To shine some light on things, since I see a lot of confusion and misunderstandings mainly about the crafting part:
AP will not be split. A player chooses whether to fight or craft - cannot do both at the same time - basically you have the AP resource and you decide how to spend it. Crafting 1 item takes 1 AP. Everything in the game takes 1 AP. If you order 5 bronze bars in a row it is 5x1=5 AP spent. Higher level items do not require much more quantities of row materials but higher level materials, therefore the speed with which items are crafted will not get much longer. (unless it is something that requires a rare component and it takes awhile to find it, which of course would mean is more valuable and worth the effort)
It will be possible to dedicate longer time for crafting in order to increase the chance for better results (1 AP only will be taken still).
Item crafting professions will get chances to make better items at the following steps:
crafting points:
100 - opens up the higher Tier item crafting
200 - chance for Rare items (crafting points are given only when a Rare item is crafted)
300 - chance for Legendary items (crafting points are given only when a Legendary item is crafted)
400 - chance for Epic items
Later crafting of Set items will be added as well. (right now we only have Rare sets planned)
As you can see it will get progressively hard to master a Tier, but once achieved it will be worth it - there are very few places where Legendary and Epic items can be found. It will be virtually impossible to master all 5 Tiers... so players should choose one Tier and master it.
Being a crafter is a whole different game than leveling up, so it is a personal choice. (me personally enjoy seeing other people wearing my items rather than beat bosses and etc.., for example)
Gathering professions will increase the quantities of resources dug on a single mission (hence saving AP) -
100 - 2-5
200 - 2-6
300 - 2-7
400 - 2-8 (for ore, wood)
For Leather and Bone will increase the chance of getting it when you kill a monster. (also all players get the hides, so there should be an abundant supply on the Auction house)
The final version of the game will have a limit of the resources, so the forests where wood is 100% will run out of wood rather quickly (since everyone will be chopping there) and until the resource re-spawns players will have to go chop to places with lower % until it runs out there as well. (only the province of Hope village will not run out of resources since it is a Noob area and only Tier 1 resources are available)
The resources will be global, so all players will dig them out together - the more mining the faster resources will disappear, hence it will be handy to be a good miner since you will be able for the same amount of time to get more resources than the others. (this feature will appear very soon after the launch of the beta, or even sooner) Finding large quantities of deposits with high chance for digging will be handy. Deposits will re-spawn at different quantities, so sometimes there will be a lot of golden ore with 50% for finding and sometimes there will be very few..
About exchange of resources: The Auction house will allow it, unfortunately we are having some issues with it right now, so it is not necessary to be in a Guild to have access to different resources.
Items will be bound to the players (after they have been used in 1 battle, the items become bound to the player and his/hers mercs), which means they will exit the game and not return to the Auction house. This right now is not working - it will next week. There would be higher demand for newly crafted items since once you get yourself a better weapon, you cannot sell your old one to another player)
About the rings - most likely it is a bug, I will check all the jewelery items.
When the Premium is launched it will be possible to buy 24 extra AP once per day with diamonds... and since you can sell items for diamonds, good crafters that make good stuff would be able to sell them for diamonds to other players and use them to have more AP.. (or if they are good fighter go defeat multistage dungeons and hope for cool drops..)
A lot of the menus that we lock right now when you do stuff will be unlocked - we just need to sort out the places things can go wrong and will unlock them.
There will be messenger, Arenas that let you compete without losing your "real" health so you can do that while out of AP and many other things.
Quests will be important, not only for gold and experience, but also to be allowed in the Multistage dungeons (I guess you can call them "instances", since they serve comparable role), where the really interesting rewards are.
The current Jobs system will be changed - this is a substitute, until the real one is ready - it will depend on the skill of the profession you have chosen and jobs will vary from place to place - you may have to travel around to find the perfect job for your master armorer... unless someone beats you to it (yes, the job market will be global, so another player could "steal" the job before you see it).
Basically the content that we have prepared is quite massive with more being already planned for the next expansion of the game. (this is the beauty of persistent worlds, that don't need restarts - you can have ever expanding gameplay) We had to cut out a lot of stuff at the planning stage so we can launch the game in a reasonable time... however the ideas are not gone forever - they will be appearing on the next stages of development..