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Offline isolde

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
« on: August 10, 2009, 09:43:22 AM »
Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. They are grouped by category for easier access to the particular topic that you are interested in.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 08:31:57 PM by isolde »

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2009, 10:13:05 AM »

1. How can I reach the next level ?

In order to level up, the hero needs to gain the necessary amount of experience, which is displayed at the top in the yellow bar. Each battle that the hero fights helps gives him a certain number of experience points, which he can also gain from completing tasks at the tavern. When the hero fights a higher level enemy, the victory over him grants him even more experience.

2. Where do I get Action Points (AP) from?

For every hour that passes the hero receives 1 Action Point (AP). The AP can be used to send the hero on a mission to battle monsters as well as to gather resources or to craft items. Additional action points can be bought from menu Premium for diamonds, but the number of additional AP is limited to 24 per day. Action points can be obtained also as a reward after completing quests available in the tavern.

3. How can I find out which tier is my hero ?

The province, items and enemies which exist in the game are divided in the following Tiers :

              Level   1  -  9  - Tier 1
              Level  10 - 19  - Tier 2
              Level  20 - 29  - Tier 3
              Level  30 - 39  - Tier 4
              Level  40 - 49  - Tier 5

4. What is the purpose of attributes points ?

Upon reaching a certain level, the hero receives 5 attribute points which he can distribute in each of the 5 possible attributes - strength, vitality, agility, dexterity, intelligence. Every hero class has a bonus in 2 of the attributes - meaning that for each 1 attribute point invested in the particular attribute - he receives actually a 1.5 point increase in it. Warriors get a bonus to strength and vitality, archers take advantage of increased agility and dexterity and mystics master easier agility and intelligence.

5. When can I choose a specialization for my hero ?

After reaching level 15, the hero has to make a choice and specialize in one of two possible directions. This applies to every hero class and in each specialization are included different skills as well as use and mastery of different types of weapons. The choice of specialization also allows for distributing skill points towards the special skills - as every 1 skill point can be added either to the basic skills or to the special ones - but not to both at the same time.
6. I cant invest anymore skill points in a particular skill. Why?

The development of most skills is limited by the level of the hero - in each tier the hero is allowed to usually distributed 2 or 3 skill points to a particular special skill. In the case of the basic skills, the maximum of points can be put in each skill around level 15-20, depending on the hero class. Special skills sometimes have particular requirements for a certain number of skills points which need to be invested in the basic skills in order to open the possibility to develop the special one - for example the guardian stance in the warrior requires the hero to put 7 point in the defense position first before having access to the special skill.

Are some of the hero's parameters limited?

Yes, there is a limit. Every 10 points of dexterity grant 1% to the chance of delivering a critical strike. However, along with the basic ranger/mystic special skills (Inner concentration or Critical hit) and/or the bonus of weapon, the total probability cannot exceed 50%. However, there are two ghost stalker special skills- Ambush and Retaliation, which can increase that chance.
The chance of blocking an enemy strike is also limited to 50%.

How is the chance to block a strike or perform a critical hit calculated and how is that shown in the reports ?

The chance to block is calculated as the total summation of the block from all equipped items + all the bonuses from hero's skills. For example : you have equipped a short sword with 12 Block and a shield with 20 Block and you have the shield mastery skill, granting you additional 10%. The chance of blocking an attack therefore is a sum of all these: 12+20+10%*20=34. The enemy's strength decreases the chance to block - each 10 points to strength decrease that chance by 1 %.

The situation with critical hits is similar: the total is calculated by adding the bonus from the weapon's critical hit + any bonus received from skills + 1% for every 10 points of dexterity you have. The sum of these cannot exceed 50%, but there are some special skills, which can add even more to the probability (such as Ambush and Retaliate). For example if you have 13 % critical hit from weapon + 20% from skill + 215 dexterity, the sum of all is 54 %, therefore the chance is reduced automatically to 50 %.

Each round in the battle a dice is thrown, giving a number between 1 and 100. If this number is below the "event's probability", the event will happen. For example, if you have a chance of 34% for delivering a critical strike, these are the two possibilities when the dice is thrown :
1. Any number between 1 and 34 / 34  meaning that you will deliver a critical hit shown in the report with the message :  A critical hit is performed!
2. Any number between 35 and 100 / 34
    Here you do not perform a critical strike and this message will not be shown in an actual battle report.

This also applies for the chance to block, curses, evading strikes or performing other special "events"  (like stunning an opponent), all of which depend on chance or the number which the dice rolls.

9. Why after investing attribute points in Vitality or Intelligence my current health/spirit did not increase as well?

Investing points in these parameters simply increases the maximum capacity of health points or spirit points which you can have and the rate at which they are accumulated. However, distributing more points to those attributes will not automatically restore the HP/SP to their new higher values and you will have to wait for your hero to regenerate them or use some food/spirit potions to achieve this effect.

10. How to hire and dismiss mercenary?

To hire mercenary, you must go to tavern -> click tab Mercenary -> choose mercenary -> click Hire.
You can get additional info about each mercenary by holding mouse on their image. You will see their life, spirit, attributes and skills.
To dismiss mercenary, go to menu Hero, tab Hero -> find icon of your mercenary under small picture of green man positioned right from your cloak -> you can dismiss mercenary by clicking button located in place where your hero have tool
In same menu you can equip your mercenary by dragging equipment to his slots the same way you equip your hero.

How to travel to another city?

You can travel to another city by clicking on the green arrow (image). The time required to arrive is 10 minutes for normal users, 5 minutes for premium users (link), immediate if the Traveler's order is active (link). If the arrow is red, it means you have to reach a certain level in order to have access to that city.

12. How to heal a mercenary?

In order to heal a mercenary, you have to go to Healers building. You can find it in different cities, but to heal a mercenary of a certain Tier, you need Healers of the same Tier.
E.g. You have a Tier 2 mercenary: you need to find a Tier 2 Healers in order to restore his health. 
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 11:52:54 AM by Judith »

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 05:49:06 PM »
Professions and gathering resources

1. Why can I not gather resources (wood, ore and so on) ?

Resources can be gather only by a hero, who has already chosen his respective profession. Every hero can gather and process resources only from one particular type depending on his profession - e.g. a miner can dig and smelt ores into ingots but he cant gather wood.

2. How can I choose a profession?

The hero can choose a profession only after he has reached level 5. For that purpose, he needs to visit Imperial City and enter the Imperial Crafting Guild, where he will be given an explanation of the available professions. He can choose any main profession, which will allow him to craft items and a secondary profession which lets him to collect resources and to process them.

3. Can I ever change my profession to another one if I want to?

Yes, the profession can be changed at any time by clicking on the Reset button in menu Crafting. The change to another profession, however, means that the hero will lose all of the crafting points (CP) he has accumulated in his current profession until now and he will forget all the recipes he has already learned. To choose a different profession, the hero must visit again the Crafting Guild in Imperial City.

4. What is the best place that I can gather a particular resource ?

The probability to succeed in gathering a resource is different, depending on the place where you decide to go and gather it. The chance to find resources varies from Certain to Rare and can be see when you click on each battle zone - naturally it is best to send your hero to gather in places where the chance is for Certain or at least Most Probably. Most Probably, More Probably, etc are used as a guide to the players and indicate a range of % chance to find resources, but the chance at each place is different and the best place can be found only through trial and error.

5. Where can I gather precious gems in the Tier 1 provinces ?

The stonecutter can gather precious gems only after he reaches level 10, in the Tier 2 provinces of Haroda, Farolin and Sonoria. Before that, precious gems can only be obtained as drop items from fighting monsters or by trading with other players in the Auction.

6. Where can I get gold from?

The hero can win gold from each battle with enemies and as a reward from completing quests, from selling items in the shops as well as by offering items on the Auction for other players to buy. After he chooses a profession, he can also work in the tavern for a certain wage, as the gold he receives for each hour of work increases with each level of experience. If the hero is a Premium member, he can cancel working at any point of time and still receive the gold he has earned up to this moment.

7. Can I take one of the special tasks in the tavern ?

The special tasks in the tavern have a specific purpose to encourage such heroes, who have developed their crafting. You can take the special tasks even if you have just 1 crafting point in a certain tier of your main or supporting profession - then, in case the system generates a ticket which matches your profession - it becomes active. The more experienced crafters have the chance to receive better payment, because the base payment is multiplied by a certain coefficient of crafting proficiency and can cause the formation of a higher hourly wage.

8. I have the right profession, when i choose location i see i can gather resources, but when i arrive to location, i cant gather them. Why?

Number of resources on each location except Hope Village is limited. When they are exhausted, you cant gather them anymore until next resources refresh. Resources refresh happens every 24-48 h, randomly chosen. Locations with best gathering chances usually get exhausted first.

9.  I can not complete the quest I have already taken, although I have gathered the necessary resources (or crafted the required items). Why ?

A good first step would be to check your Quest Book and see what is the progression of the task - the mission progress must be counted as completed - the resources must be gathered or the enemies killed from the specific place, which is mentioned in the quest description.  If the quest progress is shown as completed, then check if the required resources or crafted items are still in the hero's inventory - they must be taken before the reward can be collected. Therefore, if you are missing any items necessary to complete the quest, just leave in the hero's bags.

10.  Why am I no longer offered quests at the tavern ?

After the hero reaches a higher Tier, he no longer receives opportunities to take quests in the taverns, which are situated in provinces of lower Tier. The hero has the chance to complete the last quest he has accepted and after that he must seek his fortune (and new quests) in the provinces of higher Tier.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 12:00:12 PM by Judith »

Offline isolde

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Re: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2009, 08:31:00 PM »

1. How can I craft items ?

To craft items you need to make sure you have completed all of the following points first :

1. Choice of profession - that naturally determines exactly what kind of items you are able to craft. 

2. Availability of recipes - the hero receives all Tier 1 recipes automatically, but for the following crafting tiers he must buy recipes and learn them in order to craft a certain item.

3. Availability of resources - after clicking on a particular recipe, it shows what are the resources needed for making that items and how many of each does the hero currently have in his inventory. If the hero is lacking some resource - the crafting of the item is impossible.

4. Availability of action points - crafting 1 item requires as well 1 action point (AP) if the player is a Premium member. 

2. How can I get crafting points?

Crafting points are obtained for each successful crafting of an item, as each item brings a certain number of crafting points (CP) depending on its type. After reaching 100 crafting points in a particular Tier, the hero unlocks the next crafting tier and after learning some recipes, he has the possibility to craft items in it as well. 

3. I have 100 crafting point in tier 1 but I can still not craft tier 2 items. Why ?

The hero automatically receives all recipes necessary for crafting items in Tier 1. In order to craft in Tier 2, he must buy the recipes needed to craft the desired item or he can also acquire them from the Auction or as a drop item in battling monsters. After the hero "engulfs" a particular recipe for his profession, he can craft the item which he has learned to make.

4.  When will I be able to craft rare items ?

In the beginning, crafting every item gives a certain number of crafting points and the hero can craft only normal items without any additional bonuses. After reaching 200 crafting points (CP), he has the chance to make a "rare item" - an item with 1 modifier or bonus to a particular attribute (for example, +4 dexterity). After successfully crafting a rare item, the system determines based on random principle what bonus it will have and how big the bonus will be. If the crafted item already has a bonus (from a recipe with a precious gem for example), then when a rare item is crafted the bonus has a chance to stack on top of the already existing one.

5. I have reached 200 crafting points and the crafting of items does not give me any more CP. Why ?

After reaching 200 crafting points, only the crafting of rare items (those which possess a bonus) grants additional crafting points. After reaching 300 crafting points in a particular profession - only the crafted legendary items (those which have 2 modifiers) give CP. After reaching 400 points, the crafter can make epic items (only after tier 2) and crafting items with any kind of bonus stops giving crafting points.

6.  What is the maximum of crafting points in each category and what is the range of bonuses which can be obtained ?

The maximum of crafting points, which can be achieved in tier 1 is 300 and in it only rare items can be crafted.  The bonuses for weapons, armors and shields vary from 1-4, and for all other items from 1-2.

The maximum of crafting points, which can be reached in tier 2 is 400 and it it only rare and legendary items can be crafted. The bonuses for weapons, armors and shields are in the range 4-8 and for the rest of the items from 2-4.

The maximum of crafting points in tier 3 is 400 and this applies also to consecutive tiers as well. Here there is a possibility to craft rare, legendary and epic items. The bonuses vary from 6-12 for items such as weapons, armors and shields, and for items from 3-6. The same principle applies to next tiers, as as the bonuses there increase proportionally.

Due to recent changes, the value of certain bonuses has been increased (for example vitality bonuses for all items are increased).

7. What can I use a crafting tool for?

Crafting tools can be equipped by the hero and grant him an additional chance to craft rare items, but only after he has reached 200 crafting points in the respective tier. For each profession  exists a specific tool and he adds the bonus to the already existing chance to craft a rare item. A crafting tool in a particular tier (for example in tier 2) can be equipped only by a hero, who has already reached that tier, i.e. he his higher than level 10. However, the crafting tool gives the same bonuses while crafting items of lower tiers as well (for example tier 1).

8. Which is the correct crafting tool I should equip for my profession ?

                        The correct crafting tools for each profession are :





Use only the correct crafting tool for your profession in order to receive the bonus when crafting items.

9.  What is the purpose of the crafting time multiplier (CTM)? 

During the processing of resources, the time for crafting can be increased up to 8 times by using the crafting time multiplier, which increases the chance for getting critical (additional) quantities (2x, 3x, etc.). This applies only to the processing of hides and precious genes - no crafting time multiplier exists for the processing of wood and ores. Instead of the CTM, after reaching 100, 200, etc crafting points as a carpenter or miner, the quantity of wood and ores which the hero can gather by using 1 AP is increased. (for example, with 200 CP - the hero can mine 2-6 coal per 1 AP instead of 2-4 coal before).

10. I am trying to craft an armor which requires hides but although I have the resources, I cant do it. Why ?
Hides are resources, which can be obtained only if your profession is a tanner and you fight animals which give hides as a drop from the battle. Hides can not be used before they are crafted and only after they are processed into leather can they be used to make armors and all other items. Crafting recipes always require leather.

11.  How is the chance to craft a rare item calculated ?

The chance to craft a rare item in each tier is 4 %, to craft a legendary item - 2 % and epic item - 1 %. In addition to this base chance, the crafting tool also grants a certain % chance depending ot the tier. Using the time multiplier also gives an additional 3% chance to craft a rare item and activating the crafting order adds 10% to the ALREADY EXISTING CHANCE. 

Example of how to calculate the chance for crafting a rare item in tier 3 :

Rare item : 4 % base chance + 6% chance from crafting tool + 3% chance from the time multiplier = 13 % + 10% of 13 = 1.3% from the crafter's order = 14.3% max chance.
Therefore the chance to craft a legendary item is 7.15%, and epic item - 3.58 %.

12.  How do special "magical" tools work ?

Special "magical" tools look exactly like normal crafting tools, however they are colored in yellow and grant an additional 30% chance to craft a rare item no matter in which tier is the crafting tool. Such tools can be bought in the craft shop for recipes in each province and cost 25 diamonds. The tool has a durability of 50 times and grants the increased chance to craft a rare item only during that time, afterwards it disappears.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 12:00:48 PM by Judith »


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Re: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2010, 12:13:50 PM »

1. Based on what principle are the quests in the tavern generated ?

The quests in the tavern are generated based on a completely random principle every 12 hours if the player is a Premium member (if not, every 24 hours). Two quests are generated from which the hero must choose 1 and accept it, which automatically makes the other quest inactive. The quests can require from the hero to destroy a particular enemy, gather resources or craft a specific item. The systems determines the quests based on the hero's profession but not always taking into account his crafting Tier, so it is possible for the hero to receive a task which he can not complete. Different rewards are offered for completing the quests - variable amounts of gold, experience, action points (AP) as well as diamonds. Not all quests' purpose is to be profitable for the hero and whether they are is based on luck - the goal is for the hero to accept only quests which are worth it for him and bring him profit.

2. I can not complete the quest I have already taken, although I have gathered the necessary resources (or crafted the required items). Why ?

A good first step would be to check your Quest Book and see what is the progression of the task - the mission progress must be counted as completed - the resources must be gathered or the enemies killed from the specific place, which is mentioned in the quest description.  If the quest progress is shown as completed, then check if the required resources or crafted items are still in the hero's inventory - they must be taken before the reward can be collected. Therefore, if you are missing any items necessary to complete the quest, just leave in the hero's bags.

3. Why am I no longer offered quests at the tavern ?

After the hero reaches a higher Tier, he no longer receives opportunities to take quests in the taverns, which are situated in provinces of lower Tier. The hero has the chance to complete the last quest he has accepted and after that he must seek his fortune (and new quests) in the provinces of higher Tier.