For programmer's god sake, pls, do something for the damn market ... it's probably the single most important part of the game!
- it's a pain to sell anything when you have big quantities of items (go and try to find the legendary one between the 30 equal items in list which are even not it groups but all over the list)
- you've implemented extending the market offers and ruined the only reliable way of watching the market as the most current offers can't be easily seen any more (I won't say about the visualization displacement bug that's immediately brought to anyone's attention). if I were naughty, I would promise to create 10 dummy characters and put 10x20 dummy market offers and extend them for 1000 hours ...
- filtering by item never gives "stable" results (I can never see all ruby offers in one place but need to enumerate all the gems offers like mad ... simply because there are couple of system string for the ruby)
- filtering is so clumsy and unpredictable that it's a major pita (I won't mention that some item types are simply non-filterable due to their equal system names - go and find a 6% tool in all the offers; or that you have to scan all the offers to find the 10+ dexterity one)
- when you bid on an item it always position you in the beginning of page and you have to scroll and find where you have bid to continue with offers browsing (won't mention that next/prev are probably better to be away from the buttons, i.e. on the other side)
- you can't see the offers of a particular person
- you can't open a particular filter by item in a new window (using the context menu as the "pic" is a flash)
- you can't sort by anything else than duration and bid numbers (how about quantity, seller, item, price components, tier - last can be seen only after a mouse over, won't mention attribute components)
- put back the dreaded free text search box (it's not a rocket science - all similar games has successful partial implementations, we don't want all-in-one solution)
... etc, etc, etc (I doubt I'll open another topic on the market subject as that's my second one)
take care,
and don't take it personal, it's just that we damn missed to get a clear win over fulham
edit: pls, move it to the correct section (I've just realized it's in "Questions" - well, the question is "will we be happy marketeers some day? lol