Seemlia Province:
"Quests Step 4/11
Story Line 4:
To Become a “Legend”
‘All right, my fierce friend, the way is clear. They weren’t even a match, admit it. Oh, you almost lost your right arm? You were ambushed? You don’t say! Well... details, my friend, details.’, Zigmar smiles innocently, as he passes you the reward.
‘There is an ancient rain forest, probably the oldest and the rainiest of the all. We call it “Ophidian Heaven”. Its greatness is its purity. This jungle is still untouched by a man’s hand. The biggest reptilians in the whole Ayarr Empire can be seen in this area. And, because of this fact, my friend, we can safely assume that our Giant Snake will be there. Yes, you are correct, the snake could be everywhere, but… trust me. I have a good feeling about those things. How am I so certain? Well... I suggest you don’t bother your mind with such questions. You, heroes, don’t usually strike me as deep thinkers, you know. Just stick to your fighting abilities and everything will be good. I must warn you, though. The snake is probably of a kind we have never encountered before. It is probably highly evolved and highly intelligent. It won’t just stand there, waiting for you spill its guts. Now… go there, find this… Hunter… and make us both rich and popular!’
Task: Kill the Giant Snake in Ophidian Heaven.
Gold : 2500
Experience : 2500
Pearl Gem
Quantity 5
Worth 800 g.
Quantity 5 :
Mission progress 0 of 1"
I completed the 9 steps of the dungeon killing the boss and other snakes, after i closed the last battle report my char appeared in the city (no chance for gathering hids if theygive them?) and when i cheked the taber the the game didnt recognize i killed the serpent.
This are difficult stages when you spend lots of food/spirit and pots, why there's no reward for it? nobody checked this storyline before implementing it?.....
Fix it please.