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Realm 2 vs Realm 3
« on: January 03, 2013, 09:50:23 PM »
Hi guys, I would like to write my idea of the R2 vs R3 guilds. It would be nice to be able to compete in all particular tiers between guilds of different realms... Like for example Guild A want to compete with Guild B in tier 6 and there participate only tier 6 players and tier 6 guards and same in all tiers. This kind of challenges will not give any castle to any of the guilds but there can be a "icon" shown on the guild that they win a battle. It can show the strength of guilds and always a additional action for fun :)

Once a month guilds could be able to challenge and compete each other and in this particular time those guilds could not be attacked in sieges (1 day)

There could be a place(separated chat?) where we can sign up for some battles (the leaders of interested guilds could set the agreement for battle)

What you think about that? I think the idea is not bad but I think it could be hard to make such battles between 2 different realms... anyway please say your opinion

Offline Danchello

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Re: Realm 2 vs Realm 3
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2013, 12:29:25 AM »
He he, Then Signature need to fight with my guild in realm 2 lol   
Just kidding... *hihi*
We talk about this many times in bulgarian forum but I don't think admins will do it.
Danchello.DFA.Realm 2/ Dan_Juan. Sentinel. Realm3

Offline mix2mix

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Re: Realm 2 vs Realm 3
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2013, 01:30:46 AM »
Good idea, I'm all for something like that. Or to merge the world 2 and world 3, in one big battlefield. It would be the best :)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 01:32:32 AM by mix2mix »

Offline Crassus

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Re: Realm 2 vs Realm 3
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2013, 02:55:34 AM »
I like the Idea... I will propose a further extend of a such modification... but I will share the difficulties I see in order to help me solve them for a solid request to the team.

First with the extend.
Why not the place for new province to be a place where the two realm united! That provinces there will be common. A great story and quests at a point at universe that two different (yet similar worlds) united could be given (unfold).
Perhaps even powerful monsters, or dungeons that require co-op from players to beaten... and as always no man's land regions in order to have guilds from each realm to fight each other for the dominance over the province!

The difficulties...
1) The different number of active members at each realm...
2) The difference at market (price/item count).
3) Programming difficulties...
Those for now....

{Analysis of difficulties:
1) at each realm different people are active, thus one realm is more powerful than the other. A guild that dominates the weak realm may doesn't stand a chance against a medium guild at the other realm! That will lead to either the "weak" guild never accept any challenges either the one realm dominate the common region for ever (depending on the extend or not).
2) market... at the realms there is different prices or different offered amounts. That will lead to better opportunities for the guilds at one realm against the guilds of the other... Also in case of united realm regions then the market should be either disabled there either a new entirely independent market zone to be created for that region... And thus enabling players to "transfer" goods from one realm to the other... with interesting results...
3) Even if I am programming myself I am creating problem solving programs and not internet related... So I don't really know if programmers of IO are able to create the merge I am suggesting... Certainly a simple "tournament" or "challenging" system between realms will be easier...}

Offline robiolastex

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Re: Realm 2 vs Realm 3
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2013, 11:29:10 AM »
I completely agree that :)
We could do a kind of "world cup" such as IO one. With every realm that decides how many and which accounts will go to battle (naturally it will be the same amount for both realm). I don't agree about guilds, it's better with only 2 great guilds: "realm 2" and "realm 3". Another idea would be making an intersection of the two realm that will be composed by new provinces. (by the way the auctions will be different as well as the diamonds market and people from different realm wouldn't be able to exchange items, or gold (except from loots) or diamonds)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 11:32:49 AM by robiolastex »

Offline Crassus

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Re: Realm 2 vs Realm 3
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2013, 01:26:14 PM »
Another idea would be making an intersection of the two realm that will be composed by new provinces. (by the way the auctions will be different as well as the diamonds market and people from different realm wouldn't be able to exchange items, or gold (except from loots) or diamonds)

That's more or less what I said... As for the market, if they unite it after a month at most it will be stabilized... Or while you are at those "common" regions you could see only your realm's market... and no diamond transfers between players from different realms...
So a different "statistics" list is required that allows you to see who is at the common region (rift between realms) but doesn't allow you to send diamonds or gold. messages are allowed!
Sounds promising....

Offline Danchello

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Re: Realm 2 vs Realm 3
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2013, 06:34:05 PM »
I play in both realms and from realm 3 some chances to win have only Signature and Sentinel.
Maybe Crepusculo too.
All other guilds will loose believe me.
There is another problem.
What about players witch play in both realms?
In witch side they will  fight?  ???
Danchello.DFA.Realm 2/ Dan_Juan. Sentinel. Realm3

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Re: Realm 2 vs Realm 3
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2013, 07:14:12 PM »
I love the idea too, sound interesting, I am agree with all Crassus say and i think the same.
love the market idea( one more building for all the realms )

about players from both realms i dont see what is the problem to fight: guilds(realm 2/3/4) vs guild(realm2/3/4), lots of the battles will be only for fun and glory :)

but if IO team made one new little map or land with interesing places where all players can dig/fight/loot/sell/buy/// and there is buildings/OP for all T, then there will be real fight for example there is outpost t4: DFA realm2 will fight with Signature realm3 for this OP

from this OP u can buy/sell/heal like a little castle :), but u will have more income because realm2/3/4 players will play there, and with this guild fights and merge market ,the competition will be more fierce.

Of course IH is not so popular game than IO and thats why our priorities are on second place, and of that I know IO team work a lot under IO gameplay.

I am sure that we, all here in this forum will get one good plan of realm2/3/4 ''merge'' and will deliver it to the IH team :)

Edit reason: I corrected my name...
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 08:35:45 PM by Crassus »

Offline Crassus

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Re: Realm 2 vs Realm 3
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2013, 08:39:46 PM »
Of course IH is not so popular game than IO and thats why our priorities are on second place, and of that I know IO team work a lot under IO gameplay.

I believe ot should be "their priorities"... Anyway that state is correct! We have promised a year ago that the work on IH v2.0 has started but we haven't seen anything yet. But that is good because they will be able to apply our suggestions to new version.