Author Topic: imperia of moderators  (Read 7382 times)

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Offline mafyotul

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imperia of moderators
« on: December 31, 2012, 02:57:01 AM »
i have a question why all moderators and other ..... have salary of 1... diamonds and play in the game ??????????? its not right this thing ...normally the operators ,admins .etc  must bee neutrals not having 100 big alliances and be big bosses in the game and other players put money in the game and bee a small player because what u do they are first  ....if this thing will not stop i already give some messages to other players for this thing if they are moderator they must bee neuters  

Offline stealth

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 12:50:06 PM »
I agree with mafyotul.
There are some mod. here, that help their guild with dark strategy.
For example, a mod. ask at programmers for check the Ip of some players, so they see who can be a spy into their guild.
So some guild have extra help, other ones have nothing. Everybody here, well know which are the guild that use a global mod. for have extra help in this realm.
What a pity, so nice game, go down...( :'(

Offline Dark

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2012, 01:11:55 PM »
Yes they earn diamonds but they earn them by their work ... if you have some problem you report it on forum and wait an answer (they have to follow and report the issues that you have problems with) and you do not care about anything, you just wait for answer. Who knows maybe one day one of you will be a CM or GM in their national forum. And guys no one is forcing you to buy diamonds :) if you buy them you do it because you are able to do so. If you have not money you do not buy them or you are making some profit and buy in-game diamonds from auction. If some from the moderator is breaking the rules in Realm 2 and you have proofs then write a PM in forum to some Moderator that not plays in R2 (Crassus I think plays only in R3)

Offline mafyotul

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2012, 01:31:14 PM »
i don't have a problem with that but if they are moderator they must bee neutrals not they can bee players but not in guilds or they must do one guild just for them and that guild too bee neutral , but its a problem here because some of them have 2-3 or more heroes and it will be fine like all their pg to go in that guild ,because they can be with primary pg in that guild and the rest of pg in others guild and nothing will matter
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 01:33:37 PM by mafyotul »

Offline mix2mix

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2012, 11:26:48 PM »
mafyotul cry for every thing. Why rain drop in china, why rain didn't drop in africa etc. ....., mafyotul is regulary crybaby for every thing, what she don't like  (chuckle)

last post started by mafyotul can be seen here:


Offline mafyotul

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2013, 12:19:45 PM »
do-sent matter ..... i say what its truth so shut up little baby because if u was just a normal player u will have the same opinion so shut  up because people  like you make imperial hero stink a little moderator if u want i gen bring a few fellows of mine to post on this post with the same opinion because Moderators don't let players to play so if u wanna be moderator be neutral in the game or don,t get diamonds for what u do on forum ....and search ip for the spy's in acpx ,zelots, etc  ,in ALL ONLINE GAMES MODERATOR ,ADMINS ARE NEUTRALS PLAYERS , why imperial hero do not have the same thing ???????  tel me the reason ???? because u are a moderator with 10000 reset accounts and also have the lead of 2-3 top guilds ?????that its the point my child because u are a child for my age.I will wait some one higher then you or robio ....... its must bee rules for those like u u understand that or u are crying not me i just make a point  ... u can do what u want but let the players to play and sit still ... all of you if u wanna play become a normal player if u wanna be a moderator just sit tight ;)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 12:50:14 PM by mafyotul »

Offline mix2mix

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2013, 03:56:20 PM »
mafyotul, you maybe have age, but you act like little child. Your envy because of that, what you don't know how to make respectable hero in game is just ridiculous. And bdw. moderators have no influence in any aspect of IH game. Just admins and programmers can do that. So, like I said it before, don't be crybaby for every thing.  ;)

Offline mafyotul

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2013, 05:11:46 PM »
then take all your pg and others staff members and make your alliance and in this way will be a fair game ;) for all of us . i play lot of online games and in all the staff members are observers not involving in the game supporting one  player or guild
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 05:16:03 PM by mafyotul »

Offline Crassus

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2013, 08:51:55 PM »
Since I was away during the past 2-3 days and the topic has move on I will use the quote-reply style...

Let's begin!
i have a question why all moderators and other ..... have salary of 1... diamonds and play in the game ??????????? its not right this thing ...normally the operators ,admins .etc  must bee neutrals not having 100 big alliances and be big bosses in the game and other players put money in the game and bee a small player because what u do they are first  ....if this thing will not stop i already give some messages to other players for this thing if they are moderator they must bee neuters 

Well what to say?!! First of all lets explain once more some things.
Moderators and translators receive a bonus (not salary) in diamonds. That bonus may be up to 600 diamonds per month for Moderators and up to 800 per month for translators (according how much they have translated).
Other titles the forum accounts have are Community Managers and those are employees of IO and receive salary (in real life money).
And there are the Trusted Members, those doesn't receive anything!
Also there are the people who reply the "ask for help" section with up to 50 diamonds reward per month. But the amount of those diamonds may differ due to lack of questions or other people replied first. Any additional information about each category can been found at forum or ask at a topic about it and we reply.

CMs are not playing the game. There are some test accounts (who are those accounts is secret) that are used from CMs to test the game but they are not playing. After the Beta ended at least.
Why Moderators and the others have to play? Well to know what to reply!!! Can you reply for something that you don't play? Can I ask you for a rule/bug of a game that you don't play and you will be able to reply? Are you serious?
Anyway back to order...
Mods and Trusted Members MUST be players. That way they know and care about the game. In fact I have 1 abandoned account are realm 2 "Crassus" who belongs to a minor guild "peacemakers". Also I have one active account Crassus_M at realm 3 and around 4 or 5 of other accounts with several classes and professions just to test and experience the game from every possible way I can in order to be able to reply to your questions... I believe same applies to other moderators.

Now you are saying about the ethics of a moderator... well I am speaking from personal experience!
When help is requested a moderator is obligated to provide what ever he/she can.
The level of his account aggressiveness or to what guild he/she will belong is up to him/her!
Again the reason? If a mod hasn't loot then don't know/experienced the looting mechanics, if a mod hasn't been to a castle owning guild then he doesn't know anything about castles etc.

You shouldn't think that forum moderator's account and gamer's account are the same! No! At forum we are moderators at game we are one of you! What gives you the right for you to loot me but I shouldn't?? If it was such then we should had an "Avatar" status ingame and none could touch us and we could do anything... But our game accounts are not treated as special!

If a player mod or not dominate a region/realm then it's up to his "skill" & time he is able to spend!
This extends to diamond spending but I will reply for that to the other topic.

That's all for that.... moving on...

There are some mod. here, that help their guild with dark strategy.
For example, a mod. ask at programmers for check the Ip of some players, so they see who can be a spy into their guild.

Really? Did someone asked programmers to do an IP check?
1) Who was this mod?
2) How do you know? (Because I am learning about that first time!)
3) Did the programmers gave such information?

3)* if they shared such information then the programmer or CM who did something like that has the problem not the mod (at least not only)... 

@Dark well said! If they don't trust the mods right directly pm to CM accounts here at forum....

do-sent matter ..... i say what its truth so shut up little baby because if u was just a normal player u will have the same opinion so shut  up because people  like you make imperial hero stink a little moderator if u want i gen bring a few fellows of mine to post on this post with the same opinion because Moderators don't let players to play so if u wanna be moderator be neutral in the game or don,t get diamonds for what u do on forum ....and search ip for the spy's in acpx ,zelots, etc  ,in ALL ONLINE GAMES MODERATOR ,ADMINS ARE NEUTRALS PLAYERS , why imperial hero do not have the same thing ???????  tel me the reason ???? because u are a moderator with 10000 reset accounts and also have the lead of 2-3 top guilds ?????that its the point my child because u are a child for my age.I will wait some one higher then you or robio ....... its must bee rules for those like u u understand that or u are crying not me i just make a point  ... u can do what u want but let the players to play and sit still ... all of you if u wanna play become a normal player if u wanna be a moderator just sit tight ;)

Respect rules and other players... I could easily give you some hours ban for that but I will let you this time due to the day...
Also I believe I replied about the reason that you are asking so desperately... The resets are because he much older player than you! Did you ever consider that?
So to understand something... You are ok if I spend some money and buy 3000 diamonds per month but you are not ok if I earn 600?
Seriously? Either you have issues with players who are able to afford buy premium and pay for better items, either you have unjustified issue with us (moderators).

then take all your pg and others staff members and make your alliance and in this way will be a fair game ;) for all of us . i play lot of online games and in all the staff members are observers not involving in the game supporting one  player or guild

Well said... STAFF members are OBSERVERS... STAFF we are not staff dude! we are players!!!
Staff are the CMs!!! And they don't play!!!
As for the guild...
Even if we do something like that I can assure you that there are players who buy diamonds at bigger amounts than we have... So there will be guilds more powerful than us!!! I know players who bought 3000 diamonds with 600 diamonds bonus due to Xmass promotion... and that's just for a month...

Even if I was player I would say the same...

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2013, 11:52:08 AM »
Just to notice...
We have players in our guild witch buy 5000d or more each time.
And they are not mods or staff .
Danchello.DFA.Realm 2/ Dan_Juan. Sentinel. Realm3

Offline venom18

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2013, 05:35:53 PM »
Some time ago i talked with a moderator about spy'es and he said me about what stealth wrote. then i said stealth that. then i changed matter in the conversation with the mod and he said me he was joking but i forgot to say stealth that. i forgot to say stealth that because i went offline and i didn't say him that anymore. i was in a hurry and i went offline
 i'm sorry for the big misunderstanding.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 05:41:46 PM by venom18 »

Offline Crassus

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Re: imperia of moderators
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2013, 02:38:11 AM »
I waited for a day for a reply to this unholy topic, after venom's post.
Since there nothing I believe another smear campaign against certain forum members failed and I am locking the topic.

I will repeat some words for one more time...
Moderators, trusted members and translators must be players in order to know what's is going on.
They are bound from some ethics that other players don't. Some of them are following that "code" others don't. Those who don't they will find themselves striped from their rights as soon as they get caught.
Moderators only act at forum as advisers, middle men between you and the office and generally helpers. We are here to serve you not to dominate you. We deserve your respect as much as you deserve ours.
I am kindly asking from the people who took part at this topic next time that you want to accuse a moderator/staff for something name him/her. It is really easy to say "I know that someone did something!" but when we ask his name or what was that something was or how you know it you go silent. So I will request from the office for a forum rule about that. "anyone who wants to accuse someone who holds rank of trusted member and above to name him and not his rank otherwise his post will be deleted and his account will be banned for some period" or something like that...

That's all I believe. Topic is locked.
And I believe I made clear that this is not an Imperia of Moderators but is an Imperia of a community and we have to learn to co-op and respect each individual.