please read this

the question is: what is good and not for me,i will tell my opinion only, you do this job better than me!
what i liked

i have 4 years here

so dont ask me because i like the game, but i can say something about the 'game politics' : the diamonds price is good, i guess who spend the time playing can handle that price and its way much better than other online games 'diamonds' prices , its possible to play for free almost at the same 'status' with the paying gamers, almost could be 'same status' if we have a lot of time to play and in my opinion is the best thing this game offer. i can explain why is the best thing, but i guess you did that possible with a reason .
to conclude all this i like the game and i think the game balance is good so i am not asking for free diamonds or better crafting chance ,this will help only my ego and will destroy the game definitely.
what i didnt liked: low capacity to fix things that are not right or bugs, and if what are you saying about 150 employees is true this will be no more a problem but ....we have a big problem with the new entries, if i am new how can i find this game

if i am not looking for this game exactly it's impossible. new entries is your problem and also actual players problem ,this thing is killing the game.
just remembered my story with the game and i am telling you if it was not my brother to tell me its a nice game go for it etc. then he quit but you know

)) i would just spend 5 mins to play, is the only online game that become better in everything during the progress or maybe i am in love and cant see:))), you can take this as compliment and it is, but if the start is so ugly and difficueld , difficueld talking about game balance(gold, diamonds,resources) i will not go throw and i will lose a good game. we need a better start , i dont know how you can improve that but you have to( my opinion).
to conclude :
1. improve the start
2.fix bugs
3.then start the advertising campaign
my opinion

btw fixing a bug represent much more than the problem the bug itself represent, this thing have to do with the credibility of the game.
i have not idea how the advertising works and cost, and of course i haven't any idea if it's possible and worthy with the 'game possible profit 'in the future .
if will be the same game but improved after the reload the things i said are my problems,otherwise i want to help but I really can't because i love this game about other games we, so me too have a lot of choices but my choise was IH.