Author Topic: Tanner  (Read 6533 times)

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Offline Sahmihai

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« on: October 31, 2009, 10:15:44 AM »
I am lv. 10 tanner and I have only 50 crafting points. How can I gat more light hides? I went back to Hope Village Plains but after I killed an animal the button to get its skin didn't appear. Is there any way to get light hides, other than buying them?

Offline Jago

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Re: Tanner
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2009, 10:49:58 AM »
From what I have seen you get the possibility to skin the animals about 50% of the time.

The total numbers of hide you will gather killing animals will be about the same as before, but only for tanners.

Note that light hides (in my experience) have always been a problem as they are required for several tier 2 recipes.


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Re: Tanner
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2009, 01:12:45 PM »
I am lv. 10 tanner and I have only 50 crafting points. How can I gat more light hides? I went back to Hope Village Plains but after I killed an animal the button to get its skin didn't appear. Is there any way to get light hides, other than buying them?
you still can fight with animals in Hope Village and skinning them. you have lower chance with every level differences between you and animals for skinning but still you can do this

Offline Jago

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Re: Tanner
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2009, 02:03:58 PM »
you still can fight with animals in Hope Village and skinning them. you have lower chance with every level differences between you and animals for skinning but still you can do this

It don't seem a good idea unless you remove the light hides requirement for the tier 2 recipes.

19 tries/0 chances to skin hides is a horrible result.  (note that the highest level of animals in the hope region is 7-9).

You really think that there will be an abundance of light hides produced by tanners with level 5-9 operating in the Hope village?

The crafting part of the game should stay playable and enjoyable.


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Re: Tanner
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2009, 02:09:14 PM »
and where did you found this info? im tanner lvl 19 and i can skin animals tier 1. but chance is much lower than for hero equal animal. and for your information i have lot recipes tier 3 which required light leather

Offline Sahmihai

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Re: Tanner
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2009, 03:50:10 PM »
I think my problem is that I was using a dagger (Hunting Knife) . First I used a bow (Hunter's Bow) and I could skin all animals killed in Sonoria Domain, were I usually stay. Then I bought the dagger and I went to Hope village plains to get some light hides. I kiiled 10 or more animals but I couldn't skin them. I went back to Sonoria Domain and I killed an animal there. The button wasn't there. After that I tought that maybe the problem was with my weapon so I put on my bow. It worked. I am skinnig a boar right now.


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Re: Tanner
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2009, 03:54:50 PM »
its strange, and if its true then its a bug

Offline Jago

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Re: Tanner
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2009, 12:32:47 AM »
and where did you found this info? im tanner lvl 19 and i can skin animals tier 1. but chance is much lower than for hero equal animal. and for your information i have lot recipes tier 3 which required light leather

It was my result from the last tries in the hope region.
Level 17 character, 19 attempts 0 success (I should have used the term success in the previsious post, not chances  :-[).

That with the best location in the hope village, 2 animals level 7-9. Luck of the draw and all that, but the number of success is really low and honestly I don't want to waste AP trying to get 1-2 hides every 15-20 attempts.

Removing the capacity to gather hide from those that aren't tanners mean reducing the people gathering them to 1/4.

Having people above the level 9 (max level of a animal dropping light hides) penalized when trying to gather them man making the light hides a rare item.

Offline havoczilla

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Re: Tanner
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2009, 06:16:42 AM »
I will watch this thread with interest

I'm curently Lv10 T1 Tanner and I'm essentially restricted to Hope until I collect enough light hides to hit T2 and move to other areas.

Perhaps this could be addressed in future by

Completion of Tanners quests in Hope = elevation to T2?
Tanners could choose the weight of the 'skin they skin' based on the animal type/level?

Just a thought

Offline Oddr

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Re: Tanner
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2009, 09:59:48 PM »
I have a level 16 tanner, and I just fought 12 battles in a row in the den (Hope Village Plains) against 2 wolves each time, and received no light hides.

I would like to know one thing: Why is the drop chance reduced as you go up in level?

Other occupations aren't hindered in this way.  Carpenters and Miners can in fact dig for Tier 1 products in Tier 2 provinces, and often get the bonus of 2-5 per dig rather than 2-4.  So while it becomes impossible for higher level tanners, it becomes easier for higher level carpenters and miners.

I understand why you can't get light hides in tier 2 provinces, but reducing the hides captured on top of that is excessive.

Is there a good reason for this additional burden to be placed on tanners but not others?

I am thoroughly frustrated with this game.

Offline gunther

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Re: Tanner
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2009, 11:56:44 AM »
I understand why you can't get light hides in tier 2 provinces, but reducing the hides captured on top of that is excessive.

Is there a good reason for this additional burden to be placed on tanners but not others?

I am thoroughly frustrated with this game.

I totally second that. If this game aims to have a semi-realistic feel to it as it says on the homepage, why not make the game the way the introduction says so?
Another thought is when the hero becomes more experienced, they can gather more of the same ingredient with every attempt. This applies to every occupation EXCEPT the tanner.

As the tier of the province increases, it yields better ingredients. All occupations are the same.

Attempts to get ingredients cost the same amounts of AP. For wood and ore, the chances are determined by the location while its the type of animal and its level for hide.

All ingredients require processing. All occupations are the same.

Tanners have less chance of getting light hides as their level increases.
This goes for Miners and Carpenters as well as they have less chance of getting copper, coal, soft stone, oak as their level increases.

Isn't it more logical and realistic that as you get more experienced, getting lower level/difficulty ingredients become easier? and I have no idea why this penalty only applies for tanners. Funny thing is that many armor and even weapon requires leather despite it being currently the most unworthy profession.

Processing bars require more than one type of ingredient.
Processing wood require more than one type of ingredient.
Processing leather require more than one type of ingredient.

Carpenters get the same benefit as tanners here but they don't receive the same penalties.

Care to explain the programmers' logic and how this possibly could 'balance' the game?

Offline radooo

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Re: Tanner
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2009, 12:23:06 PM »
The quantity of ore and wood is that's a disadvantage for those professions :)

Offline deyana

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Re: Tanner
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2009, 12:18:10 PM »
The quantity of ore and wood of TIER 1 is NOT limited in Hope village.
Can be better to do all tier1 resources NOT limited without restriction :'(


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Re: Tanner
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2009, 01:41:09 PM »
All resources at Hope Village, are unlimited. But if tier 1 resources are unlimited every where it will be economical kill for some tier one players, some higher tier players do not harvest tier 1 resources and they buy them from market...(like coal)