenance issues...

According to the game developers the game "clock" had been put on hold! That means that all crafting/digging/travelling and other time arranged actions put on hold. (Castle battles and rents or cache count down as well).
Now if you claim that you lost your items because you hold them at cache... and you want 200 million gold for them ?!?!?!
Then you should do the following, contact directly support. Moderators are here to provide help and keep the order. We are not working for the company, we are players like you. But we know more about game mechanics and we are able to directly contact company's employees.

In order to provide you help...
Make a list of items that you are able to remember you had at cache. If you remember cost (if you bought it) or any attribute bonuses or type (epic, set etc.) would be good...
Avoid to say "I had a legendary bow that I could sell it for 12 millions so I would like 12 millions" that is unjustified claim and there will be no refund at that level!
To contact support you will have to send e-mail... So account name and realm are needed.

As for the companies "duties"... I believe they can "refund" you since it costs nothing to them. But they have to be sure that it is not your fault the items' loss... and they should know their worth...
Because if they start refunding everyone there will be a lot of scum trying to take advantage of the situation.

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Re: Romanian admin
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2012, 08:41:42 PM »
I think all this is "bull***". C'mon guys, everyone could tell he has epic items and set items, everyone has such items on cache but I see only 1 player crying for it... I don't remember if I had and maybe I had some but not it is gone, and I'm sure if someone has a valuable items he don't keep them in cache but moves them to bag or house(in case if he forget), and surely if he want to sell them and the item isn't selled then he puts it again to auction. 2 days is not a nightmare, if it was 6 days then ok but guys be serious... Everyone can say he has something, a item from set, if I had a items from set and it had 4 bonuses and I said I buy it for 40 diamonds from castle time ago, would you return those 40 diamonds? :D in that way everyone can try to make a profit from a server bug. Btw this 200 mil made me laugh a lot ;)

Offline TaniaR

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Re: Romanian admin
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2012, 11:32:28 PM »
I think all this is "bull***". C'mon guys, everyone could tell he has epic items and set items, everyone has such items on cache but I see only 1 player crying for it... I don't remember if I had and maybe I had some but not it is gone, and I'm sure if someone has a valuable items he don't keep them in cache but moves them to bag or house(in case if he forget), and surely if he want to sell them and the item isn't selled then he puts it again to auction. 2 days is not a nightmare, if it was 6 days then ok but guys be serious... Everyone can say he has something, a item from set, if I had a items from set and it had 4 bonuses and I said I buy it for 40 diamonds from castle time ago, would you return those 40 diamonds? :D in that way everyone can try to make a profit from a server bug. Btw this 200 mil made me laugh a lot ;)

You just wrote my thoughts about this.......  *bravo* *bravo*