Story Line 6
Infiltrate the Clergy
‘Excellent, the wolves are now out of the picture. My family is on their way to my cousin, so we can focus on the problem. How do we destroy the Dark Lord?’
Vilhelm points the empty seat beside the bar and gives you a tankard of mead.
‘The way I see it, we need to infiltrate the Clergy. If we have someone inside, we can gather the necessary information and reveal the true identity of those responsible. And, if that person gets tight with the Archbishop, he will prove me right. I’m almost certain that the Archbishop of the White Clergy is the Dark Lord himself! But we need to prove that! And we have an excellent opportunity. The Clergy is gathering conscripts as we speak; obviously they are in a hurry to recruit more soldiers, because of the heavy losses they suffered recently. I wonder who has caused those losses…’
Vilhelm blinks at you.
‘So, if they need men, they need equipment for these men as well. I have this order from the Clergy military office, which commands me to deliver some items “for the cause”. Who knows? If we do this right, we will make good impression?’
Vilhelm blinks at you again.
Task: Craft 5 from Leather Gloves .
Gold : 2400
Mission progress 0 of 5