Saturday-> For some weird reason, I said to my sister "Power up my lap top so it will be ready when I will come upstairs"... For some even weirder reason my sister obeyed...
Since each action has an equal and opposite reaction now my pc needs format...
Sunday from 6am until Monday's 3am (yes 23 hours straight) I was at an election center as Electoral Commission... I count more than 600 "papers" from zero to six votes each... (I asked and I couldn't replaced from an AI...)
Monday I woke up at 10am (yup 7 hours sleep) and I went for some x-ray images I am needing for the army...
Today, I managed to fix my lap top in way I didn't lost any data but I have to format it...
And the other Sunday I will be again Electoral Commission!!! I love my luck! (I really do!)