Author Topic: Imperial Hero 2.0 Reloaded!  (Read 12093 times)

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Offline Xaoc

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Imperial Hero 2.0 Reloaded!
« on: August 18, 2014, 11:15:48 AM »
Greetings, faithful Imperial Heroes!

I know it sounds almost like a joke (Duke Nukem Forever, for example), especially since I saw when was the last news post in this section, but... The time has come!

I am happy to announce that the work on Imperial hero 2.0 has begun! (for real this time :)) I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your devotion, despite the lengthily lack of development – all of you, who continued to play and kept The Hero alive. All of those mails, support, feedback, etc. you have sent to us was taken into account, when we decided to revive this huge and complex project. The most important thing for us was the fact that for 5 years, Imperial Hero continued to entertain thousands of people all over the world.

When we stopped the development of Imperial Hero 2.0 we were less than 30 people and supporting two huge games like Imperia Online the Imperial Hero (plus Global Wars and Galactic Empire – two more projects of grand complexity) was nearly impossible on the level we thought was necessary, considering the quality of service we strive to archive. The last 3 years we spent growing the company, so we can support more games at the same time on the desired level of quality.

Today I can happily tell you that with a team of more than 180 people we can restart the project, loved by so many people (including a large group of fans inside the company itself ;)) and we can make it the way we have always dreamed to be. Imperial Hero will go through a complete re-coding, stepping onto the proven mechanics of the existing game, making changes in the balance, which we started in version 1.0 and, at the same time – removing misplaced and, honestly, bad modules.

Much time has passed since the last version deployment, therefore a complete re-coding is necessary. That means that Hero 2.0 will not be an expansion, but completely new franchise, with updated architecture, vision, balance and, of course, many new options and features we didn't manage to put into the previous game (Parties, for example). After that, we will start to gradually expand the game in a fast pace (now we have a lot more resources at our disposal).
Heroes from the previous version will not be compatible with the new one, but we will do our best to preserve their names (so a rookie cannot steal the veteran's nickname).

At the moment I cannot reveal any more details about the upcoming changes, because it the next few weeks the final concept will be shaped about the first version of Imperial Hero 2.0, therefore:

I would like to ask all the devoted fans to share in the newly opened forum section what do they like in the current game version, what they don't like, what would they want to see changed, improved, removed in the new version. I guarantee that many of your recommendations will be taken into account in the process of developing the new game.

Again – thank you for your support. Without you we would not be able to secure the massive amount of resources, necessary for resurrecting the project!


Dobroslav Dimitrov (Xaoc)

P.S. I don't have a final release date for the new version yet, but we will try to launch a working one in January 2015. Worst case scenario – we will be able to play in February! :)

P.P.S. No, we will not stop the old version – we will transform it into a “classic” realm – for all those, who don't want to migrate to the new game.

P.P.P.S. I just saw the exact date of the last post on the subject... I cannot stop myself not to make a comment... Exactly 3 years ago... A pretty strange coincidence :)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 11:17:46 AM by Xaoc »