it is disrespectful to all of us ... how people can creat a game and give no support to players
Ups and downs...
What I mean with that?
Each thing at life has its ups and downs. What rises it is doomed to fall... Nothing last forever.
Lets take a look at history.
2004 I learned about Imperia Online from a google adv. I try it and played it for some time.
Later I abandon it and around 2009 for some reason I returned to the game. It was around the IH game's release.
I saw that the company had created other games too.(Galactic Imperia, Global Wars)
During that time the games were popular and populated...
After a year or two the troubles appeared...
First of all a lot of people left IO games for other... (Ikariam & Tribal Wars are the most common at least at my country).
One of the company's games discontinued but they didn't even bothered to remove the links... So you can find out the game's name by trying to see the other games from the drop down menu with available games at any of the IO's games.
Also I know some people from the original IH team now are not belong to the company's manpower... Same with several international moderators (Chegewara, Geomaticus and others...)
So you should ask me "what now?", "what will happen?"
Well the answer is this:
Imperia Online has the first priority at the company's list. Then second comes the Imperial Hero.
This means that with slow but steady steps the issues at IH will be solved...
Sadly I don't know the fixing rates, but I know that tournaments and hacking attacks at IO taking programming time from IH bug fixing.
As you can see at IO's page the company tries to fix this time/manpower issue by hiring additional manpower.
Also for some weird reason their boss decided to work on several projects such as the IO and android app. Another app for Iphones that is like facebook for pets... (a lot of asian pets there...

) And at the same time to announce the IHv2 that so far have failed to deliver...
All the information above is not something that only a moderator know, is a simple information gathering that someone can do from the forums and the next official IO's links: I believe happen? Company rested and believed that their glory will last forever without a real effort. After all for 5-6 years the same game was pretty good and popular... Also I noticed that they had stopped the google adv campaign... And other minor or serious mistakes. Today the company is trying to recover from its wounds. The recovering process is slow because there are a lot of "holes" to "heal". That's why the new version and new gameplay for IO, same for IH (when applied...) and attempt to become up to date and answer to the "new" trend with smartphones and tablets.
I believe that I explained more than enough. I will lock this topic now, I will reopen it once I have more news about the hiring mercs bug...
If you want to talk about my reply open a topic at the proper section. Thank you.